ROTATIONAL SPECTRA OF UREA IN ITS GROUND AND FIRST EXCITED VIBRATIONAL STATES Jessica Thomas, Ivan Medvedev, Department of Physics, Wright State University Zbigniew Kisiel, ON2, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa Poland PREVIOUS RESEARCH Brown,R. D., Godfrey, P. D., and Stomey, J., The Microwave Spectrum of Urea. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 1975. 58, 445. Kretschmer, U., D. Consalvo, A. Knaack, W. Schade, W. Stahl and H. Dreizler. The 14N Quadrupole Hyperfine Structure in the Rotational Spectrum of Laser Vaporized Urea Observed by Molecular Beam Fourier Transform Microwave Spectroscopy, Molecular Physics. 1996. 1159-1168. S. Kassi, D. Petitprez, and G. Wlodarczak. Microwave Spectrum of Isotopic Species of Urea, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 2004. 228, 293-297. Inostroza, N. M.L. Senent. Large Amplitude Vibrations of Urea in Gas Phase, Chemical Physics Letters, 2012. 524, 25-31. H.-L. Kuo, et al. Jessica R. Thomas, Alyssa M. Fosnight, Ivan R. Medvedev. “Analysis of the Submillimeter Rotational Spectra of Urea” (Columbus Ohio, 2013) Remijan, A. J., Snyder, L.E, McGuire, B. A., et al Observational Results of a Multi-Telescope Campaign in Search of Interstellar Urea. The Astrophysical Journal 2014 March 10 IS UREA OUT THERE? •Urea has been found in samples of carbonaceous meteorites, such as the Murchison meteorite •Line frequencies believed to be that of urea have been observed in the hot molecular core of Sgr. B2 (N-LMH) using CARMA and IRAM. •Urea and several other species has detected in the spectra of NGC 7538 IRS9 protostellar ice using IR techniques H.-L. Kuo, et al. Tentative identification of urea and formamide in ISO-SWS infrared spectra of interstellar ices, (Raunier, et. all, 2004) UREA THE MOLECULE Molecular Formula CH4N2O Molar Mass 60.06 g/mol Density 1.32g/cm Melting point 133-135C Dipole moment 4.56 Debye Oblate asymmetric top with b-type transitions Image: SP2 SP2 SP2 Gas Inlet OUR SYSTEM Continuous Wave THz Spectrometer VDI Diode Multipliers Virginia Diodes Absorption Cell 2 m long by 4in wide (14 L) x24 Lock in IF detector IF Computer LO Sideband filter Stepping Synthesizer Sweeping Synthesizer • Pressure controls •Liquid helium controlled InSb bolometer Custom Built Microwave Synthesizer VDI Receiver Custom Built VDI Transmitter Microwave Synthesizer Absorption Cell: length - 2 m , volume - 14 L Absorption Cell PROCEDURES Gas Inlet Lock in Spfit programs IF detector IF Computer VDI Receiver x24 VDI Transmitter Absorption Cell: length - 2 m , volume - 14 L LO Sideband filter Stepping Synthesizer Sweeping Synthesizer Pickett, H.M., R.L. Poynter, E.A. Cohen, M.L. Delitsky, J.C. Pearson, and H.S.P. Muller, Submillimeter, Millimeter, and Microwave Spectral Line Catalog. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 1998. 60(5): p. 883-890. Igor Pro •CAAARS Medvedev, I.R., M. Winnewisser, B.P. Winnewisser, F.C. De Lucia, and E. Herbst, The use of CAAARS (Computer Aided Assignment of Asymmetric Rotor Spectra) in the analysis of rotational spectra. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2005. 742(1-3): p. 229-236. OUR SPECTRUM Decomposition reaction: NH2CONH2 + heat NH4+NCO- HNCO + NH3 THE STATES OF UREA DE= 50 cm-1 Ground State 1st Excited State 2nd Excited State 3rd Excited State M.Inostroza, M.L.Senent, Chem.Phys.Lett. 524, 25 (2012) GROUND STATE Parameter Current Value 1013 lines assigned with J numbers ranging from 11 to 65 A / MHz B / MHz C / MHz ΔJ / kHz ΔJK / kHz ΔK / kHz δJ / kHz δK / kHz fJ /Hz fJK /Hz fKJ /Hz fK /Hz Avg. / kHz rms /kHz Previous Value Multi-Telescope Campaign 11233.30401( 47) 11233.3161(87) 1233.3212(10) 10369.39589( 42) 10369.4074(88) 10369.3727(11) 5416.62848( 50) 5416.6392(86) 5416.6320(9) 10.77813( 59) 10.58(37) 5.5268(21) 21.03046(197) 20.982(53) −5.2788(85) 10.97866(160) 10.80(29) 10.961(11) 0.218632(250) .2208(43) 2.40056(79) 14.4951( 76) 14.6439(73) 3.9044(37) 0.015626(145) 0.118934(167) 0.265272(245) 0.161890(163) 3.029 47.957 FIRST VIBRATIONAL STATE 945 lines assigned with J numbers ranging from 10 to 63 Parameter Current Valuea A / MHz 11208.96619( 51) B / MHz 10361.07867( 47) C / MHz 5419.07180( 53) ΔJ / kHz 10.72516( 58) ΔJK / kHz 20.88655(197) ΔK / kHz 10.89549(197) δJ / kHz 0.168029(248) δK / kHz 14.5110(78) fJ /Hz 0.015520(151) fJK /Hz 0.114563(222) fKJ /Hz 0.26252( 32) fK /Hz 0.163275(202) Avg. / kHz 3.993 rms /kHz 47.625 NUMERICS Ground State Parameter A / MHz B / MHz C / MHz 2 Ia / amu A 2 Ib/ amu A 2 Ic/ amu A Ia+ Ib- Ic ҡ 11233.30401 10369.39589 5416.62848 45.00287712 48.75221328 93.32945796 0.425632439 0.702954681 Ground State 1st Excited State Previous Values 11233.3161 10369.4074 5416.6392 45.00282868 48.75215916 93.32927325 0.425714597 0.702954551 Ia+ Ib- Ic= 4mHrH2 = Iα = 3.214376799 11208.96619 10361.07867 5419.0718 45.10059103 48.79134848 93.28737811 0.6045614 0.707114685 CONCLUSION This experiment assigned the ground state and the first vibrational state between 210 -270 and 300-500 GHz, and refined the rotational constants that were furnished by previous microwave studies.