Class Objective

Welcome to Mrs. Weis’ Eleventh Grade Honors Common Core English Class
Class Objective:
This class is designed to facilitate connections between reading, writing, and analyzing writing. Students will read and
respond to diverse literary genres which include: poetry, fiction, non-fiction, drama, articles, and essays. In addition, each
student will be able to effectively compose for an array of audiences and purposes with an awareness of writer’s intention,
audience expectations, and the resources of language. Students will work collectively to create an open forum for the
purpose of making authentic connections between texts, ideas, and literary themes. Last, students will work to analyze an
argument, find evidence based claims in non-fiction texts, and assess credible sources. Students are responsible for taking
the Regents in Common Core English on Tuesday June 14, 2016.
Students will be reading and analyzing several novels, plays, short stories, and poetry as well as non-fiction pieces of
literature during the school year. In addition, students will complete lessons in the vocabulary workshop book to then be
quizzed on each unit. Generally, students are expected to complete five to six writing assignments, and take a series of
quizzes and exams per quarter. This class is aligned with Common Core standards.
Students are provided with the following texts:
EMC Mirrors & Windows- 11TH Grade American Tradition – The Crucible – Arthur Miller is included in the text.
Sadlier and Oxford Vocabulary Unit Level F
Students are responsible to purchase the following texts:
The Great Gatsby- F.Scott Fitzgerald, A Raisin in the Sun- Lorraine Hansberry, and Othello- William Shakespeare.
Supplemental Text - A Streetcar Named Desire – Tennessee Williams
Books are available to be purchased in the McGann-Mercy School Store. It is imperative that students purchase the books
provided by the school to align with the teacher edition for classwork, classroom discussion, and homework assignments.
With the purchase of these books, students build their academic libraries and will be able to mark passages while reading
for further comprehension. Students are responsible for all books during the school year, and he or she must keep them in
a safe place until work is assigned. However, if a student should lose a book throughout the school year, he or she should
see the teacher for additional information before purchasing another book.
Lateness: Class begins and ends with the bell. Students need to be in their assigned seats and ready to work when the bell
rings or they will be marked late; they must remain working and in their seats until the end of the period or they will lose
class participation points. In addition, students are expected to begin working on the daily “Quick Write/Do Now” activity
upon entering the classroom. Class participation points will also be deducted if the student neglects to disregard the
“Quick Write/Do Now” activity. If a student is late to class three times, a formal detention will be assigned.
Full Day Legal Absences: It is the student’s responsibility to approach the teacher (after class) to find out what
assignments were given or completed while the student was absent. Students are responsible for completing assignments
they missed due to a legal absence and turning them in within two days of their return to class. Tests and Quizzes that
were missed during an absence must also be made up within two days either after school or during a free period, but not
during class time. Assignments not made up within this two day period will receive a zero.
Illegal Absences: Students who are illegally absent from class will automatically receive a zero on all tests, quizzes, and
assignments given that day. No exceptions.
Three Ring Binder with loose leaf
Loose Leaf paper for Quick Writes – must be able to take out of notebook.
Two Pens (Blue or Black Ink)
Students will also be expected to bring any additional materials which we will be using in class, and these materials are
required each day. Missing these materials will diminish the student’s class participation grade. Since class time is limited
to 40 minutes, students will generally not be permitted to leave the classroom during class to go their lockers for missing
materials and or assignments. Therefore, it is important for students to make sure they have everything they need for class
when they arrive so that they do not lose class participation points for being unprepared.
Formal Assignments:
Assignment Format: All collected assignments must be done on standard loose-leaf (unless typed). All collected
assignments must be done using blue or black ink only (unless otherwise directed). Collected assignments should have
appropriate MLA heading with correct class level and period listed. In addition, assignments should be stapled together
before the beginning of the period.
Amanda Jones
Your Name
Mrs. Weis
Teacher’s Name
English 11
4 September 2015
*Must be Double Spaced
Formal Late Assignments: All graded assignments are due on the appropriate assigned date during the students’ class
period. Students will lose ten points off their grade for each school day that an assignment is late. Assignments should
always be handed to me personally and never simply put on my desk or in my mailbox. If an assignment is put in my
mailbox or desk and ends up missing from either location, it will be assumed the assignment was not done; then the
student will earn a grade of zero.
Email Assignments: Students are not permitted to hand in any assignment in via email. Please utilize the library or
computer lab to print assignments. Students will not be given a pass to print during the class period.
Grading Policy: Students will receive a variety of assignments throughout the school year. They will be given the grade
which they earn and deserve. Students are expected to learn the material necessary for successful completion of the
course, which includes completing the outside reading assignments. Each quarter’s grade will be determined according to
points. Grades are calculated based on a total points system. Homework, tests, and projects are assigned a point value.
Final grades are calculated by dividing the amount of points received by the total possible points.
Class Participation: 50 pts. 25 pts for 1st half and 25pts for 2nd half.
Homework: 10 – 20 pts per assignment.
Quick Write: 20 pts.
Quizzes: 50 pts.
Essays and Tests: 100 pts.
Projects: 100 pts.
Homework Posting: Homework will be posted on the Sharp School Portal as well as on the Homework Board at the
beginning of the class period. In addition, students should be checking E-Chalk for projects, test dates, and additional
materials needed for class. Homework will be graded holistically based on effort and completion on a rubric.
Late Homework: Homework is due on the appropriate assigned date. NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE
ACCEPTED. Students that are legitimately absent must present their completed homework upon their return to school or
they will not receive credit for the homework. Students that miss three homework assignments will be assigned a formal
Reading Assignment Homework: Reading assignments are given as homework; therefore, students are expected to
complete these assignments on the days they are assigned so that students will be prepared to discuss the materials in class
the following day. Questions students have as they are reading should be written down and then asked the following day.
“Pop Quizzes” will be given as needed to ensure students are completing their reading assignments.
Testing Policy:
Students must sit for the RE in Common Core on June 14, 2016. The RE in Common Core is a test designed for college
preparatory measures which includes reading comprehension, forming an argument, and analyzing rhetorical devices for
author’s intention and purpose.
Miscellaneous Rules:
Class Participation: The sharing of ideas, thoughts, and questions is an integral part of the learning process, as well as
part of the class participation grade. Students should raise their hands when they want to make a comment or ask a
Respect: Students are expected to always respect their teachers, classmates, and staff members. Only one person should
be speaking at a time while in class. Although people’s ideas and opinions may differ at times, it is important to respect
each other’s ideas so that everyone can feel comfortable participating in class. Inappropriate language and disrespect will
not be tolerated. Any form of inappropriate behavior, call outs, inappropriate language, or refusal to participate in class
will result in the loss of points from the class participation grade. RESPECT YOURSELF BY WORKING TO THE
Vandalism: Students must refrain from writing in books, on desks, and other school property. If a student notices
something near him/her has been vandalized (such as writing on the desk), the teacher should be notified immediately so
that the person responsible for doing this can be found and innocent students are not suspected. Violators will need to
clean or replace vandalized/damaged materials.
Plagiarism: All students should be familiar with McGann – Mercy’s policy on academic integrity. Plagiarism can be
defined as the representation of the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic work. To avoid this, a student
should cite quotations which must be identified by quotation marks and must be cited properly according to MLA format.
There are severe consequences for jeopardizing your academic integrity. Any suspicion of plagiarism will be dealt with at
the administration level.
Electronic Devices will not be permitted in class (no cellular phones, iPods, laptops, iPads, etc…).
If a student chooses to ignore rules or requirements of the class:
First Offense: Parents/guardians will be called.
Second Offense: Will result in a referral for detention; parents/guardians will be called.
Extra Help:
Extra help is available by appointment and at the following times during the school year. If the teacher must cancel an
extra help session, a note will be placed on the door and on e-chalk.
Tuesday- 7:30 AM- 147
Monday – 3:00 PM- 147
Parent Contact:
I am available by email, phone, or appointment if a problem or concern arises during the school year. Feel free to contact
me with any question or concern you may have about your child.
Email: or
Phone Number: 631-727-5900 Ext. 370
Please Detach and Return to Mrs. Weis:
I have read and understand these rules and regulations for Mrs. Weis’ Eleventh Grade Honors CC English Class. I
understand that all school rules will also be upheld in the classroom.
Student’s Name (Please Print)
Student’s Signature
Parent/Guardian’s Name (Please Print)
Parent/Guardian’s Signature
Phone Number where a parent/guardian can be reached during school hours: (____________) ______________________
Email where a parent/guardian can be reached: ___________________________________________________________
Student Email address: ______________________________________________________________________