Anatomy and Physiology Ch 5 – Skeletal System Study Guide (You


Anatomy and Physiology Ch 5 – Skeletal System Study Guide (You may fill this page up with notes to use on test.)

1. What are 4 functions of the skeletal system?

2. What are the types of bone, based on shapes? Give examples of each.

3. Know the macroscopic structure of a long bone. (diaphysis, epiphyses, medullary cavity, marrow, spongy bone, compact bone, articular cartilage, epiphyseal plate/line, periosteum, endosteum)

4. What is the difference between spongy bone and compact bone? Where are each found?

5. Describe the microscopic structure of compact bone, including where blood vessels and nerves are found. (osteon, central canal, lacunae, canaliculi, osteocytes, bony matrix)

6. What is the difference between red and yellow marrow and where are each of these found in adults and children?

7. How do bones grow in length? What is the structure that allows this? What does it become when growth is complete?

8. How do bones grow in width? What cells are involved in this process and in remodeling of bone?

9. How are bones related to the concentration of calcium ions in the blood?

10. Describe how a broken bone is repaired.

11. Define these bone markings: process, condyle, fossa, foramen, meatus

12. What are the two divisions of the skeletal system and what major bones are included in each?

13. Classify joints based on structure:

14. Classify joints based on degree of movement:

15. What are the components of a synovial joint?
