Key Terms for Unit 4 (Ch 16-20)
Students are to identify (Who is this? What is this?) and briefly detail the significance (Why is this
important?) for the following key terms. Terms must be hand written on notebook paper. Each term
must be numbered. This will be recorded as a major grade in the grade book.
Ch 16
Ch 16
43. Haymarket Riot
1. Frederick Jackson Turner
44. Homestead Strike
2. “Rocky Mountain School”
45. Social Darwinism
3. Bureau of Indian Affairs
46. Eugene V. Debs
4. Sand Creek massacre
5. Battle of the Little Big Horn
Ch 18
6. Sitting Bull
47. xenophobia
7. Chief Joseph
48. Jacob Riis
8. Geronimo
49. Yellow journalism
9. “Ghost Dance”
50. Salvation Army
10. Wounded Knee
51. Urban Machine
11. Dawes Severalty Act
52. Patronage
12. Chinese Exclusion Act
53. William M. Tweed
13. Homestead Act
54. National Consumer’s League
14. “Cattle kingdom”
55. “Land Grant Institutions”
Ch 17
15. Thomas Edison
16. Bessemer Process
17. Standard Oil
18. Henry Ford
19. “Taylorism”
20. Cornelius Vanderbilt
21. Corporation
22. “Limited liability”
23. Andrew Carnegie
24. J. P. Morgan
25. horizontal integration
26. vertical integration
27. John D. Rockefeller
28. Monopoly
29. Pool (financial term, not swimming)
30. Trust
31. Holding Company
32. Capitalism
33. Herbert Spencer
34. Adam Smith
35. Gospel of Wealth
36. Horatio Alger
37. Laissez-faire
38. National Labor Union
39. Great Railroad Strike
40. Knights of Labor
41. American Federation of Labor
42. Samuel Gompers
Ch 19
56. “Half-breeds and Stalwarts”
57. Pendleton Act
58. The Grange
59. Farmers’ Alliances
60. Mary E. Lease
61. “Free silver”
62. Panic of 1893
63. Coxey’s Army
64. Sherman Antitrust Act
65. Interstate Commerce Act
66. Populism
67. “Crime of 73”
68. Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1893)
69. William Jennings Bryan
70. “Cross of Gold” speech
Ch 20
71. Henry Cabot Lodge
72. Pan-American Union
73. Queen Liliuokalani
74. Rough Riders
75. Treaty of Paris (1898)
76. Boxer Rebellion
77. Alfred T. Mahan
78. Open Door Policy
79. Teller Amendment
80. William Randolph Hearst
81. Platt Amendment