Chapter 19 – Stalemate to Crisis

Chapter 19 – Stalemate to Crisis
“Half-breeds and Stalwarts”
Roscoe Conkling
“Dark horse”
James A. Garfield
Chester A. Arthur
Pendleton Act
James G. Blaine
“Rum, Romanism, rebellion”
The Grange
Oliver H. Kelly
“Farmers’ Declaration of Independence”
Farmers’ Alliances
Mary E. Lease
Tom Watson
“Free silver”
Ignatius Donnelly
Omaha Platform 1892
Panic of 1893
Coxey’s Army
“The money question”
“Though the people support the Government, the Government should not support the people.”
Sherman Antitrust Act
McKinley Act
James B. Weaver
Wilson Gorman Tariff
Granger Laws
Interstate Commerce Act
“Crime of ‘73”
Sherman Silver Purchase Act 1893
William H. Harvey’s Coin’s Financial School
Marcus A. Hannah
William Jennings Bryan
“Cross of Gold” speech
“Front-porch campaign”
Gold Standard Act 1900 (Currency Act)
Dingley Tariff