QUICK QUESTIONS: Explain how the economy changed after the

1. Explain how the economy changed after the Civil War:
2. Describe the effects of the Industrial Revolution on:
a. Unions
b. Farmers
c. Government
3. Explain the rise of the Populists and their impact on politics:
1. Homestead Act, 1862
2. Knights of Labor created, 1868
3. Promontory, Utah, 1869
4. Credit Mobilier scandal, 1872
5. Little Big Horn, 1876
6. Great Railroad Strike, 1877
7. Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882
8. Pendleton Act, 1883
9. Haymarket Square riot, 1886
10. American Federation of Labor created, 1886
11. Dawes Act, 1887
12. Populist Party created, 1889
13. Massacre at Wounded Knee, 1890
14. Ellis Island opens, 1892
15. Homestead Strike, 1892
16. Panic of 1893
17. Pullman Strike, 1894
18. William Jennings Bryan delivers his “Cross of Gold” speech, 1896
19. Creation of U.S. Steel, 1901
20. Grover Cleveland
21. William McKinley
22. John D. Rockefeller
23. Andrew Carnegie
24. J.P. Morgan
25. Cornelius Vanderbilt
26. William Randolph Hearst
27. Thomas Edison
28. Alexander Graham Bell
29. Edwin Drake
30. Samuel Gompers
31. Mary Harris “Mother” Jones
32. James Weaver
33. Jacob Coxey
34. Chief Joseph
35. Sitting Bull
36. laissez- faire
37. Social Darwinism
38. monopoly (trust)
39. Tweed Ring
40. collective bargaining
41. Granger movement
42. Greenback Party
43. freesilver