Period 6 Vocabulary For this unit: Write down information on each

Period 6 Vocabulary
For this unit: Write down information on each term as you come across it in your reading. Bring your notes and book
with you to class the day we are discussing that chapter. You will have a reading quiz the day the reading is due.
Chapter 19 Key Terms –
1. Henry W. Grady
2. New South
3. Sharecropping
4. Tenancy
5. Redeemers or Bourbons
6. Poll Tax
7. Grandfather Clause
8. Jim Crow
9. Separate but Equal
10. Plessy v. Ferguson
11. Ida B. Wells
12. Booker T. Washington
13. W.E.B. Du Bois
14. Atlanta Compromise
15. Exodusters
16. Forty-niners
17. George A. Custer
18. Battle of Little Big Horn
19. Chief Joseph
20. Geronimo
21. Battle of Wounded Knee
22. A Century of Dishonor
23. Barbed wire
24. Homestead Act
25. Newlands Reclamation Act
26. Sod house
27. Frederick Jackson Turner
Chapter 20 Key Terms –
1. Second Industrial Revolution
2. Transcontinental railroad
3. Union Pacific Railroad
4. Central Pacific Railroad
5. Promontory, Utah
6. “Robber barons”
7. “Captains of industry”
8. Cornelius Vanderbilt
9. Alexander Graham Bell
10. Thomas Edison
11. George Westinghouse
12. John D. Rockefeller
13. Andrew Carnegie
14. Standard Oil Company
15. Vertical integration
16. Trust
17. Bessemer converter
18. “Gospel of Wealth”
19. J.P. Morgan
20. Investment banker
21. Sears and Roebuck
22. Molly Maguires
23. Railroad Strike of 1877
24. Knights of Labor
25. Haymarket Affair
26. Industrial union
27. Samuel Gompers
28. American Federation of Labor
29. Homestead Steel Strike
30. Pullman Strike
31. Eugene V. Debs
32. Industrial Workers of the World
Chapter 21 Key Terms –
1. Streetcar suburbs
2. Dumbbell tenement
3. Political machines
4. Ellis Island
5. Chinese Exclusion Act
6. Vaudeville
7. Dr. James Naismith
8. Social Darwinism
9. Pragmatism
10. Samuel Langhorne Clemens
11. Literary naturalism
12. Single tax
13. Conspicuous consumption and conspicuous
14. Social gospel
15. Settlement house
16. Jane Addams
17. Hull House
18. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
19. Susan B. Anthony
20. Wyoming
Chapter 22 Key Terms –
1. The Gilded Age
2. Spoils of office
3. Rutherford B. Hayes
4. Stalwarts
5. Half-Breeds
6. Civil service
7. James A. Garfield
8. Pork barrel
9. Chinese Exclusion Act
10. Pendleton Civil Service Act
11. “Goo-goos”
12. Mugwumps
13. Grover Cleveland
14. “Rum, Romanism, and rebellion”
15. Interstate Commerce Commission
16. Benjamin Harrison
17. Granger movement
18. Greenback Party
19. Munn v. Illinois
20. Farmers’ Alliance
21. Mary Elizabeth Lease
22. “Sockless Jerry” Simpson
23. 16 to 1
24. James B. Weaver
25. Free and unlimited coinage
26. Crime of ‘73
27. Coxey’s Army
28. William Jennings Bryan