2014-15 MEMBERSHIP Please clearly fill in ALL the following information even if you are a returning member NAME_____________________________________________________________________________ _______ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________________ _______ CITY____________________________________ POSTAL CODE ________________________________ Home Telephone #: _________________________ Work Telephone #: _________________________ Cell #: ____________________ E-MAIL ________________________________________________ INSTRUMENT____________________________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY (SELECT ONE) Full Membership Full-time Student Membership $140.00 $50.00 (Membership fee is tax deductible.) Auxiliary Membership Tax Deductible Donation $20 each Concert - # of concerts: _______ $____________ Please consider helping Orchestra X! TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED (select one): $______________ Cheque Cash #_______________________________________ Expiry Date ____________________ Name on Card ___________________________ Signature ____________________________ I have read and agree to abide by the Membership Policies of Orchestra X. _________________________________ _______________________________ Signature of Member and/or Parent/Guardian Date Planned Absences – Please indicate any dates where you are not able to participate in a scheduled Orchestra X rehearsal or concert: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ All forms and payment due by August 29th, 2014 If membership forms and payment are not received by this date your membership may be reviewed. _____________________________________________________________________________________ XYZ address. X, ON, HOH OHO www.orchestraX.ca info@orchestraX.ca 800-555-1212