er, -ir, -re - Mme Sjoquist's website

French 9
Exam Review
Things to know:
Singular / plural articles (le, un, des…)
Adjective agreement (La fille est blonde. Les hommes sont bruns.)
Etre, aller, avoir, faire conjugations
Ne…pas placement around verbs to make phrase negative
-er, -ir, -re regular verbs
Tu versus vous
Negation of indefinite articles (Il ne regarde pas de photos.)
Contractions à and de (au, aux, du, des etc.)
Partitive articles (du pain, des carottes, pas de viande etc.)
Vouloir, pouvoir conjugations
Infinitive use as 2nd verb (Il veut manger.)
Possessive adjectives (mon, sa, tes, notre, vos, leur…)
Futur proche using aller (Les filles vont étudier.)
Prendre/apprendre/comprendre conjugations
Mettre, voir, croire conjugations
Comparing adjectives (Elle est plus/aussi/moins sympa que toi.)
Special adjectives/nouns (ex : longlongue,journal/ijournaux)
Dormir, sortir, partir, servir conjugations
Quel (which) and tout (all) variations
Ecrire, lire, dire conjugations
Ce, cette, ces, cet variations (this, these)
Question words (ex : qui, qu’est-ce que, comment, quand, où)
Passé composé of regular verbs conjugated with avoir (-er, -ir, -re)
Passé composé of irregular verbs conjugated with avoir
Passé compose using “être” for MRS and DR VANDERTRAMP verbs
All vocabulary in Chapters 5,6,7, 8, 9 of Bon Voyage 1 textbook (red)
What you can do to study:
 Re-read all vocabulary and grammar notes that you took in class.
Memorize it. Understand it.
 Do all review assignments I give out in class.
 Read the study tips in the textbook (p. H51-H64).
 Study the verb conjugation sheets in your verb section. You can also
look at verb charts in the textbook if needed (p. H68-H70)
 Complete all on-line quizzes and games for each unit at
 Practice vocabulary by going through the flashcards at (ex: search box: Bon Voyage 1 Chapter 6)
 Go through all of your old quizzes and tests and study them.
 Make your own flashcards to test yourself or have someone else test
 Test or teach someone else in the class. This will help you
remember words and concepts yourself.
 Ask Madame to give you a mini-tutorial on any concepts you are still
having difficulty with.
 Do any practice tests I give out in class.
 Practice, practice, practice. Re-read, re-read, re-read!
 Don’t forget you can get to the online textbook through Madame’s
website. The special password is “huskies”. My website is