Key Concepts in Media Literacy - Mme Kitching

Term 2 inquiry project
Mme Kitching
 What do you think?
 What are they selling?
 Who is the intended audience?
 Why use celebrities?
 Would this ad influence you to buy Adidas?
 We are going to make a class wall using
 The link is on Twitter & at, be sure to find the
one for your class- let me know when you found
 What do you think the purpose of the ad was?
 Find an ad for a brand you like on YouTube
 Please find the document on the Media Literacy
Page called: Key Concepts of Media Literacy
 Show me your Ad- 1 volunteer
 Read the section: “All Media are Constructions”
 What message is the Ad proposing?
 How well does this represent reality?
 How is the message is constructed?
 Read the section: “The Media Contain Belief &
Value Messages”
 What lifestyles, values & points of views are
represented in this text?
 Who or what is omitted?
 Read the section: “Each Person Interprets
Messages Differently”
 What meaning do you get from the Ad?
 How might others understand it differently?
 Race, disability, religion, sexuality, gender
 Read the section: The Media Have Special
(Commercial, Ideological, and political)
Who created this commercial & why?
Who benefits if this message is accepted?
Who may be disadvantaged?
Each Medium Has it’s own
language, Style, Form, Techniques,
conventions, & Aesthetics
 What techniques are used & why?
 How effective are the techniques in
supporting the messages or themes in the
 Read the section:
 Student groups of 4-ish- Mme Kitching will use
“Team Shake” to create groups
Students will use OneNote web App
collaboratively collect data & research(similar
powerpoint task) *share with teacher too
Choose 1 one-minute commercial
In OneNote create 5 tabs for each Key Concept
of media literacy
# tag your name to each research contribution
you make- you must contribute to each tab
 Decide how your group will share your
knowledge with the class?
 Ideas: Website, Powtoons, Animoto, Powerpoint,
Prezi, Movie Maker, Radio Ad, or other- discuss
with teacher
 Voice Over’s Encouraged! (minimize text on
 Share your work on your portfolio weebly