Feedback Sheet Week 7 - Balance Massage Therapy

AP2 Study/Feedback Sheet Class 7
Cailin Lawler
Rev Date 2/13
1. What are the two main functions of the Lymphatic System?
2. When fluid is within a lymphatic vessel, that fluid is termed _____________________.
3. The Right Lymphatic Duct OR the Thoracic Duct is the largest in the body and
collects lymph from the lower body regions, the left upper limb and the left side of the head
and neck.
4. True OR
False: Fluid is exchanged at the Lymphatic Vessel level.
5. Lymph nodes are located along what structures?
6. Name two methods responsible for the flow of lymph:
7. Lymphatic ducts drain into the _______________ system:
A. sympathetic
B. venous
C. immune
D. arterial
8. True OR False: Lymphatic vessels have unidirectional valves that prevent backflow.
9. Name three functions of the spleen:
10. T-cells are matured in what structure in the body?
11. Name two chemical barriers:
12. Skin is considered to be what kind of non-specific defense?
A. Chemical Barrier
B. Antibody
C. Mechanical Barrier
D. Interferon
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AP2 Study/Feedback Sheet Class 7
Cailin Lawler
Rev Date 2/13
13. _______________ and ________________ are cells responsible for phagocytosis.
14. T-cells OR B-cells are responsible for cell mediated immunity.
15. T-cells OR B-cells are responsible for antibody mediated immunity.
16. Place the following structures in proper order:
Lymphatic vessel, lymphatic duct, lymphatic trunk, lymphatic capillaries
17. Memory cells are responsible for:
A. Stimulating B-cell cloning
B. Primary immune response
C. Helping to recall facts from last weeks class
D. Fighting antigens during a secondary or subsequent encounter
18. Getting a vaccination is a form of:
A. Naturally Acquired Active
B. Artificially Acquired Active
C. Naturally Acquired Passive
D. Artificially Acquired Passive
19. Other than multiplying lymphocytes, what is the main purpose of the lymph node?
20. An antibody is secreted in response to:
A. Antigen
B. Plasma Cell
C. Killer T-cell
D. All of the above
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