Using the Target Language 3 RD D E C E M B E R , 2 0 1 2 Using the Target Language Session Overview Policy Background – NC orders Issue in TL use • For teachers • For learners In practice: Your experience - What you have observed/used in school Examples of TL use by teachers and pupils Developing a repertoire of TL – prepare an aidememoire Strategies for developing TL use by students. Background Key methodological issue Shifts in policy (NC orders) during the 1990s ‘Maximalist’ to ‘Optimal use’ position – shifting assumptions about the value of L1 use in teaching and learning MFL (next slide) Questions raised about whether TL use leads to the gains in learning that policy approach suggests it should. Research into TL use (e.g Macaro, 1997; Neil, 1997) Shifting policy on TL use Maximalist -Early 1990s Optimal use - Late 1990s Expectation that TL would sees some value in teacher be the ‘normal means of communication’ (DES/Welsh Office, 1990:6) in the classroom. Assumes that ‘there is probably no pedagogical value in learner use of L1 and almost certainly none in teacher use of L1 (Macaro, 2000:184) use of L1 and some value in learner use of L1 (ibid) ‘Pupils are expected to use and respond to the TL, and to use English only when necessary (for example, when discussing a grammar point or when comparing English and the target language) (DfEE/QCA, 1999:16) Questioning Assumptions TL use by the teacher pupils’ learning of the MFL ? Attempting to mimic real-life situations is the best way to learning the TL? Learning L2 ‘naturally’ (acquisition of L1 by young children) or explicit teaching of language structure? According to Macaro (2000:178) – case for learning naturally is not proven. ~Classroom-based exposure is not ‘authentic’- Teacher talk is not like native speaker talk Value of L1 use as a learning tool - Most students would be likely to think in MT not TL (based on Guest and Pachler, 2001) Issues in Target Language use WHAT ARE THE ISSUES FOR TEACHERS AND LEARNERS? WHAT FACTORS WILL IMPACT ON TL USE? DISCUSS IN GROUPS: MAKE A LIST – FOR TEACHERS AND FOR LEARNERS, FOR BOTH – 10 MINS AND PREPARE TO FEEDBACK Issues in Maximum Target Language use For Teachers For Learners Own proficiency – Feeling uncomfortable/ confidence for sustained use Native speakers – adapting to needs of learners ‘Strain’ of using TL all lesson Perceived Behaviour management problems apprehensive being immersed in the TL. ‘Strain’ of total TL Insufficient visual support Issues for both ‘Suspension of disbelief’ (Macaro, 1996:6) e.g that both teachers and students speak only the TL and they are using it in an authentic situation. Factors affecting Target Language Use FEEDBACK FROM GROUP DISCUSSIONS Factors affecting TL use by teachers Ability and size of class Discipline problems Motivation Group dynamics Topic area Tasks to be attempted Receptiveness of pupils (Guest and Pachler, 2001) Arguments for and against(maxmal) TL use According to a study into TL use by teachers (Macaro , 1996:6) For: Amount of TL acquired by learners Improvement in listening skills Helps demonstrate the importance of learning a foreign language Against: TL use for instructions can be time consuming Teaching in TL is tiring and teachers can become less effective. May become counter-productive Types of Target Language use Interaction Patterns in TL use Teacher –pupil (s) Questions Instructions Explanations Comments Socialising Discipliing Pupil –teacher Answers, questions, requests, asking for help, making statements Pupil – pupil role plays games Transactional language? Latter most difficult to achieve Your experience - Group discussion HOW IS THE TARGET LANGUAGE BEING USED IN YOUR SCHOOLS? FOR WHAT PURPOSES? HOW IS IT USED BY TEACHERS? HOW IS IT USED BY PUPILS? (10 MINS) Your views Have you changed your view on TL use since September? If so, how and why? Teaching of grammar using TL What have you observed in school? What are the issues? Teaching grammar in the TL Perceptions about difficulty of teaching grammar in TL BUT Many grammar points can be taught if support is given visually or through actions, mime, use of rhythm or song. E.g Word order in German though human sentences. Utterance completion frames (students complete phrase with words of their own choice – expressing own opinion) McDonald’s ist fantastisch weil ................................. When might TL be used? (Teacher-Pupil) Classroom routines – taking the register Asking students to give a word/phrase in TL when they answer the register Greeting students as they enter the classroom Beginning and ending the lesson. Sortez vos cahiers! Rangez vos affaires! Giving praise Friendly comments, humorous remarks Reprimands and sanctions (adapted from Guest and Pachler (2001) Instructions and explanations by teacher (T – P) Presenting new language Setting up activities Making oral comments Checking comprehension Asking questions Making comments in exercise books Writing on board (adapted from Guest and Pachler (2001) Pupil interactions with the teacher (P –T) Asking for clarification Expressing problems Requesting help Giving excuses Asking permission Responding to questions Humours remarks Pupil -Pupil Asking to borrow equipment Pairwork Playing games Agreement/disagreement Peer feedback Managing pupil behaviour using TL What have you observed? Use of TL for telling students off can be very effective - even if students do not understand every word, they know when they have done wrong! Tone of voice Context Giving praise in TL very effective and important – they soon learn to recognise and learn these words! Task In groups, draw up a list of useful teacher phrases for the MFLs that you teach for a class of your choice in KS3 KS4 or 5. Classroom routines and management E.g Taking the register ,beginning lesson, handing out books Maintaining discipline E, g Be quiet!, Turn round!, Face the front! Giving instructions e.g for listening, for pair work Strategies for developing TL use What can teachers do to support students when they are teaching in the TL? What can teachers do to encourage/facilitate use of TL by the students? Effective and meaningful use of TL Provide contextualisation – pictures, actions. Adapt language – this may involve using one word Teaching of key phrases –e.g ‘Wie sagt man auf Deutsch?’ Displays of key phrases or phrases in books Sections of lesson can be designated TL only Show sample - Classroom language sheet Encouraging TL use by students Be encouraging and supportive lots of praise Provide challenge Plenary Reference list DES/Welsh Office. (1990). Modern Foreign for ages 11 16. London: HMSO DfEE/QCA. (1999). Modern Foreign Languages: The National Curriculum for England. London:DfEE and QCA. Neil, P.(1997). Reflections on the target language. London: CILT. Macaro, E. (1997). Target Language, collaborative learning and autonomy. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Macaro, E (2000). ‘Issues in Language Teaching’. In Field, K. (ed) Issues in modern foreign language teaching. London: Routledge, pp. 175-93