CNS activity sheet 1

Name: ____________________________
Date: _______________
Anatomy & Physiology, period _____
CNS activity
1. Choose the key responses that best corresponds to the descriptions provided in the
following statements.
a. Autonomic N.S.
b. Central N.S.
c. Peripheral N.S.
d. Somatic N.S.
____1. Nervous system subdivision that is composed of the brain and spinal cord.
____2. Subdivision of the PNS that controls voluntary activities.
____3. Nervous system subdivision that is composed of the cranial and spinal nerves.
____4. Subdivision of the PNS that regulates activities of the heart, glands, smooth muscles.
____5. Major subdivision that interprets incoming information and issues orders.
____6. Major subdivision that serves as communication lines linking to all to the CNS.
2. Indicate which structure is identified by the descriptions.
a. Neurons
b. Neuroglia
____1. Supports, insulates, and protects cells.
____2. Demonstrates irritability and conductivity, and transmits impulses.
____3. Releases neurotransmitters
____4. Are not able to divide (amitotic)
____5. Able to divide.
3. Match anatomical terms with appropriate descriptions of functions.
a. Axon
b. Axon end
c. Dendrite
d. Myelin
____1. Releases neurotransmitters
____2. Conducts impulse towards the cell body.
____3. Increases speed of impulse transmission
____4. Location of nucleus
____5. Conducts impulses away from nerve cell body.
e. Nerve cell body
4. Using key choices, select term that identifies descriptions.
a. afferent neuron
b. interneuron
c. exteroceptors
d. efferent neuron
e. ganglion
f. neuroglia
g. neurotransmitters
h. nerve
i. nodes of ranvier
j. nuclei
k. proprioceptors
l. Schwann cells
m. synapse
n. stimuli
o. tract
____1. Sensory receptors found in the skin which detect temperature, pressure, pain.
____2. Specialized cells that myelinate axons in the PNS.
____3. Junction or point of close contact between neurons.
____4. Bundle of nerve processes inside the CNS
____5. Neuron, serving as conduction pathway between sensory and motor neurons
____6. Gaps in myelin sheaths
____7. Collection of nerve cell bodies found outside the CNS
____8. Neuron that conducts impulses away from the CNS to muscles and glands
____9. Sensory receptors found in muscles and tendons.
____10. Changes, occurring inside or outside the body, that affect nervous system.
____11. Neuron that conducts impulses towards the CNS
____12. Chemicals released by neurons to stimulate other neurons, muscles or glands
5. Identify parts of a
6. Select term that matches the definition.
a. action potential
b. depolarization
c. polarized
d. potassium ions
e. refractory period
f. repolarization
g. sodium ions
h. sodium-potassium pump
___1. Period of repolarization of neuron during which it cannot respond to a stimuli
___2. State in which resting potential is reversed as sodium ions rush into neuron.
___3. Cell membrane of a resting neuron
___4. Period during which potassium ions diffuse out of the neuron
___5. Transmission of depolarization wave along the neuron’s membrane
___6. Chief positive intercellular ion in a resting neuron
___7. Process by which ATP is used to move sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions
back into the cell; complete restores resting conditions of the neuron
7. Identify parts of a reflex arc
8. Experiment with the reflexes found in the knee, elbow, and foot using a reflex hammer.
Record observations.