Ancient Indus Valley Label the following locations on the map. Be able to locate and label these places on a blank map. Indus River Ganges River Arabian Sea Bay of Bengal Indian Ocean Himalaya Mountain Range Hindu Kush Mountain Range Karakorum Range Khyber Pass Deccan Plateau Mohenjo-Daro Harrapa Shade the area of the Indus River Valley civilization Asia India Vocabulary name _________________________ Section 1 page 194 – 201 1. __________________________ - a large area of land that is part of a continent but somehow separated from the rest of the continent. 2. __________________________ - causing terrible damage or destruction 3. __________________________ - in large amounts 4. __________________________ - a place that has been strengthened against the attack 5. __________________________ - a floor or flat structure higher than the surrounding area 6. __________________________ - the plan or design of something, how the parts are arranged 7. __________________________ - an open area surrounded by walls 8. __________________________ - something that provide comfort or saves effort, something that makes life easier. 9. __________________________ - a narrow tilted passage from dropping things down, like garbage or laundry 10. __________________________ - developed 11. __________________________ - a) in the middle b) most important 12. __________________________- a group of people with a shared history, language, religion, and some physical characteristics 13. __________________________ - to move from one region or country to another 14. __________________________ - highly valued or appreciated 15. __________________________ - finally, at last, after a while 16. __________________________ - holy, having to do with religion; or very important and deserving great respect 17. __________________________ - to order someone not to do something. 18. __________________________ - meet 19. __________________________ - people who use their strength and their hands to do hard physical work. 20. __________________________ - important emerged subcontinent encounter layout forbid convenience eventually prominent manual laborers prized fortress disastrous central sacred courtyard ethnic group plentiful chute migrate platform Unit 4: India India’s Early Civilizations Section 1 Guided Reading 1 pages 195 – 197 The Land of India Copy the main idea: __________________________________________________________________________ 1. India is a part of Asia; it is known as the ___________________________________________. 2. What is the highest mountain range in the world which separates India from the rest of the continent?___________________________ 3. India has two very fertile river valleys – the _______________________ and ________________ 4. A monsoon is what? _______________________________________________________________________ 5. What do monsoons bring in the winter? ______________________________________ 6. From what direction do they come?__________________________________________ 7. What do monsoons bring in the summer? _____________________________________ 8. From what direction do they come? __________________________________________ 9. What are the consequences of rains that come on time? Rains that are late? _______________________________________________________________________ India’s Early Civilization 10. India’s first civilization grew where?__________________________________________ 11. What allowed the civilization to develop? _____________________________________ 12. How many towns were part of this civilization? _________________________________ 13. These villages stretched between what two physical features? _____________________ and __________________________ 14. The civilization lasted how many years? ________________________ 15. Archaeologists have learned about this civilization by studying what was left of two large cities –_________________ and ___________________ 16. The civilization is known by two names. They are _____________________________ or ______________________________________. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro 17. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were built according to a ___________________. 18. What was built on a tall platform for protection? _______________________________ 19. Homes were made of what? ________________________________________________ 20. What was in the center of the house?_________________________________________ 21. What did these houses have that houses did not have in Mesopotamia or Egypt? Look at the pictures and captions 22. The Harappans used what to transport goods? _________________________________ 23. How did the Harappans dry their crops? ______________________________________ 24. How did the buildings get water?_____________________________________________ Harappan Society 25. The Harappans had a written language that included what? ______________________ 26. Why can’t we read their language? ______________________________________________ 27. What do archaeologists believe were built on top of the walled fortresses? _____________________________________________________________. 28. What does this suggest about the government and religion of this civilization? _____________________________________________________________. 29. The occupation of most Harappans was what?____________________________. 30. List five things that artisans made __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________. 31. Where did the Harappans trade these goods? _________________________________. Think: Harappan civilization Egyptian Civilization Similarities Differences Section 1: Reading Guide 2 The Aryans page 198 – 199 Copy the main idea here ___________________________________________________________________. 1. Harappan civilization collapsed when? _________________________________ 2. Historians have different ideas as to why this happened: a. ________________________________________________________________ b. ________________________________________________________________ 3. Who invaded and settled in the region/ __________________________________ 4. Who were these people and where did they come from? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. What was important to these people and how were they used? ___________________________________________________________________ 6. The Aryans were skilled in three ways a._____________________________ b. ____________________________ c. ____________________________ 7. What did the Aryans use to invade the villages? _____________________________ 8. When did the Aryans enter the Indus Valley? _______________________________ 9. What happened as they settled in the rest of the Indian continent? _____________________________________________________________________. 10. What did the Aryans continue to do? ____________________________________ 11. How did the Aryans view their cattle? ____________________________________ 12. What technology turned the Ganges valley into better farmland? ______________________________________________________________________. 13. List the crops and spices that grew in this area ______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________. 14. The language was known as _____________________________________________. 15. How did the leaders organize themselves? _________________________________. 16. What were the leaders called? ___________________________________________. Section 1 Reading Guide 3 Society in ancient India – pages 199 – 201 Copy the main idea: ______________________________________________________________________. 1. When the Aryans settled in India, they developed what type of system? __________ 2. The system is defined as _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________. 3. The system tells a person a. __________________________________ b. __________________________________ c. __________________________________ 4. Who created the name for this system? ___________________ 5. What do the Indians themselves call this system? _____________________. 6. What are three reasons historians think this system was created? a. __________________________________________________________________ b. __________________________________________________________________ c. __________________________________________________________________ 7. India had _____ main social groups called _________________. a. ___________________ - these there the ______________ in the top social class . b. ___________________ - the warriors who ran the ___________ and _________. c. ___________________ - the merchants and farmers d. ___________________ - the unskilled workers and _______________________. 8. One group was not in the varna system – the _______________________________, also called pariahs or the ____________. (check out the caption of the picture.) 9. This group did dirty jobs like a. _____________________________________________________________ b. ______________________________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________________________. 10. The Untouchables were considered _____________________________ so they had to stay away from other people. 11. Large families lived together in the same house with whom in charge? ___________ 12. Who had more rights? _________________ a. Only males could _________________________________________ b. Only males could become __________________________________ 13. Where did girls learn? ______________________ 14. Who taught the boys? ______________________ 15. In ancient times and even now, what do the parents do for their children? ___________________________________________________________. 16. Describe the tradition known as the suttee. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________. If a woman refuses to do this, what was the consequence for herself and her family? ______________________________________________________________