The Scientific Method

The Scientific Method
What this mini-lesson will cover.
1) What is involved in conducting
scientific investigations?
2) What are the requirements for a
good hypothesis.
Day 1: The Scientific Method
 What
is the scientific method?
A logical plan for gathering data,
organizing, and communicating
 Is
there are only one set scientific
 No, scientists will vary steps or skip
steps based on what they are trying
to investigate.
Day 1: continued
The cards at your table represent the steps of the
scientific method. Work with your group to put
them in order.
For an alternative activity or extra work practice go
and take their online scientific method quiz.
Day 2: What is a good hypothesis
 Is
a hypothesis just an “educated
 No, a hypothesis is a possible
explanation for a set of observations
that can be tested. Hypothesis are
based on many observations or
revised hypothesis that were not
supported in by previous
experiments or observations.
Day 2: continued
Which of the following sentences is a valid
hypothesis. Write down why or why not?
1. How does the human heart pump?
2. Goat milk tastes better than cow milk.
3. Geraniums are able to reproduce
4. Frogs on land are better of than frogs in
the water.
5. If you exercise for 10 minutes, then your
heart rate will increase.
Day 2: Continued
Possible Answers:
 1) This is not a valid hypothesis because
it does not propose a possible explanation.
 2) This is not a valid hypothesis because it
is a matter of personal taste.
 3) A valid hypothesis because it explain
how Geraniums can be produced and is
 4) Not a valid hypothesis because what
“better” means not defined.
 5) A valid hypothesis.
Day 3: Practice Questions
1. Which of the following methods cannot be answered
by applying the scientific method?
Which is a better pet – a dog or a cat.
How can streams be made cleaner.
What is the distance from Earth to the Andromeda Galaxy?
How can highways be improved to make them safer for
2. How do scientists test a hypothesis?
a) By observation
b) By gathering data
By conducting an experiment
d) By inference
If a scientist confirms their hypothesis in an experiment
what should their next step be?
Day 4: Quiz (Whoopee!!)