Strain Measurements • Module goals… – Introduce students to operating principles behind strain gauges – Discuss practical issues regarding strain gauge installation and usage. – Understand how bridge circuits are used to determine changes in gauge resistance --- and hence, strain. ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor Experimental Stress Analysis • Reasons for Experimental Stress Analysis – – – – Material characterization Failure analysis Residual or assembly stress measurement Acceptance testing of parts prior to delivery or use • Some Techniques – Photoelasticity – Non-contact holographic interferometry – Electrical Resistance Strain Gauges ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor Stress vs. Strain • Strain (e) is a measure of displacement usually in terms of microstrain such as micro-inches of elongation for each inch of specimen length. • Stress (s) is a measure of loading in terms of load per unit crosssectional area • Stress and strain are related by a material property known as the Young’s modulus (or modulus of elasticity) E. s eE ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor Strain Defined • Strain is defined as relative elongation in a particular direction T ea= dL/L (axial strain) et= dD/D (transverse strain) m = et / ea (Poisson’s ratio) ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor L D T Strain gauges • The electrical resistance of a conductor changes when it is subjected to a mechanical deformation T T Rbefore < Rafter T ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor T Resistance = f(A…) • Electrical Resistance (R) is a function of… r L A the resistivity of the material (Ohms*m) the length of the conductor (m) the cross-sectional area of the conductor (m2) • R= r* L/A • Note R increases with – – – – ME 411/511 Increased material resistivity Increased length of conductor (wire) Decreased cross-sectional area (or diameter) Increased temperatures (can bias results if not accounted for) Prof. Sailor Deriving the Gauge Factor (GF) • Since L and A both change as a wire is stretched it is reasonable to think that we can rewrite the equation R= r* L/A to relate strain to changes in resistance. • Start with the differential: dR = d r* (L/A ) + r*d(L/A) expanding with the chain rule again one gets: dR = d r* (L/A ) + r/A*d(L)+ r*L*(-1/A2)*d(A) • Divide left side by R and right side by equivalent (r* L/A ) to get: dR dr dL dA R r L A ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor …substituting into the equation 2 D A , so 2 also, dA dD D dA (2) dD , or 2 2e t 2 A D dL e a , so L dR dr e a 2e t R r Noting the definition of Poisson’s ratio… dR dr e a (1 2 m ) , R r or GF dR ea R 1 2 m 1 dr ea r Hence, we define the Gauge Factor GF as: GF 1 2 m ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor ~ 0 for many materials! Using Gauge Factors with Strain Gauges GF 1 2 m 1 R e a strain is given by … So, the axial GF R In most applications R and e are very small and so we use sensitive circuitry (amplified and filtered bridge circuit) contained within a strain-indicator box to read out directly in units of micro-strain. Obviously this strain-indicator will require both R (gauge nominal resistance) and GF (gauge factor) ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor Typical Strain Gauge Strain-relief wires Solder terminals for lead wires Figure 1. A typical strain gage. ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor Steps for Installing Stain Gauges • Clean specimen – degreaser • Chemically prepare gauge area – Wet abrading with MPrep Conditioner and Neutralizer • Mount gauge and strain relief terminals on tape, align on specimen and apply adhesive • Solder wire connections • Test ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor Beam Loading Example x P a Displacement, v(x) strain gage at Beam length, L x=b Figure 2. Cantilever beam under load. ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor Measuring Strain with a Bridge Circuit • A quarter-bridge circuit is one in which a simple Wheatstone bridge is used and one of the resistors is replaced with a strain guage. • Vo may still be small such that amplification (Amp>1.0) is usually desirable 4 Vo 1 e Amp Vex GF • Note: Vo and Vex are also sometimes labeled as Eo and Ei (or Eex) ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor Non-linear term Current (i) Limitations • In general gauges cannot handle large currents • The current through the gage will be driven by the voltage potential across it. • Note: Text denotes the excitation voltage as Vi. It is also often labeled Ve or Vex. VG VEx iG RG RG R3 ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor Measuring Strain with a Strain-Indicator • First install a strain gauge • Connect the wires from the strain gauge to the strain indicator. • Apply loading conditions • Read strain from strain indicator – Note that the indicator always displays 4 digits and reads in microstrain! – Thus, 0017 means 17 micro-inches / inch of strain. ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor Strain gauge bridge enhancements • 3-wire configuration addresses lead wire resistance issues • Half-bridge configuration – with a dummy gauge mounted transversely addresses gauge sensitivity to surface temperature • Half bridge – amplification through use of dual gauges ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor Theoretical Determination of Strain in a Loaded Cantilever Beam • • • • • You must either know the load P or the displacement (v) Determine displacement (v) at x=a Knowing beam dimensions and material (and hence EI) estimate the load P Calculate stress at location of gauge Calculate e from s=eE s Px 2 (3a x) , so 6 EI P a Displacement, v(x) ME 411/511 x=b a3 My P * b * h / 2 , where h beam thickness I I x strain gage at P3 EI Beam length, L Prof. Sailor Strain Gauge Vibration Experiment Notes: Cantilever Beam Damping When the cantilever beam is “plucked” it will respond as a damped 2nd order system. The amplitude of vibration has the general form: Y (t ) Ce nt sin d t Where the damped frequency (what you measure) is related to the natural frequency (n) by: d n 1 2 The damping ratio (zeta) can be determined by plotting the natural log of the amplitude/magnitude (M) vs time: So, the slope of the plot of ln(M) vs. t is (– n) ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor 0.06 Amplitude (raw voltage) M (t ) Ce nt so, ln( M ) C2 ( n ) t 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 0 2 4 6 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 -0.1 Time (s) 8 10 12 Additional Considerations for natural frequency of “plucked” beams • Note: Unless otherwise indicated, natural frequencies are expressed in terms of radians/sec. • The natural frequency of a uniform beam is given by: n (1.875) 2 EI m' L4 • E is the modulus of elasticity, I is the moment of intertia about the centroid of the beam cross-section (bh3/12), m’ is the mass per unit length of the beam (ie kg/m), and L is the cantilevered beam length • If the beam is not uniform… – A mass at the end can be represented as an effective change in beam mass per unit length – A hole in the end can be accounted for in a similar fashion… ME 411/511 Prof. Sailor