/ Animal Ethics Committee Form / /AEC VARIATION Registration. No. 019 AEC 2015 SUBMISSION DATES: 23 Jan.,20 Feb.,20 March, 24 April, 22 May, 3 July, 31 July.,4 Sept., 9 Oct., 13 Nov. Use this form for simple changes to methods or types of animals specified in current approved protocols or, to add or delete names or contact details of people conducting projects. For the welfare of both animals and personnel, approved protocols should remain up to date in these respects and progress reports should accompany requests for variations. Renewals and variations that involve significant changes to protocols should be submitted as re-authorised new applications. Requests to extend projects (only for a further year) before they lapse, should include up to date protocols and reports. Submit by email attachment to animal-ethics@griffith.edu.au. AEC Secretary (Ph 07 3735 6618) Project Title and Protocol Number Title: Protocol: / / /AEC 1.0 Describe the proposed changes to the approved protocol. Include any substitutions of animal strains. Note: If the total number of animals used will be greater than what has been approved a new application should be submitted. For any change in protocol include the entire approved protocol with proposed changes highlighted. Please provide the information outlined in Clause 2.7.4 of the Code where relevant. 1.1 2.0 If changes are proposed to the approved protocol, please provide reasons for each change. Describe the proposed changes to the approved personnel. Indicate changes of University teaching or research personnel with either (+) or (-) before names in this box. Specify for each new member: contact details, their role in project, experience and prior training, and if animal facility induction / access is required. 2.1 If changes are proposed to the approved personnel, please provide reasons for each change. 3.0 If the previously indicated finish date needs extending, why has the project been prolonged? 4.0 If changes to animal numbers are proposed, detail the numbers of each strain or species of animals originally approved. Species Strain Common Name Total 5.0 Detail the numbers of each strain or species of animals used to date. Species Strain Common Name 6.0 Total Detail the requested numbers of each strain or species of animals for the renewal period Species Strain Common Name Total *The Code is available as a PDF at http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/guidelines/publications/ea28