I HOPE YOU ENJOYED YOUR TWO-WEEK SPRING BREAK! OR, IF YOU TOOK AN EXAM OR TWO, I HOPE YOU PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS! TIME TO GET BACK TO OUR WORK! ADVERBIALS REVIEW: what we did last time. CLASS #1: AP CLASS #2: AP/AdvP CLASS #3: AdvP, PP CLASS #4: PP CLASS #5: ADVERBIALS CLASS #6: ADVERBIALS CLASS #7: MIDTERM OVERVIEW AND SIMPLE SENTENCE INTRO MIDTERM TEST CLASS #8: SIMPLE SENTENCE CLASS #9: SIMPLE SENTENCE CLASS #10: COMPLEX SENTENCE CLASS #11: COMPLEX SENTENCE CLASS #12: COMPLEX SENTENCE , WRAP-UP & ORAL EXAM HINTS SINCE WE ARE SLIGHTLY BEHIND SCHEDULE IN TERMS OF PRACTICE CLASSES… THE MIDTERM EXAM IS RE-SCHEDULED FOR MAY 15, 2012 THAT’S TUESDAY FOUR WEEKS FROM NOW. THE EXACT TIME WILL BE ANNOUNCED SOON, BUT IT WILL BE IN THE AFTERNOON AND IT WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE AUDITORIUM (‘AMFITEATAR’) ADJUNCTS SEMANTIC CLASSIFICATION SEMANTIC TYPES OF ADJUNCTS Process Space/ Place Subjuncts Respect/ Viewpoint Time Adjuncts Modality Contingency Degree/ Intensifier Focusing 1. ADJUNCTS – PROCESS They favor the FINAL position Some can take the MEDIAL position Co-occurrence possible: She was accidentally struck with a racket by her partner. 2. ADJUNCTS – SPACE / PLACE (1/2) Co-occurrence is possible. Relative order is fixed: distance + position: He swam a mile in the open sea. direction + position: He fell into the water near that rock . distance + direction: She walked a few steps towards him. two of the same subtype: position smaller/more specific + position bigger/less specific Many people eat in restaurants in London. goal + source or source + goal (depending on information structure): We flew from Cairo to Istanbul. We flew to Istanbul from Cairo. Only adverbials of same meaning can be coordinated: I drove down Gower Street and into University College /*several miles. 2. ADJUNCTS – SPACE / PLACE (2/2) Position of SPACE ADJUNCTS in the sentence: Normally, they take FINAL positions If they are clustered, the order is: DISTANCE – DIRECTION – POSITION She walked [a few steps] [towards him] [in the dark] SPACE ADJUNCTS OF POSITION can be moved to INITIAL position: On the top of the building, two men were gesticulating wildly. Some space adjuncts denoting POSITION AND DIRECTION cause subject-operator inversion (LOCATIVE INVERSION) when they are placed initially: Here he is! There was the book. Down swooped the hawk. 3. ADJUNCTS – TIME (1/5) They typically favor the FINAL position. However, they can often take the INITIAL position: In 1982, the economy started to recover. For many years, no one wanted to buy the house. Some, especially short adjuncts (such as: always, often, just, recently, already) take the MEDIAL position: She often arrives late. You could then take a train to London. 3. ADJUNCTS – TIME (2/5) TIME ADJUNCTS – SUBCLASSIFICATION TIME ADJUNCTS TIME WHEN/POSITION DURATION (backward/forward span) FREQUENCY OTHER TIME RELATIONSHIP 3. ADJUNCTS – TIME (3/5) TIME ADJUNCTS – SUBCLASSIFICATION: TIME WHEN/POSITION – answers the question WHEN? See you tomorrow / then. Two of the same type: more specific + less specific I’ll see you [at nine] [on Monday]. However, if one of the two adjuncts is very long, the order is: shorter + longer I lived there in the fifties when my first child was born. DURATION (backward/forward span) – three subtypes: Duration of specific or indefinite length: answers the question HOW LONG? He walked for 6 hours. He waited from 1 to 5. He worked all day. Duration – forward span: answers the question TILL WHEN? He will arrive till / until five o’clock. He didn’t arrive until 5. (till + negation) Duration – backward span: answers the question SINCE WHEN? He will arrive till / until five o’clock. He didn’t arrive until 5. (till + negation) 3. ADJUNCTS – TIME (4/5) TIME ADJUNCTS – SUBCLASSIFICATION: FREQUENCY Frequency of occasion: answers the question HOW MANY TIMES? He did it twice. He sent that message three times. Frequency of period: answers the question HOW OFTEN? He is paid daily/monthly. Definite frequency: TWICE, DAILY Indefinite frequency – four subsets on the scale: UNIVERSAL FREQUENCY: always HIGH FREQUENCY: often, frequently USUAL OCCURRENCE: usually, generally LOW FREQUENCY: seldom, hardly ever, never o low frequency time adjuncts sometimes cause NEGATIVE INVERSION when they are in the initial position: Never have I seen such a play. OTHER TIME RELATIONSHIPS: previously, again, already… 3. ADJUNCTS – TIME (5/5) When time adjuncts co-occur, their relative order is: 1. DURATION – 2. FREQUENCY – 3. POSITION I was there [for a short while] [every day or so] [last year]. THIS IS WHERE WE STOPPED LAST WEEK. SO, LET’S CONTINUE! 4. ADJUNCTS – CONTINGENCY Mostly occur in the INITIAL and FINAL positions. When they co-occur in the FINAL position, the order is: 1. RESPECT – 2. PROCESS – 3. SPACE – 4. TIME – 5. CONTINGENCY Many people died [in Africa] [in the 20th century] [from malnutrition]. IMPORTANT NOTE: CAUSE vs. REASON CAUSE (no subject’s control): She died of cancer. REASON (subject’s control): Working hard, she got promoted. 5. ADJUNCTS – FOCUSING THIS IS AN ADVERB MODIFYING NP, NOT AN ADJUNCT. They don’t favor any position in particular. The general rule for their position is that they are placed before the focused element: She had also questioned only her patients only the previous week also. If the whole predication is focused, they take medial position: She had only questioned her patients the previous week. HOWEVER, not all focusing expressions are really adjuncts: He [only] wants to help. (ADJUNCT) [Only he] wants to help. (MODIFIER OF NP) FOCUSING ADJUNCTS: additional info RESTRICTIVE FOCUSING ADJUNCTS make it explicit that WHAT IS BEING COMMUNICATED IS RESTRICTED TO THE PART THAT IS FOCUSED: EXCLUSIVES restrict the application of the communication EXCLUSIVELY to the part that is focused: Alone, exactly, exclusively, just, merely, only, precisely, purely, simply, solely PARTICULARIZERS restrict the application of the communication PARTICULARLY OR MAINLY to the part that is focused: Chiefly, especially, largely, mainly, mostly, notably, particularly, primarily, principally, specifically, at least, in particular ADDITIVE FOCUSING ADJUNCTS make it explicit that WHAT IS BEING COMMUNICATED IS AN ADDITION: Again, also, either, equally, even, further, likewise, neither, nor, similarly, too, as well, in addition 6. ADJUNCTS – DEGREE/INTENSIFIER DEGREE/INTENSIFIER ADJUNCTS Intensifiers have in common the heightening or lowering effect on some unit in the sentence. The term “INTENSIFIERS” is slightly misleading, because they are not restricted to intensification: THEY INDICATE A POINT ON THE INTENSITY SCALE WHICH MAY BE HIGH OR LOW. There are two groups of INTENSIFIER ADJUNCTS: AMPLIFIERS: they scale upwards and are divided into MAXIMIZERS and BOOSTERS DOWNTONERS: they have a lowering effect and are divided into COMPROMISERS, DIMINISHERS, MINIMIZERS and APPROXIMATORS DEGREE/INTENSIFIER ADJUNCTS: AMPLIFIERS MAXIMIZERS denote the upper extreme on the scale. BOOSTERS denote a high degree or a high point on the scale. MAXIMIZERS include: absolutely, altogether, completely, entirely, extremely, fully, perfectly, quite, thoroughly, totally, utterly, most and in all respects. BOOSTERS include: badly, bitterly, deeply, enormously, far, greatly, heartily, highly, intensely, much, severely, so, strongly, terribly, violently, well, a great deal, a good deal, a lot, by far and more. DEGREE/INTENSIFIER ADJUNCTS: DOWNTONERS COMPROMISERS have a slight lowering effect. Kind of, soft of, quite, rather (I kind of like it.) DIMINISHERS scale the intensity downwards. Mildly, moderately, partially, slighlty (I partly agree with you) MINIMIZERS scale the intensity downwards, but close to the minimum Barely, hardly, little, scarcely… (I can scarcely ignore her views) APPROXIMATORS serve to express an approximation to the force of the verb, whine indicating its non-application. Almost, nearly, practically (I almost resigned.) 7. ADJUNCTS - MODALITY They favor THE MEDIAL POSITION. They are very similar to DISJUNCTS, but they do not NECESSARILY CONVERY THE OPINION OF THE SPEAKER > they are more general and are NOT SUBJECTIVE (i.e.FACTUAL). Compare: Certainly, she is a great writer. DISJUNCT She is certainly going to sign a publishing deal. MODALITY ADJUNCT 8. ADJUNCTS – RESPECT/VIEWPOINT VIEWPOINT ADJUNCTS All viewpoint adjuncts can be roughly paraphrased by: “if we consider what we are saying from a/an <ADJECTIVE> point of view”, or “if we consider what we are saying from the point of view of <NOUN PHRASE> ”. Most viewpoint adjuncts are derived from adjectives using –LY suffix. They are SENTENTIAL ADJUNCTS in the sense that their meaning encompasses THE WHOLE SENTENCE. That is why they favor INITIAL POSITION, but can occur in the MEDIAL POSITION. Visually, it was a powerful novel. Morally, politically and economically, it is urgent that the government should act more effectively. To tap a private telephone line is not technically a very difficult operation. Weatherwise, we are going to have a bad spring. RESPECT ADJUNCTS All respect adjuncts can provide a frame for the interpretation of the activity denoted by the verb > they, in a way, restrict the meaning of the verb to particular DOMAIN OF THE ACTIVITY. They are PREDICATION ADJUNCTS in the sense that their meaning only modifies THE PREDICATION (the part of the sentence to the right of the verb). That is why they favor FINAL POSITION: She is advising me legally. She is solving the problem from the PR perspective only. The president will accept that phrasing of the justification for the attack just as far as international relations are concerned. 9. ADJUNCTS - SUBJUNCTS Very similar to MANNER adjuncts. They favor the INITIAL position: Nervously, he answered the phone. (SUBJUNCT) He answered the phone nervously. (MANNER ADJUNCT) THE END OF ADJUNCTS HOWEVER, THERE ARE ALSO DISJUNCTS AND CONJUNCTS DIGRESSION: frequent words The most frequent words in English are: THE A IS ARE WAS WERE DID DO However, these are just INDIVIDUAL WORDS. We know that language actually operates on UNITS LARGER THAN WORDS: PHRASES and CLAUSES So, what do you think, what is the most frequent phrase/clause in the English language? THE MOST FREQUENT PHRASE/CLAUSE IN ENGLISH: IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS REFERS TO SPOKEN ENGLISH YOU KNOW /j’ nou/ Closely followed by: I mean, I suppose, You see, Sort of and similar expressions. YOU KNOW, I MEAN, YOU SEE… AN EXAMPLE IS THIS GOOD ENGLISH? When my sister and I were children, we had a small, ahm, a little, sort of, patch, you know, cunningly a bit tucked away at the back of somewhere at our place and we used to grow tomatoes and the odd vegetable. I mean, I've always felt that's an important part of , you know, one'sconnection with nature and the soil, and so, I suppose, that was part of it. But thenWANT whenTO I, you know, when I came down here, and I just IF YOU SOUND wanted stuck in and I'd always wanted to do a bit of farming LIKEto ANget EDUCATED OFFICIALLY, THIS IS - PERSON, I'm not YOU very SHOULDN’T good at it but fortunately there are lots of other REALLY BAD LIKEto THIS. peopleTALK around help. ENGLISH! WHO IS, THEN, THIS PERSON? Who is this person that tortures and abuses the beauty of the language of Shakespeare, Chaucer, Dickens, Joyce, etc? Who is this uneducated scum of the earth who dares ruin the perfection of English as it has evolved over two millennia? What is his walk of life, education and social background? PRINCE CHARLES > heir to the throne of England YOU KNOW, YOU SEE, I MEAN… ALL OF THESE THINGS ARE DISJUNCTS, ACTUALLY. DISJUNCTS RELEVANT POINTS DISJUNCTS DISJUNCTS STYLE DISJUNCTS Comment the style, form, conditions of speaking CONTENT/ ATTITUDINAL DISJUNCTS (comment the truth value of an utterance) CERTAINTY EVALUATION DISJUNCTS: more info Disjuncts are typically PPs and CLAUSES. STYLE DISJUNCTS convey either: Speaker’s assertion of truth (truthfully), or Speaker’s indication of generalization (broadly). ATTITUDINAL DISJUNCTS comment on: TRUTH VALUE OF THE SENTENCE (CERTAINTY) General: certainly General + perception: obviously General + comment on reality of content: really CONTENT OF COMMUNICATION (EVALUATION) General: understandably General + comment on clause subject: wisely (similar to subjuncts) CONJUNCT RELEVANT POINTS CONJUNCTS (1/2) They have a CONNECTIVE FUNCTION between SENTENCES (sometimes, they are called SENTENCE LINKERS) Most typically, they take the INITIAL POSITION, but they are not restricted to it. Sometimes, they can take the MEDIAL and FINAL position: CONJUNCTS (2/2) There are many classifications of conjuncts, below there is a list of THE MOST FREQUENT classes of conjuncts (there are many other classes, which are not given here): CONJUNCTS: add-on According to most textbooks there are two more groups: INFERENTIAL CONJUNCTS: They convey an inference from what is implicit in the preceding sentence or sentences: Else, otherwise, then, in other words, in that case TEMPORAL TRANSITION CONJUNCTS: They convey that the temporal ordering is simultaneous with the previous sentences (similar to TIME ADJUNCTS): In the meantime, in the meanwhile… CONJUNCTS: add-on Also, according to most textbooks there are four subtypes of CONTRASTIVE CONJUNCTS: REFORMULATORY CONTRASTIVE CONJUNCTS: BETTER, RATHER, IN OTHER WORDS… REPLACIVE CONTRASTIVE CONJUNCTS: AGAIN, ALTERNATIVELY, RATHER, BETTER, WORSE, ON THE OTHER HAND ANTITHETIC CONTRASTIVE CONJUNCTS: CONTRARIWISE, CONTRASTINGLY, CONVERSLY, INSTEAD, OPPOSITELY, ON THE CONTRARY, IN CONTRAST, IN COMPARISON, ON THE OTHER HAND… CONCESIVE CONTRASTIVE CONJUNCTS: ANYHOW, ANYWAY, BESIDES, ALSE, HOWEVER, NONTHELESS, NEVERTHELESS, NOTWITHSTANDING, STILL,YET, IN ANY CASE, AT ANY RATE, FOR ALL THAT, ALL THE SAME… MIDTERM TEST WHAT IT REALLY LOOKS LIKE… IT’S WORTH TAKING A GOOD LOOK, BECAUSE IT’S WORTH 25% (OF YOUR FINAL GRADE) Exercises 7 & 8 deal with ADVERBIALS 7. Underline all the adverbials in the following sentences and specify their a. type (adjunct, conjunct, disjunct), and subtype; b. position in YOU WILL (I, ALLM, DOF): THIS KIND OF EXERCISE DURING sentence YOUR FIRST PRACTICE CLASSES IN APRIL, SO Example:The people upstairs are noisy [in the evening]. type: adjunct WE WILL NOT DO THEM NOW, (time, time-when); position: F AS WE WANT IT TO BE FRESH IN 8. Underline all the adverbials in the following YOU MEMORY FOR THE TEST! sentences and specify their syntactic structure (type of phrase or clause): Example:The people upstairs are noisy [in the evening]. structure: PP NOW, LET’S DO (ALMOST) EVERY OTHER TASK… SO THAT YOU CAN BE FULLY PREPARED… 1. Identify the word class of the underlined items in the following sentences: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) ADJ He was the last person to hear the news. __________ ADV He finished last. __________ ADV She thinks highly of her teachers. __________ P I’ve been feeling under stress lately. __________ CONJ. It may be many years before the situation improves. __________ P The task before us is a difficult one. __________ ADV We drove up to Inverness to see my father. __________ ADJ In case of emergency, take the up escalator. __________ ADV You should have told me so before. __________ The travel agent recommended a cruise up the Neva. __________ P ADVERB PARTICLE OF A PHRASAL VERB Don’t you ever give up! __________ 2. Underline the required phrases in the following sentences and analyze their structure and syntactic function. Examples: She is [very happy] S: AdjP=Adv+Adj; F: Cs He speaks [fluently enough]. S: AdvP=Adv+Adv; F: A She has [a house in the woods] S: PP=P+NP; F: complement of NP 2.1. APs – Adjective phrases a) This is a very interesting book. AP=Adv + ADJ premodication in an NP S: _____________________ F: ______________________ b) She isn’t old enough to get married. AP=Adv + ADJ +Cl (n.f.) F: _____________________ Cs S: _____________________ c) We are delighted that you have made it. AP=ADJ +Cl (f.) Cs S: _____________________ F: ____________________ d) He found her prettier than her sister. AP=ADJ +PP Co S: _____________________ F: _____________________ 2. Underline the required phrases in the following sentences and analyze their structure and syntactic function. Examples: She is [very happy] S: AdjP=Adv+Adj; F: Cs He speaks [fluently enough]. S: AdvP=Adv+Adv; F: A She has [a house in the woods] S: PP=P+NP; F: complement of NP 2.2. AdvPs – Adverb phrases e) He plays the piano surprisingly well AdvP=Adv + ADV A(dverbial) S: ___________________ F: ___________________ f) I hope to meet him soon enough. AdvP=Adv + ADV A(dverbial) S: ____________________ F:___________________ g) He spoke too fast for us to take notes. AdvP=Adv + ADV+ Cl(non-f.) A(dverbial) S: _________________ F: _____________________ 2. Underline the required phrases in the following sentences and analyze their structure and syntactic function. Examples: She is [very happy] S: AdjP=Adv+Adj; F: Cs He speaks [fluently enough]. S: AdvP=Adv+Adv; F: A She has [a house in the woods] S: PP=P+NP; F: complement of NP 2.3. PPs – Prepositional phrases h) An extra £10 million will be sent to the flooded region. PP=P +NP S: ___________________________ F: _________ obligatory ADVERBIAL i) For certain personal reasons I shall not be able to attend. PP= P + NP optional ADVERBIAL S: ___________________________ F: _________ j) We’re very sorry about the damage we caused. PP=P +NP complement of AP S: ___________________________ F: ______________ k) From what I heard, the company’s in deep trouble. PP=P +Cl (finite, wh) S: ___________________________ F: _____________ optional ADVERBIAL PP=P +NP obligatory ADVERBIAL S: ___________________________ F: _____________ 3. Arrange the adjectives into the correct order within the NP: a. b. c. d. e. dress (silk/ long/ extravagant/ red) an extravagant long red silk dress _____________________________________________________ dog (brown/ friendly/ large) a friendly large brown dog _____________________________________________________ biscuits (home-made/ delicious/ chocolate) delicious home-made chocolate biscuits _____________________________________________________ skirt (striped / tight / silk) a tight striped silk skirt _____________________________________________________ woman (thirty-year old / attractive / tall / blonde) an attractive tall thirty-year old blonde woman _____________________________________________________ 4. Transform the following sentences by changing the nouns with adjectives into verbs followed by suitable expressions (AdvP, AdjP, PP): a. b. c. d. e. There has been a drastic fall in the dollar. The dollar has fallen drastically. _________________________________________________________ Why did she give me such a stern look? Why did she look at me so sternly? _________________________________________________________ Tom is a good cook. Tom cooks well. _________________________________________________________ I gave her a fatherly talk. I talked to her in a fatherly way/manner. _________________________________________________________ The flowers had a fragrant smell. The flowers smelt/smelled fragrant. _________________________________________________________ 5. Rephrase the sentences so that they begin with the words in italics: I have never met such a man. Never have I met such a man. _______________________________________________ You should not sign the document on any account. On no account should you sign the document. ____________________________________ I realized what happened only when they left. Only when they left did I realize what happened. _________________________________________ A truer word has seldom been spoken. Seldom has a truer word been spoken. ______________________________________________ 6. Underline the adverbs in each of the following sentences and determine their syntactic functions (1. Adverbial - adjunct, conjunct, disjunct; 2. Modifier of – NP, AdjP, AdvP, PP, Det; 3. Complement of P): a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Understandably, the project was a success. ADVERBIAL - disjunct She has an awfully bad temper. MODIFIER - AP He showed us straight to our seats. MODIFIER - PP Mary works very hard. 1:MODIFIER - AdvP 2:ADVERBIAL- adjunct MODIFIER - NP He is quite a nice man. 1: ADVERBIAL - conjunct Yet, she could never forgive him. 2: ADVERBIAL- adjunct Over twenty people came to the party. MODIFIER - Determiner This letter came from abroad. Complement of P THE SIMPLE SENTENCE LECTURE #1 – 2012-04-18 WHAT IS A SENTENCE? Basic concepts of a science are notoriously difficult to define, e.g. atom, number, society, etc. SENTENCE In the traditional view, a sentence is defined: “A sequence of words that is complete in itself, conveying a statement, question, exclamation or command, typically containing a subject and predicate.” (OED) “A group of words that usually contains a subject and a verb, and expresses a complete idea” (LDOCE) “A grammatical unit that is syntactically independent and has a subject that is expressed or, as in imperative sentences, understood and a predicate that contains at least one finite verb.” (MWED) SENTENCE In computational linguistics, a sentence is defined: “A sequence of words that begins with capital letter and ends in “.”, “!” or “?”.” (Manning and Schutze) SENTENCE: some examples “A dog sleeps.” “A friendly dog in the kennel next to our house sleeps like a baby.” “Yes.” “No!” “Good.” “Aaaargh, a dog!” “The more, the merrier!” “To hell with Skyrim!” SENTENCE: some examples “A dog sleeps [wherever it finds a suitable place].” “I know [that a friendly dog in the kennel next to our house sleeps like a baby].” “Stop [doing that]!” “Stop that!” “Stop!” “Wow!” “A-ha.” SENTENCE: what examples tell us Not all sentences contain a subject and a verb: Structures such as “Wow!”, “Yes.”, “Aaaah, a dog!”, “The more, the marrier.”, which do not contain a subject and a verb, are called SENTENCE FRAGMENTS or MINOR SENTENCES. Structures such as “A dog sleeps.” and “I bought a book yesterday in a nice bookstore somewhere on the West Side.”, which do contain both a subject and a verb, are called FULL SENTENCES or MAJOR SENTENCES. SENTENCE: what examples tell us Not all sentences contain just one subject and one verb: Structures such as “A dog sleeps.” and “I bought a book yesterday in a nice bookstore somewhere on the West Side.”, which contain just one subject and one verb, are called SIMPLE SENTENCES. Structures such as “A dog sleeps [wherever it finds a suitable place].” and “I know [that a friendly dog in the kennel next to our house sleeps like a baby].”, which contain more than one subject and a verb (i.e. which contain more than one clause), are called COMPLEX SENTENCES. WHAT IS A CLAUSE? SENTENCE vs. CLAUSE SENTENCE CLAUSE CLAUSE In the traditional view, a clause is defined: “A unit of grammatical organization next below the sentence in rank, and in traditional grammar said to consist of a subject and predicate.” (OED) “A group of words that contains a subject and a verb, but which is usually only part of a sentence.” (LDOCE) “A group of words containing a subject and a predicate and forming part of a compound or complex sentence.” (MWED) SENTENCE vs. CLAUSE CLAUSE – a syntactic unit which is larger than a phrase and which consists of ONE PREDICATION. Clauses can be both FINITE and NON-FINITE, and DEPENDENT and INDEPENDENT. SENTENCE – the biggest syntactic unit. It consists of at least one clause. Sentences are always FINITE. Sentences are always INDEPENDENT. E.g. clause (non-finite), function: S, structure: VCs To be happy clause (non-finite), function: Od, structure: VA means to be in love. clause (finite) = sentence, structure: S(clause) V Od(clause) SENTENCE vs. CLAUSE Some other examples: I am happy. clause (finite) = sentence, structure: S V Cs clause (non-finite), function: Od, structure: V Cs I want to be happy. clause (finite) = sentence, structure: S V Od(clause) clause (finite), function: Od, structure: S V Od (clause) clause (non-finite), function: Od, structure: VCs I know that he wants to be happy. clause (finite) = sentence, structure: S V Od(clause) SENTENCE vs. CLAUSE The previous example showed us an important feature of all human languages including English: LANGUAGES ARE RECURSIVE IN OTHER WORDS, YOU CAN EMBED A CLAUSE INTO ANOTHER CLAUSE AND THEN EMBED YET ANOTHER CLAUSE INTO THAT CLASUE, AND THEN DO IT AGAIN… Mary is telling the truth. I know [that Mary is telling the truth]. I know [that John knows [that Mary is telling the truth]]. I know [that John knows [ that Bill knows [that Mary is telling the truth]]]. I know [that John knows [ that Bill knows [ that the police believe [that Mary is telling the truth]]]]. CLASSIFICATION OF SENTENCES STRUCTURAL CLASSIFICATION STRUCTURAL CLASSIFICATION Sentences and clauses are structurally classified according to two different criteria: THE NUMBER AND TYPE OF CLAUSES IN A SENTENCE > THE BASIS FOR SENTENCE CLASSIFICATION THE TYPE OF VERB IN A SENTENCE > THE BASIS FOR CLAUSE CLASSIFICATION SENTENCES - CLASSIFICATION BASED ON NUMBER AND TYPE OF CLAUSES STRUCTURAL CLASSIFICATION = based on the NUMBER AND TYPE of clauses in a sentence: SENTENCE SIMPLE COMPLEX COMPOUND SENTENCES – IMPORTANT NOTE COMPOUND SENTENCES ARE REALIZED BY MEANS OF THE GRAMMATICAL REALITIONSHIP OF COORDINATION. COORDINATION IS LEXICALLY REALIZED THROUGH COORDINATORS (AND, OR & BUT) HOWEVER, EVERYTHING CAN BE COORDINATED, SO THE EXISTANCE OF A COORDINATOR DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY INDICATE THAT THE SENTENCE IS A COMPOUND SENTENCE. SENTENCES – IMPORTANT NOTE John kissed Mary and Bill kissed Angelina. John kissed Marry when he invited her to a candlelight dinner but Bill kissed Angelina when they went to a football match. COMPOUND SENTECE (COMPLEX SENTENCE + COMPLEX SENTENCE) John kissed and embraced Mary. COMPOUND SENTENCE (SIMPLE SENTENCE + SIMPLE SENTENCE) SIMPLE SENTENCE (COORDINATED VERB) John kissed Mary and embraced Mandy. COMPLEX SENTENCE (SIMPLE SENTENCE + SIMPLE SENTENCE WITH ELIDED SUBJECT) CLAUSES- CLASSIFICATION BASED ON NUMBER AND VERB VALENCY One of the properties of verbs is VALENCY. VALENCY is the number of obligatory elements that a particular verb takes. On the basis of VALENCY verbs can be divided into five types. VERB CLASSES VERBS INTENSIVE EXTENSIVE INTRANSITIVE monotransitive ditransitive TRANSITIVE complex transitive CLAUSE TYPES ON THE BASIS OF VERB CLASSES CLAUSE TYPES VERBS CLAUSE TYPES THE SINGLE VERB ELEMENT OF A SIMPLE SENTENCE IS ALWAYS A FINITE VERBS VP. INTENSIVE/LINKING SO, THESE ARE THE 7 TYPES OF SIMPLE SENTENCES IN ENGLISH INTRANSITIVE EXTENSIVE TRANSITIVE 1. SVCs 2. SVA 3. SV MONOTRANSITIVE 4. SVO DITRANSITIVE 5. SVOiOd COMPLEX TRANSITIVE 6. SVOCo 7. SVOA CLAUSE TYPES Naturally, OPTIONAL ADVERBIAL may be added to sentences of any type: (Luckily) the sun is (already) shining. I (definitely) must send her a birthday card (tomorrow). The S, V, O and C are OBLIGATORY sentence elements, whereas the A can be either OBLIGATORY or OPTIONAL. The A is obligatory in the SVA and SVOA clause types: John often goes to the cinema. S(A)VA She kept the children in bed during the storm. SVOA(A) SENTENCE ELEMENTS SYNTACTICALLY DEFINED SYNTACTIC CONSTITUENTS (S, V, O, C, A) can be realized in different forms: PHRASES and CLAUSES SENTENCE ELEMENTS syntactically defined PP In the state of nirvana is how I want to feel. AdvP Here is the latest report from Tripoli. Tomorrow is Thursday. AP Beautiful beyond words is how I would describe it. SENTENCE ELEMENTS syntactically defined SENTENCE ELEMENTS syntactically defined SENTENCE ELEMENTS syntactically defined SENTENCE ELEMENTS SEMANTICALLY DEFINED SENTENCE ELEMENTS semantically defined Let’s take a simple sentence as an example: Eric Cartman killed Kenny with a knife. SUBJECT VERB OBJECT ADVERBIAL A syntactic analysis of the sentence would yield the following syntactic structure: SVOA SENTENCE ELEMENTS semantically defined Semantically speaking, every verb describes a SITUATION in which one or more PARTICIPANTS are involved. If we look at the sentence “Eric Cartman killed Kenny with a knife.” we can say that the verb KILL describes a situation which involves three different participants: 1 = THE PERSON WHO PERFORMED THE ACTIVITY 2 = THE PERSON WHO WAS KILLED 3 = THE INSTRUMENT USED FOR KILLING SENTENCE ELEMENTS semantically defined One SYNTACTIC ELEMENT/CONSTITUENT can have VARIOUS SEMANTIC ROLES. For example, the SUBJECT can have three different semantic roles: John opened the door. (SUBJECT is the AGENT) The key opened the door. (SUBJECT is the INSTRUMENT) The door opened. (SUBJECT is the THEME/PATIENT) Actually, this is just the tip of the iceberg: the subject can have as many as THIRTEEN (13!!!) different semantic roles. SUBJECT – semantically defined DIRECT OBJECT – semantically defined INDIRECT OBJECT – semantically defined COMPLEMENTS – semantically defined NOW… …SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CONCORD CONCORD Concord is AGREEMENT between two sentence elements with respect to certain grammatical features. Officially: CONCORD (sometimes termed AGREEMENT) is the relationship between TWO GRAMMATICAL UNITS such that one of them DISPLAYS A PARTICULAR FEATURE (e.g. plurality) that ACCORDS WITH A DISPLAYED (or semantically implicit) FEATURE in the other unit. There are several types of concord. Even in English! But more about it later. WHERE CAN WE SEE CONCORD? *Mary were in London yesterday. S-V concord (gender, person , number) *John cut herself. S-O concord (gender, person, number) *John cut themselves. S-O concord (gender, person, number) *John is an actress. S-Cs concord (gender, person, number) *John considers Bill an actress. S-Co concord (gender, person, number) *John considers them an actor. S-Co concord (gender, person, number) CONCORD – types of CONCORD Depending on SENTENCE ELEMENT Subject-verb concord Subjectcomplement concord Objectcomplement concord Depending on GRAMMATICAL FEATURES Concord of NUMBER Concord of PERSON Concord of GENDER S-V concord: NOUN PHRASES The CHANGE in male attitudes is most obvious in industry. The CHANGES in male attitude are most obvious in industry. When the subject is realized by a noun phrase, the phrase counts as singular IF ITS HEAD IS SINGULAR. S-V concord: AdvP and PP Slowly does it! In the evenings is best for me. Prepositional phrases and adverb phrases functioning as subjects count as SINGULAR. S-V concord: CLAUSES How they got there doesn’t concern me. To treat them as hostages is criminal. Smoking cigarettes is dangerous to your health. To drink and drive is a recipe for disaster. Finite and non-finite clauses generally count as SINGULAR. However, there are some apparent exceptions. S-V concord: clauses add-on What were supposed to be new proposals were in fact modifications of earlier ones. What was once a palace is now a pile of rubble. Whatever book a Times reviewer praises sells well. What ideas he has are his wife’s. These are NOMINAL RELATIVE CLAUSES: their number depends on the interpretation of the number of the WH-ELEMENT, e.g. with determiners WHAT and WHATEVER the concord depends on the number of the determined noun (the last two examples) S-V concord: general rules General rule of S-V concord: A subject which is not clearly semantically plural requires a singular verb. In other words: SINGULAR is the UNMARKED FORM which is to be used in neutral circumstances when there is no positive. This explains why in informal speech we can often hear: There is hundreds of people in the streets. S-V concord: exceptions Measles is sometimes serious. Our people are complaining. Apparent exceptions include SINGULAR NOUNS ending in –S (e.g. measles, billards, mathematics, etc.) and PLURAL NOUNS lacking the –S (e.g. cattle, people, clergy, etc.). S-V concord: exceptions Crime and Punishment is a great novel. Brother Karamzov is his masterpiece. The Cedars has a huge garden. ‘Senior citizens’ means people over sixty. Plural noun phrases (including coordinate phrases) count as singular if they are used as NAMES, TITLES, QUOTATIONS, etc. Such NPs can be regarded as appositive structures with an implied singular head: the book ‘Crime and Punishment’, the expression ‘senior citizens’, etc. S-V concord: exceptions The Canterbury Tales exists in many manuscripts. The Canterbury Tales exist in many manuscripts. The titles of some works that are collection of stories may be counted as either singular or plural. Principles of grammatical concord: NOTIONAL concord & PROXIMITY No one except his own supporters AGREE with him. The head is NO ONE, but the verb agrees with SUPPORTERS – this is called PROXIMITY. PROXIMITY (also called ‘ATTRACTION’) denotes agreement of the verb with a closely preceding NP in preference to agreement with the head of the NP that functions as subject: Proximity is here reinforced by NOTIONAL CONCORD (‘Only his own supporters agree with him’). NOTIONAL CONCORD – how the speaker understands the concept denoted with the NP (singular or plural) regardless of the grammatical form EXAMPLES OF NOTIONAL CONCORD Ten dollars is all I have left. [That Fifteen years represents a long period of his life. [That distance is…] Two thirds of the area is under water. [That period is…] Two miles is as far as they can walk. [That amount is…] area is…], Sixty people means a huge party. [That number of people means…] Principles of grammatical concord: NOTIONAL concord & PROXIMITY Conflict between grammatical concord and proximity increases with the distance between the NP head of the subject and the VP (e.g. when an adverbial or a parenthesis intervenes between the subject and the verb). Proximity concord occurs mainly in unplanned discourse – in writing it will be corrected to grammatical concord. We will discuss GRAMMATICAL CONCORD, NOTIONAL CONCORD and PROXIMITY in the following cases: Collective noun head Coordinated subject Indefinite expressions COLLECTIVE NOUNS The audience were enjoying every minute of it. The public are tired of demonstration. England have won the cup. Our Planning Committee have considered… Singular collective nouns may be notionally plural. In BRITISH ENGLISH the verb may be EITHER SINGULAR or PLURAL. COLLECTIVE NOUNS The audience was enormous. The public consists of you and me. The crowd has been dispersed. The choice between singular and plural verbs depends in BRITISH ENGLISH on whether the group is being considered as a single undivided body or as a collection of individuals. On the whole: the plural is more popular in speech, whereas in writing the singular is preferred. COORDINATED SUBJECTS When a subject consists of TWO or MORE noun phrases (or clauses) coordinated by AND, we must make a distinction between: COORDINATION (PROPER) COORDINATIVE APPOSITION COORDINATION (PROPER) Tom and Alice ARE now ready. =[Tom is now ready and Alice is now ready.] What I say and what I think ARE my own affair. =[What I say is my own affair and what I think is my own affair] BUT: What I say and do IS my own affair. COORDINATION REFERS TO CASES WHEN WE HAVE FULL COORDINATED FORMS (not REDUCED FORMS). A PLURAL VERB IS USED EVEN IF EACH CONJOIN IS SINGULAR. COORDINATION (PROPER) His camera, his phone, his money WERE confiscated by the customs officials. A PLURAL VERB IS ALSO NEEDED WHEN THERE IS NO COORDINATOR. COORDINATION (PROPER) You problem and mine ARE similar. =[Your problem is similar to mine and mine is similar to yours.] What I say and do ARE two different things. =[What I say is one thing and what I do is another thing.] Conjoins expressing MUTUAL RELATIONSHIP are also PLURAL. COORDINATION PROPER TRICKY ISSUE Every adult and every child was holding a flag. Each senator and congressman was allocated two seats. Each of them has signed the petition. BUT: They have each signed allocated two seats. PREPOSED EACH AND EVERY HAVE A DISTRIBUTIVE EFFECT AND REQUIRE A SINGULAR VERB. COORDINATIVE APPOSITION This temple of ugliness and memorial to Victorian bad taste was erected in the main street of the city. BUT: His ages servant and the subsequent editor of his collected papers was with him at his deathbed. His ages servant and the subsequent editor of his collected papers were with him at his deathbed. SINGULAR IS USED IF THE SERVANT AND THE EDITOR ARE THE SAME PERSON (APPOSITIVE COORDINATION) AND PLURAL IS USED IF THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT PERSONS (COORDINATION PROPER). COORDINATION WITH OR AND NOR Either the Mayor or her deputy IS (ARE) bound to come. 2. What I say or what I think IS(ARE) no business of yours. 3. Either the strikers of the bosses (HAS) HAVE misunderstood the claim. 4. Either your brakes or your eyesight IS (ARE) at fault. 5. Either your eyesight or your brakes ARE (IS) at fault. When coordinated items have the same number, there is pure grammatical concord: when they are both singular (1 and 2) the verb is also singular, when they are both plural (3), the verb is also plural. When coordinated items do not have the same number, English follows the principle of PROXIMITY: whichever phrase comes last determines the number of the verb. (4 and 5). NOT…BUT and NOT ONLY…BUT behave like EITHER…OR. 1. INDEFINITE EXPRESSIONS AS SUBJECT - CONCORD THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME! CU NEXT WEEK! THE END THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME! CU NEXT WEEK! THE END