Notes Handouts - Mitchell Community Schools

Animal Farm
Satire –
Animal Farm is a satirical novel that warns against the dangers of _________________
Compares its main characters to key players in the Russian Revolution.
What is the Russian Revolution?
In 1917, the workers in Russia overthrew the czar (__________) and formed a
provisional (________________) government.
Until this time, Russia had an extreme class system in which _________ of the
population was poor.
Czar Nicholas II
Became Czar in 1894
Absolute __________; unlimited ___________
___________ personality
Ignored __________ of the people
Often left wife, Czarina Alexandra, and her advisor Rasputin in charge.
The People
Majority of Russians were ___________ and ___________________
Most peasants did not own the land they farmed
Factory workers endured _______________, low pay, and ___________ working
February Revolution
Russia was doing poorly in WWI
Faced severe ________ shortages, ___________, and protests
February 23-24, 1917: Peaceful demonstrations asking for “____________________”
turned violent
Animal Farm
Riots forced Czar Nicholas II to _____________ the throne.
Provisional government put into place
1. Provisional government ________________ the war
2. Peasants still without _______________.
October Revolution
Bolshevik Party gains support of _________________ with promise of ___________
Led by Vladamir Lenin, with slogans such as “____________, _____________, and
_____________” the Bolsheviks take over the provisional government
Lenin redistributes land to the peasants
Russia officially pulls out of WWI
Bolsheviks order the _________________ of Czar Nicholas II and his family
Russia shifts from the rule of __________ to the rule of a _________
Rise of Communism
Communism comes from a theory by Karl Marx and says that all people should be
____________ and there should be no ___________. Everyone should work for the
good of the ___________ and wealth would be equally ___________ amongst all
The Years Following
The Communist Party wins a civil war and Russia is renamed the Union of Social Soviet
Republics (USSR)
1926: _____________________ takes over as the leader of the USSR a few years after
Lenin’s death
Russia emerges as one of the world’s ______________
Animal Farm
Animal Farm
Key Players in Communism
Karl Marx
German philosopher and economist
Developed theory of _____________, from which Communism is formed
Encourages society with no social __________
Vladimir Lenin
Leader of Bolshevik party that overthrew provisional government
Ruthless, but __________
Made several social changes before being wounded in ______________________
Never fully recovered
Leon Trotsky
Worked alongside Vladimir Lenin during the Russian Revolution
Was put in charge of “________________”
Pushed out of office when ________ took over
Exiled to ________________
Joseph Stalin
Was not a key player in the revolution, but rose to power after
One of the most ______________ dictators in history
1930’s – conducted purges, killing “enemies of the people”
Who’s Who?
Mr. Jones = Czar Nicolas II
Old Major = Karl Marx
Snowball = Leon Trotsky
Napoleon = Joseph Stalin
Squealer = news media
Animal Farm
Pigs = loyal followers of Stalin
Dogs = Police; military
Boxer = working class
 Farmhouse = the Kremlin (Czar’s home)
 Gun/Flag = overthrow of government
 Battle of Cowshed – Russian Civil War
 Sugarcandy Mountain = heaven
 Ribbons & Sugar = luxuries from the old life
 Windmill = Soviet industry