Test Review: Russian Revolution

Test Review: Russian Revolution
Level 3
1. Who was the czar of Russia before
the Russian Revolution?
2. Where was his wife, Alexandra,
3. List 2 problems that Russia faced in
4. Why was it a mistake for Nicholas to
go to the front during WWI?
5. Who did he leave in charge when he
was gone?
6. Who helped her run the country
while Nicholas was gone?
7. What happened to Rasputin?
8. In the March Revolution, the czar
was replaced by a ______ government. _______________________________
9. Who came up with the idea of
10. What is the goal of communism?
11. Does a violent revolution need to
12. What class of people benefit under
13. Who led the November Revolution?
14. What party did he lead?
15. What 3 things did Lenin promise
the Russian people?
16. What treaty ended the war between
Russia and Germany?
17. What was the name of the
Bolshevik army?
18. Who did they fight in the Russian
Civil War?
19. What did the Bolsheviks change
their name to?
20. What does USSR stand for?
21. An economy where the government
plans everything is called a
22. The minimum amount to be
produced of a good that is set by the
government is known as a
23. What happens if a worker cannot
meet his quota?
24. Why is it bad if the quota is too
25. What do atheists believe in?
26. Lenin backed away from
communism when he allowed some
private ownership. What was this plan
27. Who did Lenin want to take over
after he died?
28. What position did Stalin have that
allowed him to gain support by bribing
people with jobs?
29. What was the goal of Stalin's FiveYear plans?
30. Why did high quotas cause the
USSR to turn out poor quality
31. Farmers' lands were merged
together into what became known as
32. Wealthier peasants who resisted
collectivization were called
33. What was de-kulakization?
34. The time period in which Stalin
removed all threats to his power was
known as the
35. What was the goal of the
Comintern (Communist International)
created by Stalin?