Early Humans, Migration, and the Stone Age

Paleolithic Age & Neolithic Age
 Please take out a blank sheet of paper. Flip the paper so
that the longest side is horizontal. Divide the sheet
into ten equal boxes. Title it (on the faint red line)
“Stone Age Toolkit”
 When the images are projected, please sketch each
object in the boxes.
 As we go through the interactive, please label each
artifact and write a brief description
 We are going to learn what kinds of tools early humans
used in the Stone Age. We will make predictions about
each tool and then find out their actual uses. Please
name each tool and write a brief description for each
 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ancient/stone-age-
 On your maps, label each continent and ocean (Be
careful, this projection is one you aren’t used to
We will be going through an interactive.
For each event, be sure to draw the arrows that show
the movements of early humans as they traveled out of
Number each set of arrows as we go (follow along with
the map on the SMARTBoard)
Fill in the blanks blow the map (numbers will match
up with the arrows)
 Download the PDF on my webite:
Save it to your
computer! (No wifi required )
 On a piece of paper, define the words in the “Terms,
People, and Places” column on the first page. Also,
draw the chart in the “Note Taking” column located on
the first page. Take notes using the chart and then
answer question #2 at the end of the chapter.
 Take out your homework from last night and answer
the following questions:
1. What is a nomad?
2. How did agriculture (farming) change the way
humans lived?
3. What is the main difference between the old and
new stone ages?
Clear your desk
of everything
except a writing
utensil. You will
have five
minutes to
complete your
For most of human existence we hunted or gathered our food
2. Once we start farming, people are able to have jobs
(specialization of labor)
3. New jobs allow for new things like complex art, complex tools,
complex religions, and complex permanent settlements
4. Social Classes or status is now based on job, or gender instead
of ability
 Paleo = Old
 Neo = New
 Lith = Stone
 Lith = Stone
 Paleolithic means the
 Neolithic means the New
Old Stone Age
 Last approximately from
the invention of the first
stone tool about 2.6
million years ago to
about 10,000 B.C.E.
 Hominids and Homo
Sapiens (Humans)
Stone Age
 Begins around 10,000
B.C.E. when agriculture
begins and ends around
2000 B.C.E. with the
invention of metal tools
 Only Homo Sapiens
 Paleolithic
 Caves, huts, skin tents
 Neolithic
 Mudbrick with timber
 Paleolithic
 Neolithic
 Nomadic
 Sedentary
 Groups of up to 50
 Permanent settlements
 Tribal
 Raise livestock/agriculture
 Hunters & Gathers
 Family structure changes
 Paleolithic
 Neolithic
 Chipped stone
 Polished stone
 Wood weapons
 Sharpened by grinding
 Light, dull tools
 More complex
 Paleolithic
 Animal skin/hide
 Neolithic
 Animal skin/hides
 Woven garments
 Paleolithic
 Neolithic
 Tribal/clan
 Military and religious
 Ruled by elders or the
 Monarchy develops
 Less equality among the
 Rise of cities
 Matriarchal (female
dominated) or
Patriarchal (male
 Paleolithic
 Neolithic
 No private property
 Concept of private
 Limited trade
property emerges
 Land, livestock and
tools could now be
 Trade networks develop
 Limited storage
Economy means how people make money or get the things they
 Paleolithic
 Neolithic
 Healthier diet of meat
 Less nutritious diet of
and wild plants
 Humans were taller and
lived longer compared
to Neolithic people
 People got more exercise
mostly grains
 People were shorter and
had a lower life
 New diseases emerge
 Women had more
 Paleolithic
 Neolithic
 Hunters and Gatherers
 Grew crops such as corn,
 Meat, fish, berries
wheat, beans
 Storage for surplus
(extra stuff )
 Store only what they can
 Paleolithic
 Neolithic
 Fire
 Agriculture
 Rough stone tools
 Tools of polished stone
 Create a flyer that will persuade a human living in
10,000 BCE to either switch to agriculture from
hunting and gathering or switch to hunting and
gathering from agriculture.
 Include information from
today’s lesson!
 This should be colorful,
factual, and interesting!
 Take out your flyer homework
 On a piece of paper quickly draw a two column chart
 Head the left side “Pro” and the right side “Con”
 Using the era that you made a flyer for (Paleolithic
H+G or Neolithic Ag.) come up with as many pros
(good things) and as many cons (bad things) as you
can think of regarding this lifestyle
 Oldest, most intact human ever found!
 Ice-Mummy- the cold preserved his organs and skin
 Found with many stone age tools you’ll recognize
 Cause of death? You be the detective!
 As we watch the film, answer the questions on your
worksheet (50% of the grade). After the film, you will
need to write a paragraph that uses all the evidence
from the film to explain what you think is the most
reasonable explanation of Otzi’s death (50% of the
grade) http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/ancient/iceman-murdermystery.html
 Make Paleolithic Paint (instructions on website,
 Research cave paintings online and come to class with
at least ten facts. This is a great website:
 We will have a split block with Mrs. Newton’s class so
everyone needs to have this for MONDAY regardless if
I have you on an A or B day!
Why do people use images or pictures to
communicate or tell stories?
2. What sort of things do you think pictures left behind
by ancient people tell us about the way they lived?
3. Do you think it is easier or more difficult to express
ideas through images instead of written language?
Symbols in
today’s world
Where do you see these
signs? What do they mean?
Why do we use the same
symbols and colors?
Why would these signs not
have words?
 Cave paintings found all over the world.
 In the Paleolithic Era, most painting
depict humans hunting or just animals.
They may have practiced animism or the
belief that plants, objects, and the natural
world have souls
Dark colors like black, brown, and reds
were made from crushed rocks, shells,
plants, or charcoal mixed with melted
animal fats and plant sap
Brushed on with hair, leaves, or fiber
Often signed with palm print
 Show daily life and what
 #paleokidsarethebestkids
was important to the
artist (much like modern
 No written language
existed back then, so
these paintings are some
of the best clues of what
life was like in the Old
Stone Age
 #mycaveonfleek
 Take out your paper bag and cut it in half so the inside
(blank side) can be stretched out into two flat pieces
 Crumble it up and then smooth it back out to create a
“cave” texture
 Mix your crushed pigment (dirt, rock, shell, etc.) with
oil and a little dish soap OR glue and water, to get a
paint consistency
 Paint a scene that represents the important things in
your life WITHOUT using any words
 Just like real cave paintings, these should show daily life,
common sights, or personal beliefs
 These will get stapled into Interactive NB (right side)
when dry
 Write a paragraph (5-8 sentences) explaining the
symbols or pictures you used and how it represents
your life. (Write on the left side of Interactive NB)
 Both of these artifacts will go in your interactive
 Take out your Otzi Worksheet
 Make sure your Interactive Notebook’s table of
contents is update:
 1. Mental Map of NVIB
 2. Migration Story
 3. Personal Timeline
 4. Cave Painting paragraph (left side) painting (right
 5. Nacerima
 For the new entry, see Mr. Pentzak’s example
 Vocab
Write the next paragraph
Main Ideas/Reaction
 Nacirema=American
 Notgnihsaw=Washington
 Latipsoh=Hospital
 Private shrines=bathrooms
 Holy-mouth men=dentists
 Listeners=therapists
 Cutting faces=shaving
 Baking heads=salon