Minnesota State University, Mankato IFC Agenda Thursday October 6, 2011 Call to Order: 6:00pm I. Roll Call: II. Approval of Minutes: 9/22/11 III. Approval of Agenda: 10/6/11 IV. Officer Reports: Vice President of Community Service and Philanthropy, Mr. Mike Miller michael.miller-4@mnsu.edu AFLV packet (3 items per week) Still need volunteers from all chapters for the Blood Drive, Haunted House and Rake the Town events. Sororities already have all their volunteers. Dates for events again are October 19th 9am-3pm for Blood Drive, October 26th 6pm-12am for Haunted house, and October 29th 730am-Noon for Rake The Town Seat cushions were sold at the football game to raise funds for Dance Marathon Vice President of Risk Management, Mr. Zach Miller: zachary.miller@mnsu.edu (507) 327-3859 Risk Management Roundtable was tonight at 5:00pm. Thank you all the delegates who showed up Alcohol Awareness Week Oct. 17th-23rd o Monday: Alpha Chi Omega Presentation TBD on details o Tuesday: Kegs and Eggs in the GO (root beer) o Wednesday: Mock House Party @ Phi Delta Theta o Thursday: Mock tails o Friday: Sigma Nu Banner Beer Goggles Vice President of Conduct Review, Mr. Matthew Ward: matthew.ward-1@mnsu.edu (507) 382-6379 Conduct Review Roundtable o Thank you to all the delegates who showed up Working on AFLV packets Vice President of Academic Affairs and Membership Development, Mr. Steven Sporre: steven.sporre@mnsu.edu (507) 330-1403 Scholarship Roundtable October 19th at 9:00pm in Nickerson o Will be emailing each chapter delegates New Member Workshop now Tuesday November 1st at 9:00pm in the CSU 253-4 Vice President of Recruitment, Vacant Vacant Vice President of Public Relations, Mr. Alex Johnson alex.johnson-2@mnsu.edu (651) 380-7042 Roundtable with counterpart details soon to come Survey asking people how they feel about Greeks o Simple questions sent out to faculty, professors asking their stand on the Greek community Working on finding documentation for AFLV Vice President of Council Management, Mr. Steven Yetter: steven.yetter@mnsu.edu (612) 306-6933 Reminder to all Chapter Presidents that all Fall 2011 Semester Chapter Dues are due on Oct. 13 Bylaws are a work in process but starting the organizational process. President, Mr. Cody Buechner: cody.buechner@mnsu.edu (507)766-0295 Worked a little bit on the Expansion Committee o Sending out documents to interested organizations soon. 1:1’s Greek Advisor, Mr. John Bulcock: john.bulcock@mnsu.edu (507) 389-6076 Transition Help President’s Meeting to be Scheduled indented to review awards packets. MSU Mall Policies reminder that you cannot amplify music other than 12:00-1:00pm. Service Opportunities Coming Through VP’s of Community Service and Philanthropy Homecoming Thank You! Marketing Opportunities o Contact AJ deadline is now a week ahead of time RSO Updates Membership Numbers Update at 371 total and 191 are fraternity blue cards AFLV logistic planning Greek Week Co Chair Application due 10/14/2011 Greek Graduate Intern, Ms. Ashley Portra: ashley.portra@mnsu.edu No Report Old Business: New Business: I move to open up nominations for the VP of Recruitment o Daniel Lein I move to open up elections for the VP of Recruitment o Daniel Lein V. Announcements: Group Picture today Thank you from Dan Lein Oct. 19th Phi Delta Theta is hosting a Mock House Party o With real cops and EMT’s Meeting Adjourned at 6:26