1 Auburn University Montgomery PHED 2203 WELLNESS Fall 2012 SYLLABUS Instructor: Mrs. Andria Walker Phone: (334) 309-7010 cell (334) 244-3536 office Office/Hours: 209 Wellness Building Email: aturner2@aum.edu aptwalker@hotmail.com Time/Location: Mon. & Wed. 2:10- 4:00/ 107W 10:30- 1:30 Mon/Wed, Tues 8:30- 1:30 Required Text: Corbin, C. B., Welk, G. J., Corbin, W. R. & Welk, K. A. (2011). Concepts of Fitness and Wellness 9th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. Course Description: During this course, students will be presented with information for living a healthier lifestyle with the use of lecture, small group work, lab work, question and answer sessions and activity sessions. Rationale: As the obesity crisis and other medical issues continue to escalate, it is important for individuals to have a greater understanding of how to live and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to demonstrate an understanding of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Characteristics and concepts as they relate to a healthy lifestyle Components of health-related physical fitness Basic nutrition and the importance of weight control Unhealthy behaviors and ways to avoid these behaviors Ways to manage stress Lifestyle-related diseases and how they may be avoided Attendance: Students are expected to attend class. A maximum of 1 absence will be tolerated. Illnesses (even with a dr.’s excuse), family issues, work, etc… are included in the 1 allowed absence. Each subsequent absence will result in a 10 point deduction from final grade. Please communicate with me as quickly as possible should an emergency arise that keeps you out of class. If you are absent and miss classwork that is taken for a grade, it is YOUR responsibility to check with me in order to have the opportunity to receive credit for the assignment. 2 Class Etiquette: 1. Be prepared and on time for class. Two tardies = 1 absence. 2. NO CELL PHONES OR BEEPERS IN CLASS AT ANY TIME. If you are caught using a cell phone or texting during class, you will be asked to leave, marked absent and 5 points will be deducted from your overall grade. 3. Dress appropriately for physical activity. 4. No Food or Drink allowed in classroom or anywhere inside Wellness Center. Important Guidelines: All assignments are due AT THE BEGINNING of class. I WILL NOT accept assignments that are late. All work must be your original work. There should be no similarities between your work and someone else’s work. Any similarities in work (past or present) will be considered as a case of academic dishonesty and will result in failure of this course. *Please be advised that I maintain the right and responsibility to assess your work. Any assignments deemed unacceptable will be returned for possible rework. If there are assignments that are unclear, please see me immediately for clarification. Changes to Syllabus: The instructor reserves the right to make alterations to the syllabus as necessary. However, no changes will be made to the syllabus without discussion and/or announcement in class. Announcements will be posted on Blackboard. Student is responsible for checking Blackboard and email for updates and announcements. Special Needs: Faculty at AUM make every effort to accommodate special needs of students. Please notify the instructor as soon as possible of any requested accommodation or any adjustments that need to be made. Safety Warning: There are inherent risks of injury when a student takes part in an activity class. All students must adhere to the safety guidelines as taught by the instructor. All students are responsible for wearing appropriate attire while participating in order to reduce the risk of injury. These injuries include but are not limited to: broken bone, sprains, strains, bruises, blisters, and in extreme situations, death. Students assume these risks when involved in an activity occurring in a class session. *Please check your AUM email and Blackboard frequently as I will make updates when necessary. 3 Assignments: Lab Assignments Notebook: Purchase a folder with prongs or binder. Label the front cover with your name and “Wellness Lab Assignments”. You will answer all questions in the labs we complete in class or for homework on paper and then place these in your notebook. I will check for completion at the end of the term. These may be typed or hand-written. You may also copy your page in your book or simply tear it out and place in your binder. Wellness Goal Notebook: Purchase a binder. Label the front cover with your name and “Wellness Goal Notebook”. You will identify an area in your life related to wellness in which you would like to see change over the course of the semester. You will type this goal out and place it in your binder. You will also develop an “Action Plan” that includes things you will do to help you achieve this goal. Each week, you are required to write an entry into your notebook. Progress you’ve made or things that have hindered you during the week in your quest toward your goal will be included in the weekly entry. I will collect your notebook October 1 in order to grade it. You will need a total of 6 weekly entries in your notebook beginning with the week of August 20 and ending with the week of September 24. MUST BE TYPED! Partial credit WILL NOT be given for this assignment. You either do it all or you do not get credit. Evaluation: Wellness Goal/Action Plan Approval 15 points Midterm Exam 75 points Complete Wellness Goal Notebook 50 points Lab Assignments Notebook (40 Labs x 5 points each) Final Exam (exam 50 points/essay 25 points) TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE Grading Scale: 390- 415 points = A 364- 389 points = B 338- 363 points = C 312- 337 points = D 0- 311 points = F 200 points 75 points 415 points 4 TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE Aug. 13 Class Orientation/Syllabus Review/Assignment Discussion Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire pg. 17-18 (1st submission in Lab Notebook) Section 1: Concepts 1 and 2 Aug. 15 Labs: 1A, 2A, 2B NO CLASS Homework: Write Wellness Goal and Action Plan and prepare notebook Aug. 20 Section 2: Concepts 3 and 4 Labs: 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A Bring Wellness Notebook with Goal and Action Plan for approval (15 points) Entry #1 in Wellness Goal Notebook Aug. 22 Section 2: Concept 5 and Section 3: Concepts 6 & 7 Labs: 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B Aug. 27 NO CLASS Entry #2 in Wellness Goal Notebook Aug. 29 Section 3: Concepts 8, 9, 10 Sept. 3 Labor Day- NO CLASS Entry #3 in Wellness Goal Notebook Sept. 5 Section 4: Concepts 11, 12 Lab: 11A Labs: 8A, 9B, 10A Midterm Review Sept. 10 Midterm Exam- Sections 1-4 Entry #4 in Wellness Goal Notebook 5 Sept. 12 Section 5: Concepts 13, 14 Labs: 13A, 13B, 13C, 14A, 14B Sept. 17 Section 5: Concept 15 and Section 6: Concept 16 and 17 Labs: 15A, 15B, 16A, 16B, 17A, 17C Entry #5 in Wellness Goal Notebook Sept. 19 Section 7: Concept 18, 19, 20 Labs: 18A. 19B, 20A, 21A Sept. 24 Section 7: Concept 21 and Section 8: Concept 22 Entry #6 in Wellness Goal Notebook Sept. 26 Section 8: Concept 23 & 24 Labs: 23A, 23B, 24A, 24B, 24C *Final Written Essay info given Oct. 1 Final Exam Review Wellness Goal Notebook and Lab Notebook Due Oct. 3 Final Exam Sections 5-8 Labs: 21A, 22A