3-20-13 Plant Structure FILL IN THE BLANK NOTES

Plant Structure Notes
Evolution and types of plants
 Since the earth was once covered in water, plants had to make
survive on land
The ability to
The ability to
The ability to
adaptations to
Plants can be placed under two groups
- having true roots, leaves, and stems
Ex. ferns, conifers, flowering plants
- not having true roots, leaves, and stems
Ex. mosses, liverworts, hornworts
Vascular Plants can be divided into two groups
Plants-Made up of ferns and plants closely associated with ferns
Plants-Two types of seed plants
in fruit
-which includes pine trees, produce seeds that are not encased
- aka flowering plants, produce seeds within a protective fruit
The two main groups of angiosperms are the monocots and the dicots
_________________ cotyledon
______________________ leaf venation
_________________________ vascular bundles
Flower parts in ___________________________________________
_____________________________________ roots
Dicots- aka eudicots
________________________ cotyledons
____________________________ leaf venation
__________________________________________of vascular bundles
Flower parts in ______________________________________________
_____________________________________ system
A typical plant body contains three basic organs: roots, stems, and leaves
water and minerals from soil through
the sun’s energy and carbon dioxide from the air through
Plant roots depend on shoots for
produced via photosynthesis
Plant shoots depend on roots for
Plant roots
Anchor plant
Absorb water and nutrients
Store food
Plant shoots
Stems, leaves, and reproductive structures
Stems provide support
Leaves carry out photosynthesis
Many plants have modified roots, stems, and leaves
Modifications of plant parts are adaptations for various functions
Food or water
Root modifications
Food storage
Stem modifications
Runners (allow for asexual reproduction)
Leaf modifications
Examples include carrots & potatoes
Example: pea plants
Thorns or spines
Example: Cactus spine
Plants cells have three structures that distinguish them from animals cells
used in photosynthesis
A large, fluid-filled
composed of cellulose
Plants are categorized based on how long they live
complete their life cycle in one year
complete their life cycle in two years
live for many years
Primary growth vs Secondary Growth
Primary growth is the _________________________ of a plant (shoot ____________________
____________ and root ______________________________________________).
Secondary growth is an increase in diameter of roots and shoots (________________________).
This growth does not occur at all parts of the body like in animals. This is because not all cells in
a plant _____________________.
_______________________________________ – small, unspecialized cells that divide
There are two types of meristem cells.
1. Apical meristem – located at the tips of roots and shoots
Responsible for primary growth
2. Lateral meristem – cells responsible for creating more xylem / phloem and bark
Responsible for secondary growth
Secondary growth increases the girth of woody plants
Vascular cambium produces the _________________________________________
Cork cambium produces the outer
Wood annual rings show when new growth starts each year.
(transport)- functional, lighter-colored wood near the outside of
the trunk
(storage)- the darker wood at the center of the trunk
- transports water
- transports food