Botany Unit Plant Systematics Basic process in plant taxonomy Cataloging Identifying Classifying Cataloging 3 Parts in Cataloging Naming: Uses binomial nomenclature Describing: Looks at attributes of a plant to assign a name Recording: Information must be recorded Over 300,000 different kinds of plants have been cataloged! Identification Learn to recognize major groups of plants by learning key features of families is a major step to identification. Learn the anatomy and key descriptions of plants to correctly identify them. (Use plant dichotomous Key) Classification Uses 7 taxa developed by Carolus Linnaeus Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Vascular Plants Vascular Plants include: Ferns and allies Gymnosperms: Cone Bearing Angiosperms: Flowering **Largest group is the angiosperms 235,000 species** What Botanist Look At? Botanist look at the following parts to classify plants: Flowers Stems Flowers Roots Leaves Stems Leaves Roots Roots & Function Functions of roots: Anchoring Storage of food and water Support Absorb water and nutrients Types of Roots 3 Major type of Roots Taproot: Carrot Fibrous Root: Adventitious Roots: Mangroves Stems & Function Functions of stems: Transportation Support Storage Protection Stem Terms Nodes: Places where leaves are attached Modified Stems Tuber: potato Bulbs: Onion Corm: Gladiolus Rhizome: Ginger Leaves & Functions Functions of Leaves (photosynthesis) Coniferous Trees: Loose their leaves all the time, but seem to have leaves all year long Deciduous Trees: Loose leaves all at once Leaf Anatomy Make sure you know the following Parts: Blade Vein Petiole Node Midrib Venation Leaf Type Simple Leaves Compound Leaves Doubly Compound Leaves Leaf Arrangement Opposite Alternate Whorled Basal Leaf Shape Plant Terms Annuals: Live for only one year, corn, peas, etc. Biennial: Green (vegetative) first year flowers the second year Perennials: Lives for year (5+) they come back every year, grasses, hostas, dandylions, etc