AP Biology Chapter 10 Assignment

AP Biology Chapter 31 Assignment
After reading this chapter and attending lecture, you should be able to:
1. List the characteristics of an angiosperm.
2. Explain the differences between monocots and dicots.
3. Describe the importance of root systems and shoot systems to plants and explain how
they work together.
4. Explain how taproot systems and fibrous root systems differ.
5. Explain the differences between stolons and rhizomes.
6. Describe how plant cells grow.
7. Distinguish between parenchyma and collenchyma cells with regards to structure and
8. Describe the differences in structure and function of the two types of sclerenchyma
9. Explain the importance of tracheids and vessel elements to plants.
10. Distinguish between water-conducting cells and sieve-tube members with regards to
structure and function.
11. Explain the differences between simple tissues and complex tissues.
12. Explain the importance of a cuticle on the aerial parts of a plant and its absence on
13. Describe the functions of the dermal tissue system, vascular tissue system and ground
tissue system.
14. Distinguish among annual, biennial and perennial plants.
15. Explain the importance of the zones of cell division, cell elongation, and cell
differentiation in primary growth of roots.
16. Explain the importance of the endodermis to a plant.
17. Describe the importance of an apical meristem to the primary growth of shoots.
18. Distinguish between the arrangement of vascular tissues in roots and shoots.
19. Describe how "wood" forms due to secondary growth of stems.
20. Using a diagram, describe the basic structure of a root, a stem, and a leaf.