ap world period 6 - Fort Thomas Independent Schools

Period 6 Review
Abby Weyer, Kayla Nehus, Corinne Holmes, and Addie
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Essay Review CC/CCCOT
Period six presentations
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Interaction between Humans and the Environment
● Demographic and environmental changes during the 20th Century
o New Diseases such as Ebola, Heart Disease, HIV/AIDS, Diabetes,
and Alzheimer's
o HIV/AIDS caused more than 25 million deaths between 1981-2014
o Deforestation caused by the Green Revolution in Brazil
o Global warming, Earth Day, more floods, droughts, and hurricane
o World Hunger, and Global epidemics such as Ebola
Development and Interaction of Cultures
● Science and Technologies impacts on culture in the 20th century
o Machine Gun
o Airplane
o U-boats
o Radio
o Tanks
o Mustard Gas
o Zeppelins
o Communication increased
o Invention of the first antibiotic
Development and Interaction of Cultures
● Pop culture and how humanity views the world differently
o Dada- Artistic and literary movement in 1916, arose as a reaction of
World War 1
o James Bond- British Secret Service
o Video games
o Socialist realism- style of realistic art developed in the Soviet Union
o Multiple million dollar companies
Development and Interaction of Cultures
● Regional cultures and how they impacted globalization
o The Québécois separatist movement: Strikes to break the province in
Québec away from the rest of canada
● What forces have allowed the world to come together and to divide?
o Technology has brought the world together but causes it to divide
State-Building, Expansion, And Conflict
● World War 1
o Causes were M.A.I.N.A (Militarism, Alliance Systems, Nationalism,
Imperialism, Assassination of Archduke)
o quick buildup of weapons
● World War 2
○ Germany pays off debt
○ Started when Germany invaded Poland
○ turning point was D-day
State-Building, Expansion, And Conflict
● Holocaust
Led by Hitler
1941-1945, 6 million Jews were killed by Nazis
11 mill died including non- jewish
● Cold War
1945-1991 vs. USSR & Eastern Europe
communism east, democracy west germany was divided into 2 pieces
● Nuclear Weapons
bombs/one traditional bomb can devastate an entire city by blast, fire,
and radiation.
as of 2015 2 nuclear weapons of nuclear warfare both times by US
near end of WWII
State-Building, Expansion, And Conflict
● Role of Non-Aligned Nations in world affairs
Group of states which are not formally aligned with or against power.
War between Western and Eastern blocs.
● International Organizations [not run by countries]
International membership, scope, or presence.
Non- governmental organizations
organization for economic co-operation & development
● League of Nations
founded on June 10th, 1920 as a result of the paris peace conference that ended
State-Building, Expansion, And Conflict
● United Nations
After D-day was created on June 6th, 1944
when it had 51 members but now 193 in New York
Franklin D Roosevelt initiated talks
● Global Balance of Power
national security is enhanced when military capabilities are distributed so no state
is strong enough to dominate
● Reduction of USA and European influences
justified protection from Russia reducing influence EU & Germany unified UE
military force
State Building/Expansion/Conflict
● Interwar Period- totalitarianism-economic distress, nationalism, and weak
governments,Nazi party, violence and intimidation,propaganda
● Decolonization- started from WW1,WW2, cold war, increased violence,
availability to firearm, some negotiated, some violent, colonies still integrated
● Racism- began from social darwinism, KKK in usa against african americans,
womens rights during the wars, chinese exclusion act, gay rights
● Genocide- occurred in yugoslavia, croatia, sudan and rwanda- hutus persecuted
tuts,worst genocide in modern history
● Breakup of Soviet- separated into 15 countries, Gorbachev resigned on dec. 25,
signaled end of Cold War
Creation/Expansion/Interaction of
Economic System
● Recessions/Depression-US stock market crash(1929), germany could not pay
war debt, Britain/France could not pay war debt
● Tech. Advancements-antibiotics, cell phone, radar, telegram, tanks, machine gun
● Pacific Rim-(Japan/South Korea/China/Taiwan) Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation- promoted new economic interest of P.R.N., represented shift of
power away from Europe, world economy more integrated with asian nations
● Multinational Corporations-a corporation that has its facilities/assets in other
countries than its own. Ex.-Coca Cola, mostly American, Japanese, or Western
Development and Transformation of Social
● Women's’ rights: envolved and and changed rapidly over last
centuries. still ways to go to absolute equality
● Declaration of Human Rights: most important of the
organization acts, establishing baseline for healthcare, and
● right for women to vote in the United States
Decolonization of Africa & India
● Africa
o men dreamed of democracy and nationalistic independence
o set up govt. run by natives, Neison, Mandela led strikes and sabotage
of white property
● India
○ Indian colonies taken over by Britain couldn’t economically still hold
on to colonies
○ Britian gave Indian colonies thier independence (Burma, Malaysia,
Effects of World Wars
o Interwar period
o Fascism in Italy
o Treaty of Versailles
○ Japanese labor camps in East Asia
○ Destruction of cities(Hamburg,
Dresden, Tokyo)
○ Death total: 40 million
Development and Transformation of Social Structures
● Russian Revolution:
o 1905 still have tsar- Nicholas started the Duma,
made reforms
o 1917- got rid of tsar
o 1917- got rid of provisional government
● Chinese Revolution
○ 1911
■ Spreading rebellion that deposed the last
emperor China
■ Sun Yat-sen, leader of revolution,
attempted to establish republican form of
Development and Transformation of Social Structures
● Cuban Revolution (July 1953)
o Fidel Castro
 replaced government with
revolutionary socialist state
 October 1965- became communist
 U.S and Cuba still don’t like each
● Iranian Revolution
○ Iranians went to Britain and U.S for
supporters of autocracy
○ revolution helped Iran go backwards
(women clothing)
○ Shah
Creation, Expansion, and Interaction of Economic
● Africa
o fought for British: more freedom
o lots of resources
o After WWI Europeans kept few promises of
economic improvement
o rise of African strikes and civil disobedience
● Latin America
○ economically vulnerable when international
market collapsed during the Great Depression
○ part of third world
■ demonstrated how large and diverse third
world is
Creation, Expansion, and Interaction of
Economic System
● Asia
o Indian national congress led push for
independence from Britain
o 1919: gain power over provincial (regional)
governments from Britain
o Gandhi- non-violence
o Japan- focused on technology and research
development- low military spending
o Taiwan- strong banking and shipping
Characteristics of the 20th Century/ Periodization Review
o Russian Revolution: end of USSR
o Japan and nuclear bomb
o Chinese revolution
o African strikes
o Pearl Harbor- World War 2
o Cold War
o Great Depression
o World War one- Holocaust
o World war two
o Great Depression
● World War 1
● World War 2
● Cold War