5 Major Themes

5 Major Themes
A. Interaction between humans and the environment
a. Most ancient cultures worshiped it
b. Worshiped nature as a god.
B. Development and the interaction of cultures
a. Center of art and architecture
C. State-building, expansion (of state), and conflict
a. Separate city-states had separate gods so when one succeeded or failed, it was
attributed to the gods interacting.
D. Creation, expansion (of economic systems), and interaction of economic systems
a. Emerged as a primary way to explain the universe.
b. As individual city-states competed to please their gods, they put increasing
demands for lavish displays of worship, which spurred the economy.
E. Development and transformation of social structure
a. Because many early religions were highly complicated, only a select few could
manage them, which gave rise to the priestly class.
A. Interaction between humans and the environment
a. Believe Brahman/Atman created the world and they have a deep connection
with nature which they call Vedanta.
B. Development and the interaction of cultures
C. State-building, expansion (of state), and conflict
a. Because of caste system, Hinduism was rejected in many parts of the world
b. Recently, Hindus have been discarding the caste system.
D. Creation, expansion (of economic systems), and interaction of economic systems
a. Emerged in the first millennium C.E. and was created by anonymous writers of
E. Development and transformation of social structure
a. Had rigid caste systems
b. Only way to move was through a cycle of rebirth
A. Interaction between humans and the environment
a. Believed that they, the Hebrews, were God’s chosen people
B. Development and the interaction of cultures
a. Originally lived by the teachings of Abraham.
b. lived by the Torah (Law of Moses) and the Ten Commandments
C. State-building, expansion (of state), and conflict
a. Were enslaved in Egypt 1428 B.C.E. to 1392 B.C.E.
D. Creation, expansion (of economic systems), and interaction of economic systems
a. Originated in Israel as well as Egypt and Persia while the Jews were enslaved
there. Began 6th to 9th century B.C.E.
E. Development and transformation of social structure
a. Spawned two later great monotheistic religions: Christianity and Islam.
A. Interaction between humans and the environment
a. It is not a religion; it is a political and social philosophy.
b. Dealt solely with the question of how to restore political and social order.
B. Development and the interaction of cultures
a. As mentioned above, dealt with the restoration of social order.
C. State-building, expansion (of state), and conflict
a. Confucius had goals of a high office but his ideas often conflicted with that of
the state.
b. However, his ideas prevailed after his death and changed the Chinese system,
as most adapted to it.
D. Creation, expansion (of economic systems), and interaction of economic systems
a. Emerged primarily for the Chinese culture.
b. Began 400 B.C.E.
E. Development and transformation of social structure
a. Five fundamental relationships: ruler and subject, parent and child, husband
and wife, older brother and younger brother, and friend and friend.
b. When each person does his part in each of these relationships society is said to
be stable and orderly.
A. Interaction between humans and the environment
a. Daoists were encouraged to withdraw into the world of nature
b. Were encouraged to be spontaneous, unique, and true to themselves.
B. Development and the interaction of cultures
a. Founded by Lao-Tzu around 500 B.C.E.
b. Believe in the Dao, a passive and unyielding force that accomplishes everything
yet does nothing.
C. State-building, expansion (of state), and conflict
a. Very little conflict, very little expansion or state-building as the point of the
religion was to be unambitious and submissive to nature.
D. Creation, expansion (of economic systems), and interaction of economic systems
a. Used the symbol of water, soft and gentle, yet capable of wearing away stone.
E. Development and transformation of social structure
a. Daoist priests often used magic to influence spirits.
A. Interaction between humans and the environment
a. Believed Buddha’s enlightenment came under a bodhi tree.
B. Development and the interaction of cultures
a. Have similar ideas to Hindu, in that Buddhists believe in reincarnation.
C. State-building, expansion (of state), and conflict
a. Four Noble Truths
i. All life is suffering
ii. Suffering is caused by desire
iii. One can be freed of this desire
iv. One is freed of desire by following what’s called the Eightfold Path
b. After Buddha’s death in 483 B.C.E., Buddhism split into two groups
i. Theravada (Hinayana), which means “The Lesser Vehicle”.
ii. Mahayana, which means “The Way of The Elders”.
D. Creation, expansion (of economic systems), and interaction of economic systems
a. Founded by Hindu prince Siddhartha Gautama.
b. Founded between 563 and 483 B.C.E., his lifetime.
E. Development and transformation of social structure
a. Women cannot live a religious life and cannot achieve spiritual salvation except
through devotion to their husbands.
b. Developed from Hinduism.
A. Interaction between humans and the environment
a. Many Jews and subjects of the Roman Empire believed Jesus was the son of
b. Believed Jesus as the link between God and man.
B. Development and the interaction of cultures
a. Emphasis on compassion, grace through faith, and the promise of eternal life.
C. State-building, expansion (of state), and conflict
a. The Roman and Jewish leaders disagreed with Jesus’ teachings and so in 30
C.E., they crucified him.
D. Creation, expansion (of economic systems), and interaction of economic systems
a. Although initially outlawed, eventually it was adopted as the main religion of
the Roman Empire, making it the most popular religion in the world.
E. Development and transformation of social structure
a. Appealed to the lower class and women because of its dogma that eternal life
was not based on personal circumstances.
b. Women were still excluded from serving the Church however.