Company Setup

Company Details and Settings
The Client was previously setup from the Practice Console layer using the Client Setup Wizard.
If changes need to made to the areas of:
• Company Details
• Settings
• Financial Year Setup
Such changes would be made on these screens.
• How to edit Company
Details and Settings
• From the top menu select,
Setup+Company Details and
1. Select the appropriate tab and
make the necessary changes
2. Once all changes have been
made, Click Save & Close to
update the changes in the system
Codes Maintenance - Area
Prior to using various functionalities of accountsIQ supporting information needs to be setup.
• For example, you must have at least one Tax Rate and one Currency rate setup before you can use the system
The data to be setup is referred to as static, meaning that, once entered, typically it remains the same except
for minor changes.
• For example, consider Customer’s details, the customer data stays constant over time except perhaps for a change of
address, phone number or contact.
The codes are used as default values to help expedite data entry.
The codes are also important in relation to analysis and reporting purposes.
To access Code Maintenance, from the Top Menu, select Setup + Codes maintenance.
• How to add an Area
• Areas can be associated with
Customer and Vendor
• Areas can be used for
reporting analysis on
• Areas can represent whatever
is appropriate to the client’s
business structure.
− Example: Areas could
represent geographical
areas, sales areas, buyer
areas, etc.
1. To add a new Area, Click
Add New Area
2. Enter the appropriate
information, then Click, Save
Codes Maintenance – Credit Term
A Credit Term code is required during Customer and Vendor setup.
AccountsIQ supplies you with a pre-installed set of standard credit terms, which you can edit.
To access Codes Maintenance, from the Top Menu, select Setup + Codes Maintenance.
• How to add a Credit
• Credit Terms are used to
determine ageing for customer
and vendor invoices
• Credit Terms are also used to
determine the colors in the
legends which appear in the
customer and vendor inquiry
1. To add a new Credit Term,
Click Add New Credit Term
2. Enter the appropriate
information, then Click, Save
3. To edit a Credit Term, Click
Edit, make the necessary
changes and Click, Save
Codes Maintenance – Vendor Groups
• Vendor Groups can be used when you want to group like vendors together (i.e. computer vendors, office
supply vendors).
Once the vendor groups have been created, they can then be associated with the specific vendor through
Vendor Accounts.
To access Code Maintenance, from the Top Menu, select Setup + Codes maintenance.
• How to add a Vendor Group
1. To add a new Vendor Group, Click Add
New Vendor Group
2. Enter the appropriate information, then
Click, Save
3. To associate the Vendor Group with a
a. Select Vendor + Vendor Accounts
b. Select the appropriate Vendor
c. Click the Details tab
d. Click the ellipses to access the
vendor group for the created list
4. To edit a Vendor Group, Click the Edit
button, make the necessary changes,
then click Save
Codes Maintenance – Customer Groups
• Customer Groups can be used when you want to group like customer together (i.e. soft drink customers,
non-profit customers).
Once the customer groups have been created, they can then be associated with the specific customers
through Customer Accounts.
To access Code Maintenance, from the Top Menu, select Setup + Codes maintenance.
How to add a Customer
1. To add a new Customer
Group, Click Add New
2. Enter the appropriate
information, then Click,
3. To associate the Customer
Group with a customer:
a. Select Customer +
Customer Accounts
b. Select the appropriate
c. Click the Defaults
d. Click the ellipses to
access the customer
group for the created
4. To edit a Customer Group,
Click the Edit button,
make the necessary
changes, then click Save
Codes Maintenance – Delivery Routes
• Delivery Routes that can be setup then tied to specific Customer Accounts.
• To access Code Maintenance, from the Top Menu, select Setup + Codes maintenance.
How to add a Delivery Route
1. To add a new Delivery Route, Click Add New
Delivery Route
2. Enter the appropriate information, then Click,
Codes Maintenance – Payment Methods
Payment Methods will be used for the payment of invoices.
• Examples of payment methods would be: check, credit cards, debit cards, online payments, electronic funds transfer (EFT), etc.
When setting up Customer/Vendor accounts a payment method is required.
How to add a Payment Method
1. To add a new Payment Method, Click
Add New Payment Method
2. Enter the appropriate information, then
Click, Save
Codes Maintenance – Price Categories
Price Categories are used when you want to provide different price levels for various Customers and
• For example, you may want to give schools and non-profit customers/vendors prices that are lower than the Standard prices for products and
Price Categories can be setup then tied to specific Customer and Vendor accounts.
To access Code Maintenance, from the Top Menu, select Setup + Codes maintenance.
How to add a Price Category
• There are 8 price categories
• The names of the price categories can be edited and
named appropriately
1. To edit a new Price Category, Click Edit next to
the category to be customized
2. Make the appropriate changes, then Click, Save
Codes Maintenance – Priority Codes
Priority Codes can be used to attach a service level requirement to Customers and Vendors.
The three usual Priority Codes (‘Low’, ‘Medium’, ‘High’) are normally set up as part
of the standard system implementation.
How to add a Priority Code
• 3 priority codes are standard with AccountsIQ
− High
− Medium
− Low
1. To add a new Priority Code, Click Add New Priority
2. Enter the appropriate information, then Click, Save
Codes Maintenance – Regions
• Regions can be used to be associated with Customer and Supplier Accounts which can then be used to
default/enter Region details during transaction entry.
Regions can be used for analysis reporting on customer transactions.
As with 'Areas', you can use ‘Regions’ in whatever capacity you require.
• Regions can be sales regions, sales divisions, etc.
To access Code Maintenance, from the Top Menu, select Setup + Codes maintenance.
How to add a Region
1. To add a new Region, Click Add New Region
2. Enter the appropriate information, then Click,
Codes Maintenance – Ship Via
How to add a Ship Via
1. To add a new Ship via, Click Add New Region
2. Enter the appropriate information, then Click,
Codes Maintenance – Item Groups and Sub-Groups/Locations and
• AccountsIQ (Enterprise Edition) has a Stock system for managing products and services.
• Products can be organized into:
• Groups and Sub-Groups, can be used for analysis and reporting purposes. (Example: Group = Water and Sub-Group = 20 oz bottles)
• Products can also be organized into:
• Locations and Sub-Locations could specific areas in which you put your products (Example: Location = Warehouse and SubLocation = Rack 20)
How to add an Item and Sub-Item
1. To add a new Item Group, Click Add New Item
Group, enter the appropriate information, then Click
2. To add a new Item Sub-Group, Click Add New Item
Sub-Group, enter the appropriate information then
Click, Save
How to add a Location and Sub-Location
1. To add a new Location, Click Add New Location
2. Enter the appropriate information, then Click, Save
3. To add a new Sub-Location, Click Add New SubLocation, enter the appropriate information then Click,
Codes Maintenance – General Ledger Groups
• General Ledger groups are high-level groups within the General Ledger.
• These groupings DO NOT affect the chart of accounts or any related reports, however, they can be used
for analysis and reporting purposes.
Codes Maintenance – System Accounts
AccountsIQ has a list of required system
accounts which are used to facilitate a
number of automated posting routines in
the system.
These system accounts must be mapped in
your Chart of Accounts, even if you choose
not to use some of them.
• For example: Purchase Discounts is a system
account. You may utilize purchase discounts,
however for the system to function properly, you
must have a General Ledger code for Purchase
• Then that General Ledger code must be tied or
mapped to the System Account for Purchase
Codes Maintenance – G/L Categories and Sub-Categories
Categories are setup within the General Ledger and are the highest level grouping for the Chart of Accounts.
AccountsIQ provides a standard set of Categories which can be added to or edited.
• Category 01 = Operating Income
• How to add a G/L Category
1. To add a new Category, Click Add New Category
2. Enter the appropriate information, then Click, Save
• Sub-Categories within the General Ledger and are the second-level grouping the Chart of
Accounts. They are grouped under Categories.
• Category 01 = Operating Income
− Sub-Category 01 = Revenue (Revenue is a type of Operating income thus it’s a sub-category)
• AccountsIQ provides a standard set of Sub-Categories which can be added to or edited.
How to add a Sub-Category
To add a new Sub-Category, Click Add New Sub-Category
Enter the appropriate information, then Click, Save
Codes Maintenance – Taxes
• Tax codes are set up to maintain details the Tax Rates used.
• Tax rates are used by the Sales, Purchases, General Ledger and Reporting options.
• A default Tax Code can be associated with all your products and services during setup.
• Specific tax codes can be tied to Customers and Vendors in order to be used in all transactions for that Customer or
AccountsIQ provides a standard list of tax rates. These rates can be modified and new rates can be added.
To access Code Maintenance, from the Top Menu, select Setup + Codes maintenance:
• How to add a Tax Element
1. To add a new Tax Element, Click Add new
2. Enter the appropriate tax information, then
Click Save
Codes Maintenance – Currencies
• How to add a new Currency
1. To add a new Currency, Click Add New
2. Enter the appropriate information, then Click,
Default Settings
AccountsIQ provides ‘Defaults’ for all the major datasets in the system (Customers, Vendors, Products,
General Ledger and Banks).
Defaults allow input of static details in advance so that the information is automatically ‘carried over’ into
the appropriate set-up options.
• For example, if you set a default bank account in 'Customer Defaults' each new customer account that you create will
have this bank account.
• However, this can be changed on the new record to another bank account if necessary.
There are 5 sets of Defaults that can be setup:
1. Customer
2. Vendor
3. Item (Products/Services)
4. General Ledger
5. Bank
− Customer Defaults – Allows you to enter static data related to customers in advance . The data will then be
automatically pre-populated when adding new customer.
− Vendor Defaults – Allows you to enter static data related to vendors in advance. The data will then be automatically
pre-populated when adding new vendors.
− Item (Product) Defaults – Allow you to enter static data related to items(products) in advance. The data will then
be automatically pre-populated when adding new item (products).
− GL Account Defaults – Allows you to enter static data related to GL accounts in advance. The data will then be
automatically pre-populated when adding new GL accounts.
− Bank Defaults – Allows you to enter static data related to banks in advance. The data will then be automatically
pre-populated when adding new bank records.
Default Settings
To access Default Settings, from the top menu, select Setup + Default Settings
How to set Defaults
1. Click the Open link to access the default settings for the appropriate area.
2. Make the necessary changes, then, Click Process to update the changes in the system.
3. Click Close
Analysis Groups and Codes
Analysis Groups can be used to track performance of different areas in your business.
• Example: Analysis Groups could be setup for departments, locations, cost centers, division, projects or jobs.
Analysis Codes are created within the appropriate Analysis Groups.
Once the analysis groups and codes are setup, the system will generate all possible combinations of the two
Analysis Group
Analysis Codes
How to create an analysis code
• From the top menu, Select Analysis + Analysis
1. Click Edit
2. Enter the Code in the blank code field
3. Enter the Description in the blank description
4. Click Update