TENNESSEE SOCIETY OF GASTROENTEROLOGY NURSES AND ASSOCIATES VENDOR APPLICATION AND CONTRACT To participate in the TSGNA 34th Annual Course, October 16-18, 2015 in Tunica, Mississippi please complete this application and return it with your check made payable to TSGNA by July 31, 2015, to: Sylvia Hawkins 8000 Wolf River Boulevard Suite 200 Germantown, TN 38138 Company Name__________________________________________________________ Contact Person___________________________________________________________ Company Address________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Phone Number___________________ Fax Number______________________________ E-Mail Address___________________________________________________________ We would like to participate in the following manner: Exhibiting: The exhibit areas will accommodate vendor display areas each consisting of a six foot skirted table. We need _____ vendor display area(s) @ $850.00 per area = $__________. Electrical access is needed: Yes_____ No____. There is no additional charge. Lunch will be provided. How many are needed for your company? _______ Please prepare name badges for the following people: ______________________ __________________________________________________________________ If at all possible, please avoid exhibit space assignment adjacent to the following companies: ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Financial Sponsorship-Also requires the attached Commercial Support Agreement: We would like to participate with a donation at the following level: ____Platinum – Greater than $1500 ____Gold - $1001 to $1500 ____Silver - $501 to $1000 ____Bronze - $250 to $500 ____Other $____________ Donations may be divided into more than one of the following categories. Please indicate below how you wish to have your donation designated. We would like to designate our funds for the following activity/expense: $__________Speaker Honorariums and expenses (travel, accommodations, etc.) Speaker’s Name _____________________________________________ Topic______________________________________________________ $__________Course related items (bags, nametags, syllabus printing, and other meeting supplies) $__________ Food Functions (Friday Evening Reception, Meals, Breaks) $__________ Undesignated – use in any way needed “In Kind” Sponsorship-Also requires the attached Commercial Support Agreement: We would like to donate the following items for door prizes (gift cards, small gift items, electronics, wine, etc.)__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ We would like to donate the following items for the registration packets (75-100 packets-pens, note pads, tissues, hand sanitizer, chapstick, product samples, etc.):_____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________