Grid Connection - 100% Res Communities

Community Development of Small Scale
Castle Douglas Town Hall
19th February 2013
James Buchan
CES Development Officer – Central Scotland & Fife
Why Hydro?
Small-scale hydropower one of the most cost-effective and reliable
renewable energy technologies to be considered for providing clean
electricity generation.
•High efficiency (70 - 90%)
•High capacity factor (typically >50%), compared with 10% for solar and
30% for wind
•High level of predictability
•Slow rate of change
•Good correlation with demand
•Long-lasting and robust
•Source of revenue (FIT’s)
Most common uses
Community hydro schemes - 3 broad categories;
•Off-grid - power for remote communities not
connected to grid e.g. hydro on Eigg and
•Off-grid or grid-connected schemes providing
electricity and/or heat to a community building
e.g. Abernethy Trust
•Income-generating projects to feed into the grid
to provide long term community revenue e.g.
Callander Community Development Trust
How does it work?
Converts energy in falling water into electrical energy.
• Most small schemes ‘run of river’- divert flow using intake weir.
•Weir incorporates screen to filter debris (may include fish pass).
•Weir diverts water into ‘penstock’ (pipe which carries water downhill).
•Water directed by pipeline into turbine -strikes a wheel, which turns a
generator and produces electricity.
•Water returns to river through a ‘tailrace’
•Electricity is sent through cables to the national grid or to the building
it powers.
Site Area and Suitability
Key requirements :
•Head – drop in height over length of river /
burn e.g. waterfall, old weir, gradual incline
over distance
•Flow – the greater the volume of water
flowing downstream, the greater the potential
energy of system.
Both low head/high flow and high head/low
flow schemes common - combination of both
will generate greatest amount of energy.
The Flow Rate (Q) is the volume of
water passing per
second (m³/sec).
The Gross Head (H) is the maximum
available vertical fall in the water, from
the upstream level to the downstream
level (m).
The Net Head – after losses incurred
when transferring the water into and
away from the machine.
Power & Energy
Energy = amount of work done / ability to do work
(Joules/ kWh)
Power = energy converted per second, i.e. rate of
work being done (W / kW /MW)
Best turbines have efficiencies in range 80 - 90%.
Micro-hydro systems (<100kW) tend to be 50 to 80%
If we take 70% as a typical water-to-wire efficiency
for system, then power of system shown by:
P (kW) = 7  Q (m³/s)  H (m)
Other Site Requirements
•Good access / routes for new track for construction
of weir or dam, penstock , powerhouse.
•Powerhouse located close to power lines / building it
will be providing energy to - cuts down on energy
losses / cost of laying cables long distances.
•The river / burn should have good flow all year
round to maximise power output / payback of the
• Most designed on the mean flow of river.
• Sizing to peak flows not advised - turbine will not
work as efficiently when the flows are lower for much
of year.
Selection of turbine depends upon site characteristics - head / flow,
running speed of generator and whether the turbine will be expected to
operate in reduced flow conditions.
Reaction Turbines
Encased in water
Frances (spiral)
Impulse Turbines
Jets of water
Developing a Community Hydro Project
•Large number of communities progressing
and successfully completing complex
renewable generating projects
•Reduce community dependence on fossil
•Greater awareness of energy issues
• Increased energy efficiency across the
•Reduction in energy costs and carbon
• Income generated can be significant
• Self sufficiency for community organisations
and re-investment in the local area
Pre-development Stages
Development Stages
Community consultation
•Essential when considering large community developed / owned
renewable generation projects.
•Local support essential to gain commitment of volunteer effort /
resources to progress such a project.
•Crucial in convincing funders that community really wants project.
•If project is to benefit community, they need to have a say in how it
•Community will also therefore ‘own’ the project in more than just
the legal sense.
There are three main initial areas which should be discussed:
•Is there a real need across your community for an energy generation
project and / or a long –term source of revenue?
•Does your group have the commitment and capacity to take forward a
large and complex project?
•What viable renewable energy resources do you have available within
your locality?
Site selection & Land Ownership
•Key is land ownership / gaining access
•If community owns land should not be problem
•If not, permission / access to be gained from landlord
•Agree with landlord exclusive rights to develop /gain lease if planning
consent gained
•Needs to be for lifetime of project - 25-50 years
•Important to secure access /use of site before planning granted and to
include area for access /pipelines construction
•Negotiate rental rates - professional opinion and market rates should be
•If site leased rent could be fixed fee or vary according to power output
Pre-feasibility Study
Any developer should seek independent professional advice before
committing significant finance to the design and construction of a
small-scale hydro scheme.
•An experienced hydro professional should be able to indicate
whether a site is worth considering
•. Will typically require no more than 2-3 days’ work and will cost
between £300 and £1000.
•A minor investment at this stage could save much greater expense
and potential complications later in the development process.
Main issues that should be considered in a preliminary investigation
•Existence of a suitable waterfall or weir and a turbine site
•Consistent flow of water at a usable head
•Acceptability of diverting water to a turbine
•Site access for construction equipment
•Prospect of a grid connection at reasonable cost
•Social and environmental impact on the local area
• land ownership /securing / leasing land at reasonable cost
• Initial indication of design power and annual energy output
Accuracy of information may only be +/- 25%
Should be sufficient for deciding whether to proceed to a more
detailed feasibility study.
Full feasibility study
•Uses accurate data and looks closely at
•Can take project from initial idea to final
•Will support applications for project
finance / licenses.
•Cost of full feasibility study carried out by
an independent consultant depends on its
scope and on the specific characteristics
of the site, but would typically be £7,500£10,000. (grants from CES)
Hydrological Survey.
• Would produce a flow duration curve.
•Modelling and using catchment rainfall
•Low Flows 2 software (used by SEPA and
•Based on long-term rainfall / flow data,
together with knowledge of the catchment
geology and soil types.
• This long-term information might be backed
up by short-term flow measurements.
• The study should also include an estimate
of the required compensation flow.
Flow duration curve
System design.
•Would include a description of the overall
project layout, including a drawing showing
general arrangement of the site.
•The prominent aspects of the works should
be described in detail, covering:
- Civil works (intake and weir, intake channel,
penstock, turbine house, tailrace channel, site
access, construction details)
- The generating equipment (turbine,
gearbox, generator, control system)
- Grid connection
System costing. A clear system costing would include a detailed
estimate of the capital costs of the project, subdivided into:
- Civil costs
- The cost of grid-connection
- The cost of electro-mechanical equipment
- Engineering and project management fees
Estimate of energy output and annual revenue.
Would summarise the source data (river flows, hydraulic losses,
operating head, turbine efficiencies and methods of calculation) and
calculate the output of the scheme in terms of the maximum
potential output power (in kW) and the average annual energy yield
(kWh/year) converted into annual revenue (£/year).
Grid Connection
•What might influence grid connection costs?
•Remote areas – can be expensive for larger schemes
•Grid designed to distribute power from large centralised
generators to eventual small rural household loads.
•DNO sometimes unenthusiastic – voltage rise and liability
•Monopoly within defined areas means that connection costs may
be unaccountably high
•Beware additional costs:
- HV connection earthing – (HV and LV earth systems)
- Wayleave agreements with landowner
Budget Study (~£500):
•Apply to DNO – tell them where, why and size of generator
•If there is capacity they will give approximate connection costs
•Pro’s – cheap / only takes a month, Con’s – no place in queue
Network Study (~ £1500 - £3000):
•Can be DNO or 3rd party
•Can ask to explore different scenarios – e.g. We want 800kW but can
we connect a 400kW any earlier
•Takes 3 months – will look into capacity at that time with more accurate
•Pro’s – more info / looks at a few options
•Con’s – no place in queue / only capacity at that time
Formal grid connection application (Free):
•No charge, but 3 months to get back
•Will give costs for cheapest option
•No different scenarios, will only look at what you ask
•Will register you on the system
•Will ask if you want to put down a deposit (%age of total costs)
•Pro’s – Free, puts you in queue / books capacity
•Con’s - If don't take offer within time limit lose place in queue
•Time limit – SSE: 1 month / SP: 3 months
Grid Connection deposit:
•Based on a specific generator / Turbine
•If installed capacity goes up the have to re-apply
•If location changes then void
•If date of connection changes significantly then void
•Cost of feasibility study if done comes off cost of deposit
•Good to keep DNO updated as offer will lapse
•Deposit refundable (less any work done) if showstopper e.g. no
planning permission etc
•Low voltage connection (<200kW/300kW): typically £10,000 £30,000, depending on proximity of 11kV or 33kV network
• No switchgear required <200kW, includes earthing and pole mounted
•High Voltage Connection (>300kW): typically £40,000 - £100,000 or
•Additional costs of substation building (up to £25,000) to
accommodate HV switchgear (above 200/300kW then need switching
to turn it off), plus costs for the transformer / earthing
•Earthing design and ground resistivity studies (up to £5,000)
depending on site and conditions
•Contestable and non-contestable works (3rd party usually for
contestables as DNO expensive)
•DNO does not usually guarantee timescales
Finalise Legal Structure for Project
•Essential to have proper, legally recognised group
structure in place
•Helps to ensure those undertaking the project are clearly
accountable to community.
•Most projects taken forward by subsidiary of main
community organisation.
•Company limited by shares, all shares held by the
parent community body
•Established non-profit distributing model - helps ensure
community body has full control over the subsidiary volunteers involved not personally liable.
Project Design
•Resource / feasibility assessments will drive project design.
•Planning permission - need to submit full detail / design of project.
•Communities advised to develop business model during project
design to ensure costs and project makes financial sense.
•For detailed design community will need technical assistance to
ensure site incorporated into area with minimal impact.
•The feasibility study provides initial information required for design
but additional work needed to ensure all impacts addressed.
Planning Permission
•Planning permission needed for all large
renewable developments
•Hydro projects up to 1 MW in size dealt
with by local authority
•Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
•Site in 'sensitive area' />0.5 MW/dam need for EIA must be considered
• Impacts on hydrology - ecology should
also be considered
• Planning authority - definitive guidance to
submit a robust application.
Statutory Consultees
Environmental Assessment (EA)
•Impact assessments - soil, hydrology, wildlife, visual ‘
noise impact, social, economic factors
•Breeding season delays to planning
•Assessment of impact on fish life
•SEPA guidance on compensation flow
•Designated areas – SSSI, SAC, SPA, NNR, AONB
Some Important Flora and fauna
•Migratory fish
•Bryophytes (Mosses and liverworts)
•Freshwater mussels
•Otters, water voles, bats and badgers
•Large native trees
•Invertebrates – e.g. Crayfish
•Dippers, kingfishers, other birds etc
•Amphibians and reptiles – frogs, toads, newts and snakes
•Hydro schemes require water use licence
from SEPA
•Contact well in advance of application.
•All developments require CAR
authorisation for abstractions / weirs and
dams / engineering
•Submit application same time as planning
Information Required:
•Head & Flow
•Turbine efficiency
•Installed capacity
•Abstraction point / source type
•Grid reference / maps
•Intake structure
•Construction method statement
•Rate of abstraction
•Discharge point / % returned
•Operating regime
•Rights to water
Project costing and financial planning
Project costs will arise from:
•Project development, planning consent
,consultancy work, planning report
•Advice /setting up trading company
•Grid connection costs
•Financing costs – loan repayments,
overdraft interest, accountancy advice
•Insurance costs - construction / operation
•Turbine and civil infrastructure costs
Operational Costs:
•Business rates
•Land rental
•Administration / salaries
•Non warranty service and maintenance
•Turbine monitoring – BT lines etc
•Example financial spreadsheet
Revenue & Feed in Tariffs
Financing a revenue generating project
For community groups financing of project is a large undertaking.
Projects can cost over £1million and have significant operational costs
Stages of financing a large project;
•Pre development
•Planning preparation
•Post planning through to construction
Community projects will require a mix of finance to become
viable (debt (bank), grant and equity)
•The initial stages of development /
planning are the riskiest - will require
secure funding
•Final phase, once planning consent and
a grid connection have been confirmed,
should attract commercial finance
•All funders will perform some due
diligence on the project
Scottish Government's Community and
Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES)
•CARES Urban Support Programme
•CARES Pre Planning Loan Fund (Rural Business and Communities)
•CARES Post Planning Loan Fund (Open to Communities)
•CARES Infrastructure & Innovation Fund
•CARES Start Up Grant
Construction of Project
•Contracts for hydropower installations
tend to be on a turnkey basis
•Management of entire construction
phase, turbine supply, infrastructure
•Match between project design and
installation is crucial
Operation & Maintenance
•Maintenance and servicing of technologies and infrastructure
required for the lifetime of project.
•Essential there is provision for these included in the supply of a
turbine, and that this is accounted for in business and financial
•May be provided under warranty for first few years of the project
•Can sometimes be extended throughout the lifetime of the project.
•Also possible to outsource O&M services from other companies
Many thanks for listening
James Buchan
CES is Scotland’s community energy charity. We are a
membership organisation made up of community groups,
with voluntary directors elected by our members.
We have a membership scheme in which eligible groups can
become members of CES for free.
Details can be found on our website and leaflets are available
in the foyer.