HS Syllabus - robincpacifico - home

High School Health Education
Teacher: Robin Pacifico
EMAIL: robinc.pacifico@cms.k12.nc.us
HEALTH WIKI: robincpacifico.cmswiki.wikispaces.net/
(make-up work will be on the wiki daily)
LENGTH OF COURSE: Two quarters of Health Education and two quarters of Physical Education
COURSE GOALS: This course promotes attitudes and behaviors that help lead to lifelong physical, mental, emotional, and social
HEALTH CLASS SUPPLIES: 1 inch three ring binder; loose leaf paper; and pens or pencils
 Binders may be kept in the Health classroom on the binder rack.
 TEACHER REQUEST: box of tissues; ream of copy paper; cleaning wipes – Thank you!
1. I will keep you emotionally safe and free from embarrassment.
2. I will value you and treat you with respect.
3. I will maintain a fair system for learning.
4. I will do all I can to ensure your needs are met.
QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, OR CONCERNS: Please don’t hesitate to contact me. My contact information is at the top of the syllabus. If
you ever have a question, comment, or concern, please contact me as soon as possible. Email is the easiest way to reach me.
However, I will be pleased to speak on the phone or meet with you at a mutually convenient time.
“TALK IT OUT” ALCOHOL AWARENESS PROGRAM: CMS has partnered with Talk it Out North Carolina to provide an alcohol new
awareness program. Talk it Out is a North Carolina initiative to help parents/guardians begin the conversation about alcohol with
their children. Please see the Talk it Out letter to parents/guardians for more information, as well as instructions to complete this
program. Please email Mrs. Pacifico with any questions about Talk it Out.
1. Introduction to Health (first two classes): syllabus; goals; objectives; expectations; pre-assessment; and teambuilding
2. Nutrition and Physical Activity: (days 3 – 11 of 2nd quarter curriculum) Analyze My Plate, Dietary Guidelines, and Food Facts
Labels to plan healthy nutrition and fitness; prevention of chronic diseases with healthy nutrition and physical activity; and
healthy versus unhealthy weight management
3. Mental and Emotional Health (days 12 – 17 of 2nd quarter curriculum): Causes, symptoms, and help-seeking strategies for
emotional disorders
4. Review and Midterm (days 18 – 23 of 2nd quarter curriculum)/End of 2nd Quarter Health
5. Physical Education (3rd quarter)
6. Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drugs (days 1 – 6 of 4th quarter curriculum): Short and long term effects; effects on society; effects
on unborn child; and avoidance strategies
7. Interpersonal Communication and Relationships (days 7 – 15 of 4th quarter curriculum): Resolving conflicts; healthy
communication, relationships, and dating; benefits of abstinence; STDs; prevention of sexual assault and abuse; and evaluate
 High school students in CMS receive a Reproductive Health and Safety Education Unit (RHASE) as part of their Health class. You
are invited to review the instructional materials that will be utilized during this unit. The RHASE curriculum includes Choosing
the Best, which is available at http://www.choosingthebest.com/review , and Successfully Teaching Health, which is available at
http://www.cms.k12.nc.us/cmsdepartments/ci/health-physed/Successfully%20Teaching%20Parent%20Rescources%20Rhaase/Forms/AllItems.aspx . Please see the CMS permission form
for additional information about the RHASE curriculum.
8. Personal and Consumer Health (days 16 – 18 of 4th quarter curriculum): Analyze wellness; disease prevention; and recognize
symptoms and steps to prevent and respond to emergency situations, including injuries and cardiac arrest
9. Review and Cumulative Final Exam (days 19 – 23 of 4th quarter curriculum)
GRADING: The CMS high school grading percentage breakdown is as follows:
Informal Assessments
30% of quarter grade
Formal Assessments
70% of quarter grade
Informal Assessments include warm-ups, notebook checks, quizzes, group work,
in-class tasks, exit tickets, and class participation.
Formal assessments include projects, tests, and
comprehensive writing assignments.
GRADING RUBRICS: Students will receive the following rubrics: Informative and Argumentative Writing Rubric; Assignment Rubric;
and Notebook Rubric. These should be kept in the front of students’ Health binders for grading criteria.
TUTORING: Health tutoring will be available by appointment before and after school.
HOMEWORK POLICY: Independent class work that is not finished during class time may be taken home for homework and turned in
for full credit on the following class. Late work will be accepted with ten points deducted for each class for which it is late.
MAKE-UP WORK PROCEDURES: If absent, obtain notes and assignments from the classroom make-up folder or Mrs. Pacifico’s wiki.
Make-up work should be turned in within five days of the student’s return.
1. Come to class prepared and ready to learn.
2. Respect yourself, others, and your surroundings.
3. Follow directions and actively engage in class.
1. Verbal warning
2. Student Conference
3. Parent Call
4. Referral
 ENTERING CLASS: Students should sit in their assigned seats by the bell and quietly work on the daily warm-up.
 PROMPTNESS: Students arriving late to class must have a pass for it to be marked as “excused.”
 FOOD/DRINK: Only bottled water is allowed in Health class unless medical permission is provided through the school nurse.
 BATHROOM: Students may take bathroom breaks in emergent situations. Emergent situations should not occur on a daily basis,
unless medically excused. One student at a time may sign out and in. Students should quietly point toward the door so that the
teacher can quietly and promptly address students’ bathroom needs.
 ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Electronic devices should not be seen nor heard unless requested by the teacher for a classroom
 TURNING IN ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments should be turned into the “Completed Work Bin” at the front of the classroom.
 DURING CLASS: Students should only walk around the classroom during instruction with permission from the teacher.
 ENERGIZERS: Students will participate in a 3 – 4 minute physical activity break at the middle of each class. Students should stay
next to their desks while participating in the energizer. Students should immediately return to instructional activities after the
completion of the energizer.
 CLASS DISMISSAL: Turn in class work and exit ticket. Clean up trash in your area. Return your binder to the binder rack.
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURES: After reading the syllabus, complete the signatures and information on the two sides of the
attached page. Turn in your signed forms to Mrs. Pacifico. Keep your syllabus, rubrics, and data trackers in the front of your binder.
Talk It Out Due Dates:
Journal # 1: A Day – 11/9/15; B Day – 11/10/15
Journal # 2: A Day – 11/16/15; B Day – 11/17/15
Journal # 3: A Day – 11/24/15; B Day – 11/23/15
Journal # 4 and Parent Verification Form of Completion: A Day – 12/7/15; B Day – 12/8/15