General Outline for AP Chemistry 2000-01

General Outline for CP Physics 2011-12
Mr. J. Thomas
Physics:Principles and Problems and supplemental texts
Course Goal
(1) To prepare students for a first year college physics course in both conceptual and laboratory
(2) To apply knowledge about physics theories and laws to the real world thru both laboratory and
paper exercises
 Be in your seat and ready to begin when the bell rings
 Treat the teacher and other students with respect
 Follow the student handbook
 No food or drink will be allowed in the Physics classroom because of Jared’s Law.
 Consequences for choosing to violate the three above rules may include
detention, zero points awarded for activity, conference with guardian, office
referral, or other punishment as deemed appropriate by Mr. Thomas.
General Guidelines
 This course is an applied mathematics course in science. You should expect to think and apply
the math you have learned.
 Students should expect an average homework assignment of 30 minutes per night.
 Students are responsible for making up work from absences according to the timeline in the
student handbook. Furthermore, it is highly recommended that you miss as little class time as
 Mr. Thomas will be available for extra help both before school and after school. If you are
struggling, lack confidence, etc, please take advantage of the extra help.
 Students are required to keep a 3 ring binder only for physics. All material in it should be kept
current. (I recommend that you get one that is 1 ½” or larger). Failure to turn in a notebook at
the end of the quarter will result in a failing grade for the quarter.
 Homework is an important part of the learning process. Consequently, it is extremely vital that
you complete the homework on a daily basis. Homework is used to reinforce the lecture,
introduce new material, and strengthen math skills. All homework should be completed and
placed in your physics binder.
 CP Physics requires complex calculations that are greatly facilitated by using a graphing
calculator. Please have one in class every day. It would also be wise to read the manual
sections on solving equations, order of operation, scientific notation, and general syntax. (TI
82,83,86, or 89 are probably the best options.)
 Deadlines need to be met. Late work will result in a deduction of 1 LETTER GRADE PER
 It is imperative that you consistently review your notes, text, and etc in order to be
successful. If you wait until the night before the test to study, you will probably do very
poorly. Moreover, by studying your notes every day it will enable you to come into class
prepared with questions. This will also prevent you from getting far behind. With the pace of
this course, if you get behind it can seem overwhelming to catch up, particularly when the units
rely upon each other.
It is highly recommended that you take reading notes on all handouts and chapter assignments.
Outlining a chapter will help you to see the important points and how they fit together.
It is expected that you will come to class each day on time prepared to learn with all necessary
On lab days, all lab safety procedures must be followed.
Grading Guidelines
 The school grading scale will be used.
 All assignments, quizzes, etc. will be assigned a point value.
o Paper homework is worth 10% of your quarter grade
o Webassign homework is worth 10% of your quarter grade
o Quizzes, tests, labs, etc are worth 80% of your quarter grade
o WEBASSIGN assignments points values are available at
 Your grade will be calculated based upon the percentage of possible points earned.
 There should be a quiz or test of some form every week.
 You must maintain a ‘B’ average for the year with no worse than a ‘C’ during fourth quarter
to be exempt from the final exam. All students will be required to take the first semester
CP Physics should be a challenging and fun course. You will get out of it what you put into it. The
harder you work, the more likely you are to succeed. I will work hard to help you. I will be available
before and after school as well as via e-mail :