Managerial Tasks in Executing Strategies

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Analyzing and Organizing
◦ Analyzing and Organizing are essential for any level of
management. These are the managerial tasks that help with
decision making and ensuring that decisions that are made will
be followed within the organization.
Planning, Scheduling and
◦ Planning and scheduling may seem like boring managerial tasks,
but they are essential to strategic management. These types of
tasks ensure that the division, department or organization will be
punctual and able to function under the budget set by the
organization. Negotiating is something that may seem
confrontational to some individuals, but is a skill that managers
need to have to be effective and does not necessarily have to
be handled in a confrontational manner.
Provisioning and Overseeing
◦ A manager must be in a position where they are able to provision
their staff to get their job accomplished. Not having the right
tools or materials to get the job done means that the company is
not being effective. Overseeing means that a manager is
ensuring that the employees are being effective for the
company in supporting the company’s strategy and mission.
Administering and Delivering
◦ Managerial tasks and administering go hand in hand in most
people’s minds. Administration are those little tasks and
paperwork that keeps things going correctly for the department
or division of the manager that stays on top of these tasks.
Delivering is important as a manager must be able to make good
on any promised made by them or by the company to keep
customers and clients happy and loyal.
Building Resource Strengths and
Organizational Capabilities
Chart courtesy of
Building Resource Strengths and
Organizational Capabilities Cont.
◦ Building resource strengths and organizational capabilities can
be accomplished on all levels of management, and include
instituting strategy-facilitating policies and procedures, adopting
best practices, marshaling resources, installing operating systems
and tying rewards to the achievement of good results. Each of
these types of tasks are intended to improve the overall
Company’s Culture
Chart courtesy of
◦ Ashkanasy, N. M., Wilderom, C., & Peterson, M. F. (2011). The
handbook of organizational culture and climate (2nd ed.).
Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
◦ Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R., & Schilling, M. (2014). Strategic
management: an integrated approach (11th ed.). Mason, OH:
South-Western, Cengage Learning.
◦ Orcullo, N. A. (2008). Fundamentals of strtegic management.
Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store.