POLAND presentation by Ipssar Ippolito Cavalcanti Naples- Italy Free Powerpoint Templates Page 1 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Industrial development brings mass consumption through serial products. Everyone who lives in an industrial country is a potential consumer of industrial products that are producted in large quantities at low cost. At the beginning of the 20th century, the first big advertising campaign appered in several towns in order to inform people about new products, but also to create new needs. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 2 MASS CONSUMERISM Mass consumerism is the use and the production of products on global scale. This type of consumerism has developed in the last century. There are many benefits of mass consumption and production; however the main banefits are that it contributes to the global economy and permits mass tourism. Without mass consumerism, there would be no trade between countries around the world. There are countries like China and Japan that have benefited from the use of mass production, due to their ability to produce on a large scale. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 3 However there are also many disadvantages of mass consumerism, especially in regard the environment for example : loss of quality in products, loss of work ethics and fair trading. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 4 Moreover production on a grand scale means no consideration for quality, but only for quantity, and bad working conditions for workers Free Powerpoint Templates Page 5 Another disadvantage of mass production and consumption is that a good work ethic and fair trading facilities are lost, because people focus on the number of products made and the amount of money gained and not on workers’ conditions. We know now about the increate use of child labour, long hours, poor pay Free Powerpoint Templates Page 6 However in recent years, people look after fairtrade and organic products, particularly in food and clothing Free Powerpoint Templates Page 7 Free Powerpoint Templates Page 8 To oppose the mass consumerism, an important role has been played by the so-called “Ecoagriculture”, which is a sustainaible method of production. Ecoagriculture, in fact, is both a conservation strategy and a rural development strategy. Ecoagriculture recognizes agricultural producers and communities as key stewards of ecosystems and biodiversity and enables them to play those roles effectively. Ecoagriculture applies an integrated ecosystem approach to agricultural landscapes to address all three pillars, drawing on diverse elements of production and conservation management systems. Meeting the goals of ecoagriculture usually requires collaboration or coordination between diverse stakeholders who are collectively responsible for managing key components of a landscape Free Powerpoint Templates Page 9 OLD LOGO “non obbligatorio” NEW LOGO “obbligatorio” Free Powerpoint Templates Page 10 MONDO BIO MondoBio is one of the Italian references for a different conception of eating and feeding. It’s a supermarket where you can find real biological products. The peculiarities are two different gastronomical labs: one specialized in the preparation of dishes made up with products coming from biologial agricolture, and the other one focused on celiac oven prepared dishes. It is a revolutionary idea and visiting MondoBio you certainly will discover that it is possible to eat in a vary varied and healthy ways tasting new kinds of cereals and legumes. Bioecological agritourism factories are valued and selected according to the level of environmental quality and facilities offered. The evaluation is expressed in daisies, from one to five. The factories of this circuit respect and defend the environment by choosing to produce in a sustainable and biological way. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 11 The best way to balance the natural and human environment comes from a strong defence of biodiversity, a keen selection of services and a promotion of natural food. In the last years fortunately we have had a tendency to recover the rural territory in order to produce development. This also depends on the increased touristic ecological demand. Nowadays sustainable tourism should be extremely respectful of the rural territory, which is characterized by natural factors (land, woods,andscapes, rivers, air, etc.) and anthropological, economical, social, cultural, historical, architectural and infrastructural aspects. Only observing this rules will be possible, in short and long period, to increase and consolidate the competitive skills of the factories operating in this sector. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 12 GENUINO CLANDESTINO and GAS In our region Campania there are two types of well-known groups of alternative producers. Genuino clandestino is a group of farmworkers , craftsmen,shepherds who sell their products only in their own sourrounding area. They fight the rules of the big agroindustrial chains to defend the free cultivation of the products and the alimentary sovereignity. According to the rules of the market, there are hygienic-sanitary criterias that prohibit small producers to sell their products in an auto-organized way and through selfmade markets. So, the official system forces the consumer to buy the official products of supermarkets, but these are often not so genuine. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 13 These alternative producers call themselves Clandestini (Clandestine, under-ground), because they refuse to agree with the rules of the industrial market of food: they think the mass production is unrespectful of rural producers and that in spite of the quality of the food, it prefers the profit of the industries, which makes agricolture itself a slave of the profit. Across the job and the voices of “ Clandestini”, producers and consumers can keep in touch with this type of new mentality of sustainability Free Powerpoint Templates Page 14 Free Powerpoint Powerpoint Templates Templates Page 15 What's a G.A.S.? G.A.S. is an acronym for the Italian expression "Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale" (Solidarity Purchasing Groups). Usually, a purchasing group is set up by a number of consumers who cooperate in order to buy food and other commonly used goods directly from the producers or from big retailers at a discounted rate. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 16 What's the meaning of the word "Solidale" (Solidarity based) When a purchasing group doesn't search for just for the cheapest price, but instead puts people and environment before profit, the group becomes a solidarity purchasing group. A solidarity purchasing group chooses the products and producers on the basis of respect for the environment and the solidarity between the members of the group, the traders and the producers. Specifically, these guidelines lead to the choice of local products (in order to minimize the environmental impact of the transport), fair-trade goods (in order to respect disadvantaged producers by promoting their human rights, in particular women's, children's and indigenous people’s) and reusable or eco-compatible goods (to promote a sustainable lifestyle). Free Powerpoint Templates Page 17 Why are new groups born? Every single G.A.S. has its specific motivation, but usually all groups draw their roots from a critical approach to today's global economic model and lifestyle of consumerism; individuals that feel the unfairness in this model and are searching for a practical alternative can find reciprocal aid and advice by joining solidarity purchasing groups. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 18 How does a new group grows? Usually when some friends develop a tendency toward a less consumerist way of life, the idea of undertaking shared purchases initiatives is quite natural. When the idea becomes more concrete, a fair amount of effort is needed for the search of some local producer that meets the solidarity criteria; the next step is the establishment of an internal structure in the group in order to collect the orders and redistribute the products, and the solidarity purchasing group is already born! Free Powerpoint Templates Page 19 What's the G.A.S. Network concept? As stated before, a very demanding task in a G.A.S. is the continuous search for producers and products that satisfy the most stringent ethical requirements, and it is now possible to share this kind of information between different groups by joining them in a network; nowadays the Italian network counts about 350 solidarity purchasing groups. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 20 Free Powerpoint Templates Page 21 This is an interview to a manager of one of the biggest supermarket in Naples : COOP Free Powerpoint Templates Page 22 Coop supermarket is one of the best known food selling and distribution chain in Italy . It’s wide-spread al l over the country. It garanties a quality biological control. 1) How are generally the products divided into? ..The products are diveded into fresh and dried. In the dried category we include pasta, oil, tomato tins and in our country they are considered first need products. The prices are stricly controller by the Authority. In this field the biological covers a small part.Biological products are, in fact, mostly fresh fruit and vegetables. 2) Where do these products come from ? ..They come from Italy as far as fresh products come from local area. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 23 3) Where do these products come from? ..They are produced in an area,not very far from here. We can say they are products kilometre zero 4) How many biological products do you sell in percentage? ..Really,we don't sell very much of the bio products. In fact ,the economical crisis affects also this field.As you know the costs of the bioproduction are higher than non bio. 5) Why are the costs so high? ..In a very simple way the bio production is more difficult. It requires much more accuracy and the real costs are certainly high.The production is more difficult and one of the major difficulty is the preservation of this kind of products for long period. For example one of our best product is fruit.You can sell a lemon with the leaf that is a symbol of freshness,but as the lemon bio production has no preservant the life of the lemon is shorter. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 24