PJMS Fire Drill Expectations 2013-2014 Powerpoint Templates Page 1 At Palmer Jr. Middle School • No one has the right to interfere with the learning, safety, or well-being of others. • The expectation for all students is you do what is expected, to the best of your ability. Powerpoint Templates Page 2 C Conversation Level: 0 Powerpoint Templates Page 3 H To ask for Help: Raise your hand to get an adult’s attention. Powerpoint Templates Page 4 A Fire Drills Are for your safety and your friends’; please be respectful and follow teachers’ directions! Powerpoint Templates Page 5 M Movement: Quietly line up, walk single-file, stand in line, keeping your hands to yourself. Note: In the event of a consecutive or simultaneous Fire Alarm and Lockdown announcement, always follow Lockdown procedure! Powerpoint Templates Page 6 P Participation: Listen and follow direction. Powerpoint Templates Page 7 S Success! Classes will be released back to the building by administration when all students are quiet and standing appropriately in line! Powerpoint Templates Page 8