Web Analytics


Optimizing your business online

Web Analytics

How to raise effectiveness of websites and advertising campaigns

Andrew Yunisov

Managing Partner

Frequent visitor flow scenario

Lost clients







• 1-3% conversion

• 40-50% bounce rate

• Others are ‘unknown’


WebProfiters — effective online marketing and web analytics

Visual Example

• A company runs PPC product campaigns

• Budget for PPC: $3,500 / month

• Many keywords with high bounce rates (up to 80% and even more)

• Loss from bouncing keywords ~ $1,600 / month (45% of ad budget)

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What are Web Analytics?

Web Analytics – the objective tracking, collection, measurement, notification and analysis of quantitative Internet data with the goal of optimizing websites and online marketing initiatives (Web Analytics Association)

Before: 1-3% conversion / 40-50% bounce

After: 5-10% conversion / 20-30% bounce

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What does web analytics entail?

• Standard visitor report – only answers the question “What is happening?”

• Web analytics mission – to answer the question «Why is this happening and what can be done further?»

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Numbers – nothing more than numbers…

• High number of page views (e.g. for specific keyword)

Is this from good content or difficult navigation?

• Popular exit pages

Intended exit pages or bad page quality?

• High percentage of new visitors

A good trend or very few returning customers?

There are many hidden secrets in data. The key is to use full analytics cycle to make numbers insightful and actionable.

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Full analytics cycle: Trinity model by Avinash Kaushik


Clickstream analysis

Click data segmentations

Numerical analysis’

Optimize site for optimal behavior

Data insights



Transactions and AOV

‘Nuances of results’

Result Impression

Increased KPIs

WebProfiters — effective online marketing and web analytics

Find out the client’s impression on the site

Visitor satisfaction


A/B or MVT testing

‘Client voice’


Site surveys – what should one ask visitors?

• Why did you come to our site? (various answers)

• Was your visit successful? (Yes/No)

• Did you find the information you needed quickly? (Yes/No)

• Did you find the information on the site to be complete? (Yes/No)

• Was the information given in an understandable way? (Yes/No)

• What changes to the site would you recommend? (various answers)

Survey is effective when you have an incentive for its completion.

Every insightful data is paid and this is the cheapest one.

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Components of a survey using Bitrix CMS

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Example survey in Bitrix CMS

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Example survey in Bitrix CMS

• Discount on ticket after survey

• 80% of visitors viewing the schedule

• Schedule is on main page, that’s why it will be a bounce in the counter

• However, the visitor goal is completed

• The redesign pattern changed – no need for a new website, just add additional event blocks on main page

• Redesign cost reduction, sales in club (offline) grew by 30%

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Example of MVT-testing

• Testing allows you to check design efficiency before implementation

• Every change on website that could affect its economic value should be tested

• Variety of testing instruments: Google Website Optimizer or Bitrix CMS additional script

• Example of the content elements testing for main page optimization: Р, Руб. or $, «Get money» or «Request a proposal» and hero text

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Example of MVT-testing



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• Variation 2 was best

• Advertising costs savings –


• Number of orders doubled


Keyword testing

• Answer the question: «What keywords are the least effective and why?»

• Optimize landing pages and/or change keywords

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Analysis of popular pages

• Answer the question: «What pages are least effective?»

• The next step is to determine the causes of ineffectiveness

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Why is a page ineffective?

• Page navigation patterns

• Page clickmap (site overlay or in-page analytics)

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Post-click analysis

• Better understanding of link visibility on page

• Best way to understand page interface problems

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Website funnels analysis

• Internal funnel followed by only 1/66 or only 2%

Entry page to funnel needs to be checked (navigation/overlay/clicktale)

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Funnel drop analysis using CliсkTale

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Form analytics using ClickTale

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• Get insights on visitor interaction with each field

• Delete/rename dropping fields


Internal website search analysis

• Find the queries that don’t have landing pages

• Analyze queries – for online store it means data-driven e-store assortment management

• Non e-commerce – find the content to be added on website

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The most insightful report for managers

• Measure weighted conversions – contact page entry and lead have different business value

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Continual web analytics process


Improving Notifying


WebProfiters — effective online marketing and web analytics



Thank you for your attention!

Any questions?

Andrew Yunisov andrey@webprofiters.ru

+7 (903) 783-6448

