Newsletter June 2014 - Duncannon Christ Lutheran Church


Christ Lutheran Church

Duncannon, PA

Church web address:

Pastor Elizabeth Martini

Office Hours 9-12:30 Mon-Wed (That sometimes has to change so it doesn't hurt to call first. 717-586-8571

Newsletter June 2014

People to hold in prayer: Betsy Karlik,

Madelyn Hoover, Ritter Gamble,

Briellie Kelly, Alberta Rogers, Nancy

Moore, Sara Jane Hickoff, Jim and

Karin Shumaker, Shirley Bucher, Jack

Smith, Louise Preston, Jesse Reed,

Daisy Rohrer, Hunter Hazzard,Vaughn

Schlachter, Kevin Eckerd, Sethina

Tringali, Rose Barrick, Jeff Eckerdt,

Mary Beecroft, Barbara Curran,

Rebecca Kephart, Verna Dagen, Paul

Nappe, Ann Verobish, Earl Hayes, Dan

Brennerman, Brenda Hartzell, Danny

Peiper, Denby Quigley, Danny

Heisley, Lauren Zaramps, Lilah and

Lilley Allen, Christian Armerman,

Kathy Cree, Teresa Hammaker,

Christine McCaskie, Lynn Cooper,

Derek Bostwick, Irene Dussaq, Ted

Crouse, Helen Huss, Pat Palmer,

Kennedy Johnson, Madeline, Nina, and

Marie Bitner, Katie Sands, Eugene

Minarich, Glenda Lowe, Corrine

Bostwick, and Betsy Schlowser.


Notes from the Pastor’s

Dear Christ Lutheran family,

God is at work in this place!

This summer, we have seven youth who will affirm their faith in the rite of confirmation. These wonderful young people are Angel Autwell, Ashley

Autwell, Brianne Chubb, Kaitlyn

Masser, Trent Minarich, Rebecca Still, and David Nelson. You, as a congregation, should be proud of them. Confirmation will mark their growth in the baptismal promises and the faithfulness of the community. God is at work as they mature in faith.

This summer, we will reach out in love to the Appalachian Trail hikers that come through Duncannon. We’ll host suppers on Wednesdays in June and

July from 5-7PM. God is at work giving relief to the weary sojourners and bringing strangers together around a meal.

How do you see God at work here? Don’t forget about your faith or the church as you travel or relax this summer. God is at work in the church and beyond. Let us respond in generous love!

In Christ,

Pastor Beth


The third annual Duncannon

Appalachian Trail Festival will be held

Saturday, June 21, noon-4PM at

Cumberland and High Street. There will be many vendors, foods, music, presentations with backpackers, live raptors, photography, Perry County history, birds of Duncannon, and the

Wounded Warrior Hike.

Christ Lutheran will serve as the host site for a Volksmarch that

Saturday. Walkers will begin and end their hike in the undercroft.


We are blessed to be part of a larger community of Lutheran Christians here in Perry County. Through shared activities, prayer and pastoral support,

God’s Church is strengthened. One exciting development is that our two

Lutheran Churches in Liverpool will soon have new pastors. St. John

(Barner’s) Lutheran Church has called

Nancy Knol, who will begin her ministry this month and be ordained at our Lower Susquehanna Synod

Assembly. Good Shepherd Lutheran has called David Sensenig, who will move into their parsonage with his young family. He will also serve as a

Navy Reserve Chaplain and will start in July. Both of these folks are 2014 graduates of the Lutheran Theological

Seminary in Gettysburg.


Saturday, June 21 st

~ 9:00 am SHARP

Faith United Church in Ickesburg is hosting a personal safety seminar designed BY Women,

FOR Women. (Sorry guys, this one is not for you.) The program is not a selfdefense class; instead it offers common sense advice on how to avoid being a victim. Please invite your mother, sister, girl-friend, classmate or coworkers to join in this helpful discussion. A $5.00 donation is requested of all participants. Proceeds will benefit the Teens United for Faith summer camp. Door prizes and lunch will be provided. For more information, please contact

Janet Nyce at 582-7004 or

. Join us to learn something new and REFUSE TO



Sunday, June 29 th

~ 5 PM

The Perry Conference Lutherans are coming together for a joint event:

Malaria Bites. This potluck picnic will be on Sunday, June 29 at 5PM, at St.

John Lutheran Church (5 Barner’s

Church Road, Liverpool). The goal is to raise money and awareness to fight

Malaria. In addition to food and fellowship with our brothers and sisters, we'll enjoy activities, games, and the music of an African drumming group. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

Social Ministry-

Perry County food bank items for the month of June, July and August.

Donate anything you want; especially picnic items. This helps out people in

Perry County, place items in the hall

way of the education wing. They will later be taken to New Bloomfield to the food bank.

There are envelopes in the pew racks for Join Hands, donations help needy people in Perry County. Our Church has contacted them several times to help people in our community.

Ritter Gamble, a shut-in will celebrate a birthday on June 7 his address is 200

Avery View Road, Shermansdale, PA

17090. Also, Alberta Rogers, a shut-in will celebrate her birthday on June 9.

Her address is 217 Notch Road,

Duncannon, PA 17020.

We are continuing to sell Mutzy

Money, see Cindy Brookhart downstairs during the social hour after

Church. We receive 5% of what we sell to fund our programs, but we need to purchase $500 to receive the 5%.

We are still collecting old ink cartridges, they are taken to Staples and with the money purchase paper for the copier.

There were 10 ink cartridges taken to

Staples, upon receiving $20 and a coupon for paper at 50% off, we were able to purchase a case for the copier.

Members of our committee are; Peg

Ryan, Donna Clay, Sandy Hoover,

Norma Jones, Sandy Morrison, Gail

Smith, Joanne Speis and Velma

Wittlinger Council Liaison and chairman.

Our mission statement is: To provide the congregation of Christ Lutheran

Church with ways to serve the needs of our neighbors and to encourage each member of the Church to participate in this service.

Clothing Bank

Gifts of Grace Clothing Bank will be closed the months of June and

July. Clothing Bank and Free

Breakfast will be back the first

Saturday of August.


AWARD - The recipient of the award this year was Andrew Martz, son of

Ken and Sandy Martz. Andrew, a member of Otterbein United Methodist

Church will be attending Lebanon

Valley College in the fall.

WOMEN OF THE ELCA The June meeting will be one week later than usual, on June 16th. Ladies in the congregation should plan to attend as we have to plan for the luncheons we do for the Schoolhouse and

Susquehanna Apartments.


SERVICE - If you enjoy the

Fellowship Time on Sunday and would like to have it continue over the summer months, you may want to consider signing up to provide the light refreshments. The schedule is on the kitchen door.

Save the Date for a potluck picnic on

Sunday, June 29 at 5PM at St. John's

(Barners) in Liverpool. The Perry

Conference of Lutheran churches will be joining together for Malaria Bites: a picnic to raise awareness and money for the ELCA Malaria Campaign. In addition to food and fellowship with our brothers and sisters, we'll enjoy activities, games, and the music of an

African drumming group. Folks are invited to bring a side or a dessert.

Indian Mobile Mission

This summer Sylvia Webb and her team are feeding the Navajo Indian children lunch between May 18 and

August 18 when school is out for the summer. This is quite a project. She needs money donation to help these children. Food is scarce and many of the children go without lunch. If you would like to help, please put your donation into an envelope and mark it

"Indian Mobile Mission " If you write a check please make it payable to Christ

Lutheran Church, and also mark

"Summer Lunch program" on the check. You may put the check into the offering plate. Sylvia is so grateful for all your help. A box of children's clothing and hand-made hats was shipped to Indian Mobile Mission in

May. Sylvia is always in need of infant and children's clothing. The clothing needs to be in good condition or new.

May we continue to pray for the Indian

Mobile Mission and Jake Jim.

Quilters News

The LWR quilters are busy making quilts this summer for Ingathering

Sunday which is the first Sunday in

October. They always need more helpers. The ladies will continue to meet on Thursday afternoon at

1:00PM. They also need fabric donations. If you know anyone who would like to help, tell them to stop at the church on Thursday afternoon. The quilters would love to have them.

Wednesday Dinner for Hikers

This summer we will be hosting a free

Wednesday evening dinner for hikers.

We will welcome hikers from 5:00 to

7:00 and serve spaghetti, salad, and dessert. If you are interested in participating, please sign up in the narthex to help cook, host, and clean up. Donations of salad fixings are also needed.

Nursery Service

Nursery service is provided during the

10 AM worship service for infants and pre-school children only. Children who are in the first grade and over are asked to attend the worship service in the sanctuary. The nursery is staffed by an adult volunteer.

The Truth About Dad ne summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a mother was tucking her small boy into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, "Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight?"

The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug. "I can't, dear," she said.

"I have to sleep with Daddy."

A long silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice: "The big sissy."

Happy Father’s Day!
