
"Sharing our lives in
Christ with family, friends,
neighbors and community."
June, 2013
Volume 57- Issue 6
Thinking Outside of the Box
You are driving down the road in your
car on a wild, stormy night, when you
pass by a bus stop and you see three
people waiting for the bus: 1. An old
lady who looks as if she is about to
die. 2. An old friend who once saved
your life. 3. The perfect partner you
have been dreaming about. Which one
would you choose to offer a ride to,
knowing that there could only be one
passenger in your car? Think before
you continue reading. This is a
moral/ethical dilemma that was once
actually used as part of a job
application. You could pick up the old
lady, because she is going to die, and
thus you should save her first. Or you
could take the old friend because he
once saved your life, and this would be
the perfect chance to pay him back.
However, you may never be able to
find your perfect mate again.
YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS...................
The candidate who was hired (out of
200 applicants) had no trouble coming
up with his
answer. He
"I would
give the
car keys to
my old
friend and
let him take the lady to the hospital. I
would then stay behind and wait for
the bus with the partner of my
Sometimes, we gain more if we are
able to give up our stubborn thought
limitations. Never forget to "Think
Outside of the Box." It just might be
the key for Christ’s future growth.
Interim Pastor Ford
Preschool Gifts
Thank you to everyone who has purchased a
children’s Bible to be given as a gift to our
CLP graduates June 19. The children’s Bible,
entitled The Jesus Storybook Bible – every
story whispers his name is written by Sally
Lloyd-Jones and illustrated by Jago, is
recommended for age 4 and older youth.
Cost is $10. Six Bibles are available for
details. Let’s give each student a gift that
will last a lifetime!
Graduation Celebrations
Graduation marks a special step in the lives
of our young people! Graduating high
school seniors from Christ Lutheran Church
will be recognized during worship Sunday,
June 9 with a special blessing. Each of them
also will receive their own handmade
Stepping Stone quilt, and reception in the
Social Hall honors our graduates following
the service. Make plans to witness this
blessing and celebrate with our graduating
Thank you to Melissa Biel, Elsie Ford, Sheryl
Hunter, Chris Panos, Sue Bredenkamp and
Ann Williams – creators of these beautiful
quilts. And, thank you to members of the
Connections Committee for providing this
fellowship time.
Lutheran Retreats, Camps and
Conferences Sunday
Aaron Tidwell, Director of Outreach for
LRCC, will be with us for worship Sunday,
June 2 at 9 a.m. Christ Lutheran Church is a
strong supporter of the camping ministries
of the church, and we are pleased to have
him with us to present the message and
share his enthusiasm for camping. Give him
a great CLC welcome!
Worship June 2nd also will include a special
blessing for Callie Biel as she prepares to
serve another year on the staff of Lutheran
Retreats, Camps and Conferences. Best
wishes to you, Callie, for a great summer!
REACH! Day Camp Needs You
Day Camp comes to Christ Lutheran Church
Monday, June 24 – Friday, June 28. LRCC
counselors provide the activities Monday –
Thursday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. and Friday, 9 a.m. –
noon. In return, we provide housing and
meals during their stay with us. Thank you
to Steve and Shannon Howard for being our
CLC hosts for the week.
Other ways you can help: Sign up to provide
snack items, purchase gift cards to Ruby’s,
California Pizza Kitchen, In & Out or Tutti
Frutti, give a cash donation for scholarships
or offer to help out with snacks. Clip boards
will pass through the congregation during
worship beginning June 2.
Martin Luther’s Explanation of The Third
Article of the Apostles’ Creed:
The Third Article: Of Sanctification.
Summer Music Schedule
Soloists, small group and instrumentalists
provide special music for 9 a.m. worship in
June, July and August. If you would like to
provide special music for these summer
months, please contact Judy Haenn.
++Call Committee Update++
The Call Committee has prepared a
draft of the Ministry Site Profile
based on information from the
congregational meeting, small
group discussion meetings,
worksheets from the congregation
and the MET report prepared last
year. Church Council has reviewed
the draft and also provided input.
The Call Committee met Saturday,
May 18th to continue work on the
profile. We expect to submit to
the synod shortly.
I believe in the Holy Spirit; the holy
catholic church, the communion of
saints; the forgiveness of sins; the
resurrection of the body; and the life
everlasting. Amen.
What does this mean?—
I believe that I cannot by my
own reason or strength believe
in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or
come to Him; but the Holy Spirit
has called me by the Gospel,
enlightened me with His gifts,
sanctified and kept me in the
true faith; even as He calls,
gathers, enlightens, and
sanctifies the whole Christian
Church on earth, and keeps it
with Jesus Christ in the one
true faith; in which Christian
Church He forgives daily and
richly all sins to me and all
believers, and at the last day
will raise up me and all the
dead, and will give to me and to
all believers in Christ
everlasting life. This is most
certainly true.
I Have Called You Friends
- a meditation for those graduating
contributed by Pastor Tom
One day, when I was a freshman in high
school, I saw a kid from my class walking
home from school. His name was Kyle. It
looked like he was carrying all of his books. I
thought to myself, “Why would anyone bring
home all his books on a Friday? He must really
be a nerd.”
I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a
football game with my friends tomorrow
afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and
went on.
As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids
running toward him. They ran at him,
knocking all his books out of his arms and
tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His
glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the
grass about ten feet from him. He looked up
and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes.
My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to
him and as he crawled around looking for his
glasses I saw a tear in his eye. As I handed him
his glasses, I said, “Those guys are jerks. They
really should get lives.” He looked at me and
said, “Het thanks!” There was a big smile on
his face.
It was one of those smiles that showed real
I helped him pick up his books, and asked him
where he lived. As it turned out, he lived near
me, so I asked him why I had never seen him
before. He said he had gone to private school
before now.
I would have never hung out with a private
school kid before. We talked all the way
home, and I carried some of his books. He
turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I asked him
if he wanted to play a little football with my
friends. He said yes. We hung out all week
end and the more I got to know Kyle, the more
I liked him, and my friends thought the same
of him.
Monday morning came, and there was Kyle
with the huge stack of books again. I stopped
him and said, “Boy, you are gonna really build
some serious muscles with this pile of books
every day!” He just laughed and handed me
half the books.
Over the next four years, Kyle and I became
best friends. When we were seniors, we began
to think about college. Kyle decided on
Georgetown, and I was going to Duke. I knew
that we would always be friends, that the miles
would never be a problem. He was going to be
a doctor, and I was going for business on a
football scholarship.
Kyle was valedictorian of our class and I
teased him all the time for being a nerd. He
had to prepare a speech for graduation.
I was so glad it wasn’t me having to get up
there and speak. Graduation day, I saw Kyle.
He looked great. He was one of those guys
that really found himself during high school.
He filled out and actually looked good in
glasses. He had more dates that I had and all
the girls loved him. Boy, sometimes I was
Today was one of those days. I could see that
he was nervous about his big speech. So I
smacked him on the back and said, “Hey, big
guy, you’ll be great!” He looked at me with
one of those looks (the really grateful one) and
smiled. “Thanks”, he said.
As he started his speech, he cleared his throat,
and began. “Graduation is a time to thank
those who helped you make it through those
tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your
siblings, maybe a coach…but mostly your
friends. I am here to tell you that being a
friend to someone is the best gift you can give
them. I am going to tell you a story.”
I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he
told the story of the first day we met. He had
planned to kill himself over the weekend. He
talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so
his mom wouldn’t have to do it later and was
carrying his stuff home.
He looked hard at me and gave me a little
“Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me
from doing the unspeakable.”
I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this
handsome, popular boy told us all about his
weakest moment. I saw his mom and dad
looking at me and smiling that same grateful
smile. Not until that moment did I realize it’s
Never underestimate the power of your
actions. With one small gesture you can
change a person’s life. For better or for worse.
God puts us all in each other’s lives to impact
one another in some way. Look for God in
Dear Christ Lutheran Family,
We are sponsoring two themed baskets
for Lutheran Retreats, Camps and
Conferences Summer Banquet and Silent
Auction to be held at Our Saviour's in
July. All proceeds will go to support our
local Lutheran Bible camps.
We have chosen a Kid's Camping basket
and a Summer Picnic themed basket.
Will you join with us by donating money
we can use to purchase the items for our
Please place your monetary donations in
the offering plate on Sunday morning,
marked “LRCC basket” or stop by the
church office. We will receive donations
until May 31st.
Thank you for your help in supporting this
vital ministry of our young people and
beyond! If you have questions, please
ask Courtney.
News for Youth, Teens
and Young Adults
Congratulations to all of our
2013 graduates! Your hard work
has paid off and you are off to
new things. May God bless your
special memories and help guide
you forward onto new endeavors!
Homework Nights at Starbucks and CREW
We meet this month, from 5:30-7:30pm, on
June 3rd at the Starbucks on Bellflower and
Stearns. Come for our last time together
before all our seniors graduate!
Confirmation and LOFt
We follow the LBUSD calendar pretty
closely which means we are still in session
for two more weeks! Be with us June 5th
and 12th from 5:30-8pm!
Day Camp Details
If you know of any kids who would
enjoy a week at Day Camp, please
spread the word! All forms and
information can be found on the church
Are you looking for ways to help? You
will hear more about these
opportunities very soon, but be
thinking about some of these
Snack/lunch preparers
Host a meal for the LRCC staff
Grill master at our BBQ and
program on Thursday 6/27
Donate snack items
Donate gift cards for LRCC staff
meals out
Thank you for your support of
our children, and specifically this
ministry! It is a fun week to
spend with the kids!
Young Adults
Young adults will meet this
Monday, June 10 at 6pm to discuss
the camping trip this summer.
Watch your emails and the Sunday
bulletin for location or call
Courtney Cover in the church
office, 562 598.2433.
high school youth, whether if they
have participated in the program or
not, are welcome to attend! Please
bring $5 to cover food costs and
RSVP with Courtney. The Freligh’s
address can be found in the
June Calendar
Sunday, June 2nd
Today begins our 9am summer Worship
time. We also have many things going on
this morning:
 Aaron Tidwell, from LRCC, will be
with us
 Callie Biel will receive a blessing
before going off to camp to be
support staff
 There will be a Congregational
meeting at 10:30am
Sunday, June 9th
 Youth and adults heading to San
Francisco for a week with
Youthworks will be blessed in
worship at 9am.
 This day will also be our Grad
Blessing and reception!
June 16-21 San Francisco Youthworks
 School will just be out and the
youth will already be on their way
to serve in San Francisco. Please
pray for:
Garret Latiolait
Meghan Randig
Nathan Latiolait Katelyn Ramos
Grant Green
Maggie Fitzpatrick
Brad Croes
Erin Lowther
Daniel Peralta
Courtney Cover
Frank Croes
June 14th Confirmation Pool Party
 School and Confirmation have
ended until the fall! Come celebrate
with us at the Freligh’s from 5:308pm. We will swim, eat and have
fun in their great backyard. You
won’t want to miss it! All middle and
We will spend a week in service
with other churches from all over
the U.S. and from different
Opportunities include devotions,
worship, games, service, and a little
"Loose Threads"
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church
14515 Blaine Avenue
Bellflower, CA 90706
9:30 A.M. Gathering and
10:00 A.M. Program
11:30 A.M. Luncheon
Cost: $5.00 at Registration.
Save the date for CLC's Food Truck
Thursday, August 8th from 5:30-8pm.
Tell your neighbors, friends and family.
Watch for more delicious details soon!
Bring your sewing machine and unfinished
projects and come sew with friends for
an afternoon! This group meets the
second Sunday of each month – this
month it will be June 9, from noon – 4
p.m. in the Social Hall. Contact Chris
Panos at 562 986-4393 for more
Our next meeting is on Saturday,
June 8, 2013 at 12:00 pm at:
Christ Lutheran Church
Please, everyone feel free to join us.
Stretch N’ Pray sessions have moved to
the first and third Wednesday evenings.
They still meet at 7:30pm. Call Shannon
Howard for more information,
714 895-9675.
Day Camp / VBS
June 24 – 28, 2013
Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Friday, 9 a.m. – noon
Christ Lutheran Church
6500 Stearns
Long Beach, CA
Day Camp is a week of worship, crafts,
Bible Studies and fun and games
for youth entering Kindergarten – 6th grade.
Cost is $90 + $10 for t-shirt
$10 off for each sibling.
This program is directed
by Lutheran Camps & Conferences staff
Members of Christ Lutheran Church
Registration forms available at www.christlutheranlb.com
Or Church office – 562.598.2433
The Society Page
Emergency Preparedness
Natural and human caused disasters can strike
suddenly, at anytime and anywhere. Here are
some steps that can help make a difference…
Make a Car Kit
Earthquake/disaster preparation is an ongoing
project but it doesn’t need to be tedious. A rule
of thumb is to check or replace supplies when
clocks are changed to or from daylight-saving
time, twice a year. Don’t forget about food and
water for pets. Look for plastic containers that
will fit under car seats and prepare a kit to use if
conditions leave you stranded:
Canned food & manual can opener (pull
top cans are even better)
Non-perishable food: instant nutrition bars,
dried fruits, jerky, crackers or cookies
Bottled water
Extra clothing
Sturdy pair of shoes
Small first-aid kit
Flashlight, batteries
Toilet tissue
Fire extinguisher
Compass and paper street maps (if you
need to evacuate, GPS may be temporarily
Cash in small denominations & coins for
use in public phones (cell service is
sometimes unavailable & cash could be
used in stores if electronic sales registers
Contact numbers to carry in your wallet: Doctors,
employers, kids’ schools, banks, insurance
agents, clergy, relatives, friends, neighbors,
utility and alarm companies.
A two-mile wide tornado ripped through Moore,
Oklahoma, claiming many lives and leaving
behind a devastating trail of destruction. Plaza
Towers Elementary School stood right in the
path of the storm's 166-200 mph winds. Lutheran
Disaster Response affiliates are already on the
ground, assessing the immediate and long -term
needs of those affected by the tornadoes. An
insert will be included in this Sunday's bulletin
that gives you all the information you need to
support the efforts of Lutheran Disaster
Response. Gifts designated to "U.S. Tornadoes"
through Lutheran Disaster Response will be used
entirely - 100 percent - to help survivors of
tornadoes rebuild their lives and livelihoods. In
the meantime, this prayer request has come
from the bishop of that area.
A Prayer Petition for the People of Central
Oklahoma, from Bishop Girlinghouse
(Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod):
God of steadfast love, though destructive
winds swirl around us, shattering our lives, we
believe and trust that you are with us, just as
you have always walked with your people
through storm and strife. Today, we pray for
the people of Carney, Little Axe, Shawnee,
Newcastle and Moore, Okla. and all those
affected by tornadoes this past week. Use us
to surround them with your love, compassion
and mercy. Provide them with caregivers and
friends to accompany them on the long road
to recovery. Be with all those who weep and
mourn during these days, and comfort them
with your hope and the promise of
resurrection. We pray all these things in the
name of Jesus Christ, who gave his life so
that we might know that you have the power
to bring life from death.
June 24 – 28, 2013
Confirmation & LOFt Completes the Year
Youth from Christ in Downey, Gloria Dei,
Our Saviour’s, St. Luke’s & Trinity, as well as,
our own congregation complete their study
of the Old Testament June 12. Thank you to
Kim Dwinell, Jennifer Ostergren, Kim Croes
and Nicole Halvorson for providing dinner
the Wednesday’s in May.
Special Note: Confirmation Camp is July 7 –
12 at El Camino Pines. All current youth in
the confirmation program are encouraged to
attend camp at least one time during their
three years of study. Talk with Marilyn or
Courtney about going. Registration is now
open. Check out www.LRCChome.com.
A year end swim party will be Friday, June
14 from 5:30 – 8 p.m. at the home of Joshua
Freligh. $5 each will provide hotdogs, chips,
beverage and s’mores! Bring your swim
gear and come celebrate the conclusion of
another great year! RSVP to Courtney or
Marilyn by June 12.
Counselors from our Lutheran Camps
Conference and Retreats return to lead a
summer day camp experience for youth here
at Christ Lutheran Church. Day Camp is a
unique blend of outdoor ministry and
congregational ministry where LRCC staff
brings the summer camp experience to our
campus. Day Camp is for youth entering
Kindergarten - those entering 6th grade.
Counselors will provide a week of faithfocused programming including Bible studies
and worship, community-building activities
presented by specially trained and talented
counseling staff. Registration begins May
Young Adult Camping trip to
The 18-30 crowd will heading out on
their wilderness adventure August
2nd -5th. A camping site at Stoney
Creek camping ground has been
reserved, would you like to join us?
Cost for the trip is $15 each for the
site plus additional costs for gas and
Please sign up with Courtney soonwe may need to add an additional
Happy Anniversary
At Home/Care Centers- Coleen & Spud Fenton,
Velma Fischer, Jean Johnson, Helen Krogstad,
Mikki Nemnich, Bary & Janice Schlieder.
Illness/Therapy – Louise Bartlow, Byron
Bruner, Tom Chumley, Betty Dahl, Dolores
DeSha, Elsie Ford, Dottie Fuelleman, Dorothy
Henriksen, Daniel Howard, Angie & Ron
Nelson and Ed Trost.
Family & Friends- Irma Catton, Garnet
Clabaugh, Carol Corbet, Delaney, Anna
Delgado, Nancy Dionne, Donna Graham, John
Green, Anne Harrington, Gary Hughes, Zane
Jarvid, Tara, Erma Karnes, Logan Keene, David
Kuhn, Katrina Lahr, Rashon Locklear, Steve
Nelson, Yadi Paige, Ellie Panos, Don Petrbok,
Phensri, Jim Pierce Jr., Dave Ramos, Larry &
Pat Ramsbacker, Kristina & Scott Randolph,
Don Seymour, James Sides, Florence Smith,
Perry Taggart, John Velarde.
ALSO PRAY FOR –Steve Clabaugh, Aaron
Crayton, Nicholas Feidler, Nicholas Flournoy,
Zachary Krog, Chris Kinder, John Lamberton,
Johnny Luna, Davis McElwain, Shawn McRae,
Michael Joseph Navarro, Jim Reeder, Tim
Sanchez, Jonah Westcott, Joshua Wauchope and
all those serving in our nation's military.
Deadline for next
June 15, 2013
Mary and George Clayton
Victoria and Hugo Paez
Louise and Justin Bartlow
Sue and Roger Bredenkamp
Jennifer and Scott Ostergren
Angie and Mike Freligh
Lois and Bob Kelley
Katie and Michael Tinsley
Linda and Sergio Peralta
Donna and max Johnson
Chris and Rick Panos
Megan Lowther
Lindsey Wilcox
Maggie Fitzpatrick
Kristina Randig
Kim Croes
Roger Halvorson
Ethan Thomas
Mike Clark
Ruth Finlay
Bob Schiller
Lowell Benner
Joe Curel
Megan Lane
Faith Timney
Jasmine Harris
Mikki Nemnich
Richard McGee
Teresa Lowther
Casey Burkard
Laura Innes
We are now getting ready for Dads &
Donuts, Graduation and End of the Year
Program and our Summer program.
Sunday, May 19th we had our annual auction
fundraiser, “Candyland”. THANK YOU
to everyone who helped to make this year's
auction the most successful yet! We had 120
people, 104 silent auction baskets, a
delicious Italian meal, entertainment from
the Poly Jazz Combo, 5 live auction items,
and our “Fund an Item” project to raise
money to upgrade campus security.
Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun with
our Candyland theme this year. I hope you
all enjoyed it! We were able to bring in
$21,325 with a profit of $18,042!!! We are
truly blessed to have such supportive and
generous people here at CLP and CLC!
We will celebrate Father’s Day a little early,
on June 7th with “Dads & Donuts”.
Our Graduation and End of Year Program
will be Wednesday, June 19th.
We will then be closed for 2 staff work days
and our “Summer of Science” will begin on
Monday, June 24th.
We are looking forward to a fun summer
with a field trip to the Santa Ana Zoo, a Fire
and Ice show, the Bubble Lady, and more!
Meet our 2103 Graduates!
studied Tae Kwon Do for 8 years and has his 2nd
Degree Black Belt. Garrett has accepted
High School
Callie Biel will graduate from Lakewood High
School where she participated and excelled in
Girls water Polo. Callie was named MVP for
Lakewood Girls Water Polo and played on the
All-League First Team. She has been chosen
once again to work at LRCC camps as support
staff for summer programs. After devoting this
time to our young people, she will return to
classes at Long Beach City College.
Maggie Fitzpatrick will graduate with honors,
(3.5 GPA or higher), from Millikan High School
where she was a member of the tennis team for
four years and co-captain her senior year. She
was also a member of the Millikan Chamber
Orchestra for four years and concert master her
junior year. Maggie has received numerous
awards for music, athletics and academics. She
will be going with CLC youth to San Francisco
for their Youth Works trip and then will work as
a counselor at Camp Summersault, a day camp
for cancer patients and their siblings. In the fall,
Maggie will be attending San Diego State
University to study Neonatal Nursing.
Grant Green will be graduating from Lakewood
High School. Grant played water polo his first
two years in high school. He enjoys playing
guitar and drums. He has especially enjoyed
playing at local venues with his band,
Livication. This summer Grant is looking
forward to joining the youth group on their
service trip to San Francisco, vacationing with
his family in Lake Havasu and getting ready to
move into his dorm room in August at California
Lutheran University where he will be studying
Music Production.
Garrett Latiolait will graduate from Cypress High
School. He was on the wrestling team and
admission to Arizona State University. His intent
is to study pre-med. He has been blessed to be
active with the same friends at church since
preschool and plans to attend his final Youth
Works trip this summer in San Francisco. He has
also been involved in Boy Scout Troop 295 in
Cypress. He attained his Eagle Rank in
April. This summer will be spent working at
Callaloo Caribean Kitchen in Long Beach and
hanging out with friends.
Erin Lowther will graduate from Long Beach
Poly High School as a student of the PACE
program. Erin participated in a variety of
activities over the past four years but believes her
highlight to be serving as President of the
Spanish Club. Erin will be traveling with CLC
youth to San Francisco later this month and looks
forward to relaxing with her friends before
leaving for California Lutheran University where
she will study Political Science.
Shaun Murray is graduating from California High
School, Whittier. He served on ASB as a junior
and is on the Senior Class Council this year.
Shaun is hoping to work at McKenna
Porsche/Audi Dealership in Norwalk this
summer and is going to attend Fullerton Junior
College to begin earning a degree in Business.
Austin Naud will graduate from Wilson High.
During his four years at Wilson, Austin has
participated in classes and programs that earned
him the Distinguished Scholar designation for
graduation. He was a member of Wilson’s
Men’s Soccer Team for four years. Austin plans
to attend Cal State University-Long Beach in the
Brianna Nieves attended Los Alamitos High
School where she earned a place on the
Presidents Honor Roll for four years. She also
played on the Los Al Lacrosse team for two
years. After spending time with friends and
going to Hawaii to celebrate her graduation,
Brianna is off to Arizona State and will major in
Graduates Continued…
Master Degree Candidates
Bachelor Degree Candidates
Amanda Croes has completed her studies at Cal
State University- Long Beach. She received a
Bachelor of Arts degree in Liberal Studies with a
designation for a multiple subject credential.
Amanda plans to continue working as a child
care provider during the summer, but will take
time for lots of fun too. In the fall it’s on to the
real world when she will tackle her student
teaching program and then… her own classroom!
Adam Weisel graduated from Humboldt State
University on May 18, 2013. He has earned a
Bachelor of Science Degree in General Biology.
Humboldt State University is celebrating their
100 year Anniversary, which makes his the
Centennial Graduating Class. His future plans
include working for a lab and doing research.
After he starts working he will look for a
Master’s program.
Lana (Howard) Clark was awarded her Master’s
degree in Public Policy Administration from
California Lutheran University. Lana is currently
the Director of Stewardship at California
Kristen Keebaugh received her Master’s Degree
in Education from California State UniversityLong Beach. Kristen’s enjoys teaching math and
will seek employment teaching high school
developmental math, college courses or as a
tutoring coordinator for a school or private
educational organization.
We will be celebrating the
accomplishments of our graduates on
Sunday, June 9. They will receive a
blessing during worship and be our
guests at a reception after worship in the
Social Hall.
Please plan to be there to congratulate
our fine young people on this step in
their life’s journey!