
Biochemistry 1
Biochemistry (Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews Series), 6E
Essentials of Cell Biology
Protein Synthesis
• The DNA of every cell contain the nucleotides
sequences required for protein biosynthesis
• Protein synthesis goes through 2 major Steps:
Transcription and Translation
Protein Synthesis
• Transcription starts with the splitting the DNA double helix
• RNA polymerase enzyme align nucleotide to create complementary mRNA
• Only one of the DNA Strands is utilized
Protein Synthesis
• Nucleotide base pairing of RNA
cytosine pairs with RNA guanine
guanine pairs with RNA cytosine
thymine pairs with RNA adenine
adenine pairs with RNA uracil
Protein Synthesis
 mRNA is released from the nucleus
 The ribosomal system receive the newly
created mRN
 Protein is synthesized in the ribosomes
 Ribosomes contain 3 interactive site
one for mRNAs
two for tRNAs
Protein Synthesis
 When mRNA bind to the ribosome tRNA
start the translation process
 tRNA has a special clover like shape that
allow it to process the mRNA sequence
 The tail of tRNA binds to the ribosome
 The head of tRNA contain the anticodon
Protein Synthesis
 The translation process starts when the
mRNA bind to the ribosome
 The first codon of mRNA sit in the P site
 It always codes for methionine
 tRNA with complementary anticodon
form a temporary base pair with a peptide
Protein Synthesis
 The ribosome begins to move
across the mRNA
 The tRNA is replaced with a
new complementary anticodon
to create the second peptide
 The process continue until a
stop codon enter the A site
 The new protein is released into
the cytoplasm
Protein Synthesis
The Central Dogma
 Source:
Protein Structure Overview
• Proteins are group of amino acids connected to each other a peptide bonds
• The 3 dimensional structure of any protein is the result of the amino acids
• Proteins can be organize into 4 levels:
• Many proteins share structurally similar elements such as α-helices and β-sheets
The order of protein structure
Primary Structure of Proteins
• The Primary structure of any protein is the amino acids sequence
• Numerous diseases that are genetic in nature cause the wrong amino acids to be
used to synthesize the protein of interest
• The abnormality of the amino acid sequence alters the protein functioning
• The Alteration in the amino acid sequence of any protein can prevent the it from
folding properly and carrying out its expected function
• Sickle-cell anemia is an example of disease that cause anomalous amino acid
Primary Structure of Proteins
Normal vs Sickled blood cells
• Sickled cell anemia is caused by abnormality in the structure of hemoglobin molecule
Primary Structure of Proteins
Peptide bond
• Covalent bonds connect two amino acids
• α - Carboxyl moiety of one amino acid is connected to the α-amino moiety of
• This binding is achieved through an amide linkage
• The peptide bond provide a protection against denaturing the protein
• This include resistance against:
Extreme pH
High temperature
Primary Structure of Proteins
Peptide bond
Alanine and Valine amino acids going
through condensation reaction to
create a peptide bond
Primary Structure of Proteins
Peptide bonds nomenclature
• Each peptide bond has two ends
• One end consist of the free amine, and it called the (N-terminal)
• The other end is occupied by the (C-terminal), which is made of free carboxyl
• Conventionally, amino acids are named starting from the N- to the C-terminal
• Amino acids suffix are changed to -yl, except for the C-terminal
Primary Structure of Proteins
Peptide bond polarity
• Amide linkage is a stable part of the peptide bond
• With pH range between 12 and 2, the amide linkage can’t be oxidized or reduced
• Only the N-terminal or the C-terminal can be charged
• Consequently, Only the two terminals can participate chemical interactions
• The hydrogen bonding that form proteins secondary structures arise from the
attraction between the two ends
Primary Structure of Proteins
Identifying amino acid sequence
• Amino Acid Analyzer machine is used
• Steps involved in analyzing amino acid sequence of a peptide:
1- Hydrolysis of peptide with a strong acid to cleave the peptide bond
2- Cation-exchange chromatography to separate amino acids according to their
charge and hydrophobicity.
3- The amino acids solution is tainted with Ninhydrin solution
4- Each amino acid is tainted with different strength
5- The amino acid is identified spectrophotometrically
Primary Structure of Proteins
Identifying amino acid sequence
• Amino Acid Analyzer is used to
detect the specific amino acids
involved in an known protein
Secondary Structure of Proteins
 Many different peptide helixes found in our body
 α-Helix is the most common one
 It is a spiral stricture where the side chains stick outward
 It is made stable through the hydrogen bonding between
the carbonyl oxygen and the amide nitrogen
• Example of alpha helix protein: keratin
Secondary Structure of Proteins
 In Contrast to Alpha helix, all the parts of the peptide
are connected with hydrogen bonds
• Another difference is that more than one strand of
peptide stands
• The involved strands are either parallel or anti-parallel
according to wither or not the start with the same
• Example of β-Sheet protein: Amyloid
Tertiary and Quaternary Structure of Proteins
 Tertiary refer to the structure and function domain of
protein, and final arrangement of the polypeptide
 Prime example of tertiary structure is globular protein
 Hydrophilic parts of the globular protein are usually
setting outside the structure of the protein
 While the hydrophobic segments are covered inside
the tertiary structure
• Disulfide bonds stabilize the complex structure
• Quaternary Structure is complex formation of 2 or
more polypeptide moieties
Misfolding of Proteins
 Improperly folded protein is malfunctioning protein
 The cell usually destroy theses misbehaving protein
 The cleaning process weaken as we grow older
protein, and final arrangement of the polypeptide
 Amyloid build up causes Alzheimer disease when amyloid protein is formed in the
 Prion protein is an infectious protein that can produce transmissible spongiform
Misfolding of Proteins
Proteins Functions
• Plasma cell produce a special type of proteins called antibodies
• Antibodies ,also called immunoglobulin (Ig), main function is to
neutralize bacteria and viruses
• It has Y shape structure
• The antibody recognize the antigen with the variable region at the
tip of the Y structure
• The Binding signal the immune system to react to the invasion
• They also have many biochemical research application
Proteins Functions
Proteins Functions
• Enzyme is large protein that facilitate and accelerate numerous
chemical reaction in the cell
• Enzyme must bind to its substrate to alter the rate of reaction
• They are highly specific an require stringent structural
• Cofactors and coenzymes binds to enzyme and alter its function
• Usually, Enzyme do not get consumed in the chemical reaction
• They have an enormous role in medical research
Proteins Functions
Proteins Functions
Second messenger
• Second messengers are proteins that regulate many physiological
functions inside the cell
• The are a response to first messenger which are extracellular
• The second massagers responds by initiating signaling cascade
• They control the level proliferation
• The initiate apoptotic response
• The start the differentiation process
Proteins Functions
Second messenger
Proteins Functions
Structural component
• The most abundant proteins in the body
• They make up the cytoskeleton of every cell
• They also allow the cell to cell intercellular communication
• The connective tissue is made up mostly of structural protein
• Similar to cytoskeleton, the allows the body to take shape and
facilitate its locomotion
Proteins Functions
Structural component
Proteins Functions
Transport Proteins
• Mostly founds on the membrane of Eukaryotic cell
• Act as a pump that carry molecule and menials across the
• The transportation process can be either energy-independent
Or energy-dependent
• Energy-independent is accomplished through facilitated diffusion
• While the energy-independent route is carried out by an active
transport through the expenditure of ATPs
Proteins Functions
Transport Proteins
Proteins Functions
• Proteins act as receptors to countless neurotransmitter and
chemical molecules
• The binding of the ligand initiate different physiological functions
• It is the main protein targeted in pharmacological treatment
• They are classified into different classes according to their
structure, function, and location inside the body
• They can be also blocked to prevent the ligands from producing its
Proteins Functions
Beta agonists such as norepinephrine cause bronchodilation