Human Forensics – Stoneback Human Forensics QCSD High School – Room F206 Mr. Stoneback 2014-2015 Course Syllabus Course Overview: Human Forensics will provide an introduction to criminalistics and forensics, including topics such as: fingerprints; DNA analysis; fiber and hair analysis; ballistics; document and handwriting analysis; drugs and toxicology; analysis of human (including skeletal) remains; and evidence from blood and other bodily fluids. The curriculum is designed for college prep students who have completed biology and chemistry. The course will include case studies and examination of reproduced evidence from actual crimes as well as laboratory analysis of evidence gathered at simulated crime scenes. Eligible Content Scientific Communication Skills Scientific Inquiry Skills Introduction to Forensic Science Crime-Scene Investigation & Evidence Collection Death – Meaning, Manner, Mechanism, Cause and Time Forensic Anthropology Fingerprints DNA Blood & Blood Spatter Hair & Fibers/Textiles Drug Identification & Toxicology Handwriting Analysis, Forgery and Counterfeiting Ballistics Impressions Classroom Rules: 1. BE ON TIME! – Unexcused or chronic tardiness to science is not tolerated. If you do not come to science with a pass, you will be marked tardy unexcused and your employability grade for the day will be negatively affected. Students who bring a pass will not be penalized unless the tardiness becomes chronic. Disciplinary action may be necessary for chronic offenders. 2. BE PREPARED! - You are required to have the following items with you daily: Pen/Pencil - blue or black in only please Notebook/Binder – in chronological order by learning target Paper Netbook/Laptop & Charger 3. DO YOUR OWN WORK! – Copying another students work, whether it’s homework, classwork, labs, tests, or quizzes, is not acceptable and is considered cheating. All work should be in your own words to the best of your ability. Cheating will result in a zero for all persons involved. 4. ONLY ONE PERSON SPEAKS AT A TIME! – be respectful to those around you. Human Forensics – Stoneback 5. LEAVE THE ROOM THE WAY YOU FOUND IT! – Poor cleanup will result in the loss of classroom privileges. 6. ONLY USE BLUE/BLACK INK OR PENCIL! Classroom Procedures, Expectations & Other Information: 1. AFTER SCHOOL HOURS – I will be available immediately after school until 4:00 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays only. If you need to see me on a day other than Tuesday or Wednesday you must make an appointment with me at least 2 days in advance. If you make an appointment and you do not show up on time, your appointment will not be honored. 2. ABSENTEEISM – If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed using school website/blackboard to get all missed work. There will be no time in class to make up missed work from absences so you will need to make arrangements to meet with me after school to make up all missed work. 3. FOOD – Food and drinks are permitted in the classroom (NOT THE LAB AREA). However, if you make a mess with your food and do not clean it up (trash on floor, gum under desks, spills, etc.) all food and drink privileges will be terminated. ALL ENERGY DRINKS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THIS CLASSROOM. 4. PRACTICE & EVIDENCE (HOMEWORK) – Homework is assigned on average 3 times a week but may be more or less depending on the chapter we are in. I try not to give homework on the weekend. Sometimes homework is graded, sometimes it is only checked for completion. ALL homework is due at the beginning of class and WILL NOT be accepted late. 5. TESTS AND QUIZZES – I will give you at least one week’s notice of an upcoming test. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. 6. NOTEBOOK – You are required to keep a chronological (order by date) notebook in this class. Every paper, worksheet, homework, project, etc., MUST be placed in this notebook. Please put your name and date at the top of every paper you get from me as this will make organizing easier. Your notebook must be three ring in style so that you can physically attach all of your papers into the notebook. Pocket notebooks are not acceptable. Notebooks will be checked & graded periodically and are CRUCIAL to your success here. THIS SYLLABUS MUST BE THE FIRST PAPER IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. 7. ELECTRICAL DEVICES – Cell phone and IPod use will be at the discretion of the teacher. This is a privilege that will be earned as a class and can be lost as class. One person’s abuse will ruin it for everyone. Your netbook/laptop and charger must be brought to class every day. Human Forensics – Stoneback 8. GRADING: Grade Scale (Passing for course: 65%) A – 100-90 B – 89-80 C – 79-70 D – 69-65 F – 64-50 Marking Period grades will be based on 3 weighted categories and each individual assignment will be weighted by point values o o o Homework (10%): Compliance only, no credit if not complete on time or incomplete. Formative Assessments (20%): Quizzes, minor projects, classwork Summative Assessments (70%): Major tests, lab reports, long term projects Graded assignments (Formative and Summative) turned in late will be assessed a 10% deduction per day beyond the due date. Grades cannot be changed after a marking period has ended with the exception of incompletes. Lowest percentage grade for a marking period is 50%. 9. Final Grade for the year will be based on an average of marking period percentages and a cumulative final exam that carries a weight of 10% of the overall grade REMIND: Remind is a program that will send a text message to your mobile phone that reminds you and your parents about upcoming assignments, tests and other important announcements. See the handout for instructions on how to sign up for this free service.