Newspaper syllabus - jkulp

North Mecklenburg High School
Course Syllabus – Spring 2014
Teacher’s Name: Jessica S. Kulp
Teacher Webpage:
Room Location: L Hall – Room 12
E-mail Address:
Course Description: Newspaper/Journalism is a year-long English elective designed for students interested in
newspaper journalism and developing their skills as a writer. The course explores the contemporary media, its
various outlets, and the ethical responsibility issues inherent in the press today. Students will learn the
fundamentals of news, feature, editorial and sports writing. Copy reading, news style and editing will be
stressed. Students will create numerous original stories using varied structures and writing techniques.
Students will also learn to create computer generated layouts and graphics. Ultimate goal is to create a studentcentered online newspaper during the 4th quarter grading period.
End of Course (EOC) Exam? NO
Teacher-Made Exam? YES – in June
Textbook (Title & Author): Students will use the Journalism Today (Glencoe) textbook and workbook
throughout the semester.
Supplementary Materials (Provided in Class): Textbooks, interactive workbooks, vocabulary materials,
subscription to online edition of The Charlotte Observer (Username: Kulp; Class Password: newspaper), CNN
Student News materials
Other Materials Needed (Provided by STUDENT): One 3 ring binder, (should have 5 sections: journal,
vocabulary, grammar, newspaper stories, current events), subject dividers with tabs, loose leaf paper (college
ruled), black/blue pens &/or pencils, post-it notes, highlighters, newspaper articles
**Other materials may be required later in the semester.**
Classroom Rules/Expectations:
1. Students will follow ALL school-wide rules.
2. Be on time, working.
3. Come prepared. Bring homework, writing utensils, and paper EVERY day.
4. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Be mindful of your language! We are a FAMILY
in this classroom; students are expected to behave as such.
5. No Grooming (combing hair, applying make-up, compact usage, etc.)
6. Wait for dismissal.
1. Warning
2. Parent contact (phone/email)
3. Administration intervention
Grading Policies: CMS policy requires teachers to separate all student assignments into two categories:
formal (major projects, tests, Writing Portfolio, etc.) and informal (daily class work, homework, quizzes, etc.)
assessments. Formal assessments will count as 70% of a student’s overall grade, while informal assessments
will count as 30% of the overall grade.
Homework Policies: Homework is typically assigned every class. Homework will be turned in at the
BEGINNING of class; homework will ONLY be accepted at the BEGINNING of class when students are
prompted. Even if the assignment is not due the next school day, students are expected to use good time
management skills in order to complete short and long term assignments by the posted due date. Due dates for
long-term assignments are given and explained well in advance. Broken computers/printers are not an excuse.
Use the school computers/resources available to you or write with a pen or pencil! Homework is discussed in
class, posted on the classroom board, and posted on my teacher website. Parents and students can view daily
homework assignments, as well as due dates for long-term assignments, on my webpage (under “Viking
Faculty & Staff”) located at North Mecklenburg High website. My teacher website is maintained and updated
on a daily basis – this is the quickest and easiest way to stay informed about class, especially if the student is
absent. Students will also have access to most important documents through the “Document Manager” page of
my teacher website.
Remind101 – Text Messaging App: This is a phone app that will help classes run more smoothly and
efficiently. I have included the text information on a separate handout for each class that students and parents
can sign up for. Through this app, I will be able to send reminders about major assignments or anything
important to the class without you or me sharing personal phone numbers. Make sure you text the correct code
(including the @) to the number associated with the correct class period.
Attendance/Make-Up Work: Attendance is mandatory and critical to the student’s ability to achieve the
course’s central objectives. Students are expected to be on time every day for class and are expected to turn in
assignments on given due date. LATE WORK will not receive full credit. If absent, please make an
appointment with me before or after school to get materials, sign up for Enrichment, or check the “Make-Up
Work” folders and notebook specific to your class period. Students should also monitor the website for
assignments. Completion of make-up work is the student’s responsibility. Procedures for obtaining and
turning in make-up work have been explained in detail. Once again, this is the student’s responsibility. In this
course, DEADLINES are imperative – articles not meeting deadline WILL NOT receive full credit.
Participation/Behavior: Students are expected to productively participate every day during class. This
includes but is not limited to: casual and formal discussions, brainstorming, group work, individual article
writing, Socratic Seminars, and question-answer sessions. A student’s best effort in class reflects positively in
his/her course grade.
Personal Belongings/Technology: ALL personal belongings (including, but not limited to: bookbags,
backpacks, purses, gym bags, lunch boxes, etc.) will remain ON THE FLOOR around the student’s desk
during class time. There is absolutely no reason students should be “rummaging” through these items once
class has begun. If a cell phone is VISIBLE or TEXTING is apparent, cell phone will be confiscated by
teacher and returned at the end of class period. Personal technology devices should only be used with explicit
direction and/or permission from teacher. Headphone use is not allowed either. No food, drinks (except
water) and NO hats allowed in class.
Texts/Major Assignments and Assessments (subject to change): Writing portfolio will be kept for duration
of semester – various article types will be included and portfolio will count as TWO (2) test grades at end of
semester. Students will also be assessed on course material through chapter tests. Current event quizzes will
be given every Friday (B Days); we will be utilizing resources and videos from CNN Student News. Various
vocabulary and grammar/formatting quizzes will be given throughout semester.
Plagiarism/Cheating: Academic dishonesty in any form is not tolerated. Any student involved in cheating or
plagiarism will receive a 0 for the assignment and will be reported to the administration.
**Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns via e-mail, text, or phone at any time
during the semester. I look forward to working with you!**
Mrs. Jessica S. Kulp
English IV teacher