6.4.i. Policies, procedures, and practices to ensure that all candidates have access to physical and/or virtual classrooms, computer labs, curriculum resources, and library resources that support teaching and learning CSU Policies The Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) reflects the California State University's (CSU) ongoing commitment to provide access to information resources and technologies to individuals with disabilities. This commitment is articulated in Executive Order 926 (EO 926), the CSU Board of Trustees Policy on Disability Support and Accommodations: "It is the policy of the CSU to make information technology resources and services accessible to all CSU students, faculty, staff and the general public regardless of disability." Use of Technology Revised Policy on the Use of Computing and Communications Technology for Faculty Acceptable Use Policy Outlines students’ responsibilities with the use of university computing and communications resources in a manner that does not infringe on the rights of others. This includes use of the campus computer labs, campus e-mail and web resources, campus modems, and campus Internet access. University Facilities Academic Technologies (ATEC) Academic Technologies provides technical and artistic, professional services in the academic use of media and technology. ATEC is responsible for classroom technology and meeting spaces, web services (campus web sites and mobile), graphic design, media productions, photography, large-format printing, and library copy center. The innovative and dedicated staff of Academic Technologies supports the development of the university's high-quality learning environment. They offer technical and artistic professional services to the campus community. CSU, Chico’s Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) CELT is one of 23 faculty development centers in the California State University system. Created in the fall of 1994, CELT’s mission is to enhance student learning outcomes. CELT and Academic Technologies (ATEC), along with the Technology and Learning Program (TLP), have teamed up to create video archives of all CELT workshops. The Meriam Library There are three computer labs in the library, as well as computers scattered throughout the building for quick lookups. The labs are located on the 1st floor, 2nd floor, and 4th floor. There are three public computers that don’t require a logon in the 2nd floor lab. Wireless connectivity is available on all floors of the library. Computers in the Library Labs print to a networked print center in the area. Access to Information Technology Program faculty and candidates have access to an extensive variety of information technology resources including: Chico State App All Chico State students have access to a free Chico State app that includes course information and access to BbLearn and the library. Lynda.com All active faculty, staff and student employees now have access to lynda.com, an online subscription library that teaches the latest software tools and skills through high-quality instructional videos taught by recognized industry experts. The campus community can access more than 2,200 training videos on a broad range of subjects, including business skills, photography, design, music and video, home computing, animation, and web design and development. New courses are added every week.