6.4.j. Policies, procedures, and practices to ensure that all candidates have access to distance learning including support services and resources, if applicable Policies: 1. California State University System Coded Memorandum AA-2013-03 guides the Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) implementations across the CSU system. This supersedes all previous ATI Coded Memoranda. An ATI letter to CSU Presidents entitled Campus Accessibility Strategy for Online Education emphasizes campus responsibilities to address accessibility within their campus online learning environments. 2. CSU Chico Acceptable Use Policy The acceptable use policy covers the acceptable use of university computing and communications technology for candidates. University Resources and Facilities: 1. Information Technology Support Services (ITSS) Information Technology Support Services (ITSS) provide timely solutions, accurate information, and friendly assistance to faculty and candidates who request assistance. IT Support Services resolves computer and communication issues and helps support users technology needs. Services support with passwords, accounts, portal, email, internet access, online education, software, hardware, phone and network, and virus and security. Candidates in need of assistance can email its@csuchico.edu or call 898-HELP. 2. The Meriam Library The Meriam library provides free computer access to candidates. There are three computer labs in the library, as well as computers scattered throughout the building for quick lookups. The labs are located on the 1st floor, 2nd floor, and 4th floor. There are three public computers that don’t require a logon in the 2nd floor lab. Wireless connectivity is available on all floors of the library. Computers in the Library Labs print to a networked print center in the area. 3. Technology and Learning Program (TLP) A division of ATEC, The Technology and Learning Program exists to serve and support the faculty in providing high quality learning outcomes for our students. Services include Instructional Technology Consultation, Faculty Training in MLIB 002, Technology in Learning and Teaching (TILT) Symposia , Faculty Drop-in Lab, Equipment Checkout, and Contracted Course Development. 4. Academy e-Learning The mission of Academy e-Learning (AeL) is to create a partnership between AeL faculty teams and academic technology staff that builds a university community, one that is continually redefining excellence in teaching and learning through innovative approaches to student-engaged learning. AeL is committed to academic transformation through the effective use of instructional and information technologies, and of interactive pedagogies. AeL benefits students by ensuring that quality of learning and engagement are priorities in design and implementation considerations.