January 10, 2014

AHEAD Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2014
Adobe Connect
Present: Bea Awoniyi (BA), Terra Beethe (TB), Gaeir Dietrich (GD), Sam Goodin (SG), Paul Grossman (PG), Scott
Lissner (SL), Kristie Orr (KO), Katheryne Staeger-Wilson (KSW)
Stephan Smith (SS) present from 1 to 2 pm
Michael Johnson (MJ) present from 2:30 pm to 4 pm
Not Present: Jamie Axelrod (JA)
The Board formally came to order at 1:02 am EST on January 10, 2014. A summary of motions and discussion follows:
Summer 2013 BOD Minutes
 Minutes approved by acclamation with understanding of delay posting to membership to accommodate
SDS announcement
2014 Budget Update
SHS discussed proposed 2014 budgets
o AHEAD’s Fiscal year changed to coincide with the calendar year
GD made a motion to approve the revised budget as proposed. SG seconded. Motioned carried.
AHEAD 2020 self-evaluation and strategic planning update
SHS discussed early work in project
12-18 month assessment work
 One focus of this work will be on the “customer experiences”
 12 month work plan was shared with BOD
A full timeline will be provided to BOD by mid-march 2014
Standing Committee Update
BA provided update on the Standing Committees
o No Standing Committee reports: has not met since last BOD meeting
Affiliate Update
TB Provided update on affiliates
Fall Conference Call – November 5, 2013
Reauthorization/Complimentary Registration Focus Group Status update
Affiliate/SIG Quarterly Report Template update
TB and MJ have been working on template for Affiliates and Special Interest Group reporting
o Draft will be shared with BOD in coming week
o Affiliates and SIG will utilize report in March for Quarter 1 reporting
Special Interest Group Update
MJ Provided update on SIG
Blind and Visually Impaired SIG name change to In-sight
Code of Ethics
SG provided update on Code of Ethics conversations
SG, JA, and KO continue to work on topic
Conference Focus Groups
Reached out to chair of Professional Development Standing Committee
SDS Liaison Report
KSW provided update on SDS
SDS BOD was informed of contract discontinuation in October.
SDS BOD is appreciative and grateful for AHEAD’s services over the last three years
Fundamental Alteration Document
SL will distribute document with recent edits
National Corrective Training Institute
Interested in establishing a structured, collaborative relationship with AHEAD
Office of Personnel Management
Exploring collaborating with AHEAD regarding two topics
Promoting employment federal secular with students
Creating a best practices of hiring individuals with disabilities for utilization in higher education environments
ADA 25 Anniversary
Anniversary is July 2015
o Thoughts on planning for AHEAD 2015 to incorporate this historical moment
 BA motioned to adjourn. KO seconds. Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned 3:09 PM EDT, January 10, 2014.
Respectfully submitted,
Terra Beethe
Secretary, AHEAD Board of Directors