Ancient Greece Vocabulary Choice Board - MsKay

Ancient Greece Vocabulary
Home Learning Choice Board
Vocabulary Words:
Set 1: Athens, aristocracy, city-state, democracy, empire, oligarchy, Pericles, polis,
republic, senate, Sparta, theocracy
Set 2: Aegean Civilizations, Alexander the Great, Aristotle, Classical Age,
Hellenistic Age, helot, Homer, Peloponnesian War, peninsula, Persian Empire,
Philip II, philosopher, Plato, Socrates
Directions: In addition to the first choice board, complete two of the eight choice
boards below. (Everyone will complete the first choice board.)
Flash Cards
Side one: Write the
vocabulary words and
Side two: Illustrate
vocabulary words.
(Everyone must complete)
Set 1 - due 4/24
Set 2 - due 4/30
Create a graphic organizer
about each word.
Create a
video using the
Create a short story
using the vocabulary
Create a
thinking question for
each vocabulary
Now, answer each
Create a
board game.
Using Quiz Maker or a
similar program,
create a quiz that
your classmates may
take or your teacher
may be able to use in
Create a vocabulary
mini book. (Cut out
pictures and words
from magazines and
newspapers that
represent the
meaning of the
vocabulary words.)
Display the
vocabulary word and
Date Assigned: 4/19/2013 Due Date: 4/30/2013
Total Points: 300
Note: You are responsible for knowing the spelling and definition of each word.
You will be assessed on these words on Wednesday, May 1st.
Ancient Greece Vocabulary Words Set 1 (Government Vocabulary)
Athens - A Greek city-state, or polis, famous for its advancements in government and great
Aristocracy - government ruled by nobles, or wealthy citizens
City-State - independent regions ruled by the Greek citizens that inhabited them; some citystates were monarchies, aristocracies, democracies, and oligarchies
Democracy -government by the people; government in which the supreme power is held by the
people and used by them directly or indirectly through representation.
Empire - large geographic area under a unified or supreme authority
Oligarchy - a government ruled by a small group of individuals whose authority is generally
based on wealth or power
Pericles - famous leader of Athens who wrote democratic laws and encouraged architecture;
the time he ruled Athens is known as the Age of Pericles or the Golden Age of Greece and is
considered the period that Greek culture reached its highest level
Polis - Greek word for city-state
Republic - a form of government where citizens have the power and choose representatives to
represent them
Senate - a group of citizens who make laws and decisions
Sparta - A Greek city-state, or polis, famous for becoming the strongest military power in
Ancient Greece
Theocracy - a government or country that is ruled by someone who has religious authority or
divine right
Ancient Greece Vocabulary Words Set 2
Aegean Civilizations - refers to the Hellenes, Minoans, and Trojans; civilizations around the
Aegean Sea between 2000 and 1100 BC; the first Greek civilizations that we have much
information about
Alexander the Great - Philip the II’s son; Macedonian who ruled Greece after his father and
eventually conquered all of the Persian Empire, the Middle East, Egypt, and the Indus River
Valley; some historians believe he is just a myth
Aristotle - 384-322 BC; famous student of Plato who researched logic, politics, and science
Classical Age - period that began around 500 BC in which the Ancient Greeks excelled in the
arts and sciences and the creation of new forms of government
Hellenistic Age - 324-200 BC; period of Greek history marked by great political and cultural
change; ruled by Alexander the Great
Helot - Spartan slave
Homer - famous Greek poet who wrote two famous works of Greek literature, the Iliad and the
Peloponnesian War - 431-404 BC; war between Sparta and Athens which Sparta eventually
won with help from Persia
Peninsula - area of land surrounded by water on three sides
Persian Empire - powerful ancient empire that controlled all of the Middle East by 522 BC;
ruled by King Darius
Philip II - king of Macedonia, a nation to the north of Greece, who conquered Greece in 338 BC
Philosopher - a scholar who seeks wisdom and truth
Plato - 427-347 BC; Socrates’ most famous student; described the ideal form of government in
his famous book, The Republic
Socrates - 470-399 BC; considered to be the wisest philosopher in Athens; focused on ideas
such as virtue, courage, good and evil
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