The 6 Nutrients PowerPoint handout with holes - Canon

Name ___________________________________________________ Period _________ Kitchen Color _____________
The 6 Nutrients: Essential Compounds for Health
1. Nutrients are substances obtained from ________________ and used by the body to
promote ________________, maintenance, and ________________.
2. Nutrients are ________________ for human survival.
3. There are _________ classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins,
minerals, and water.
4. A complete chemical ________________ of your body would show that it is made of
roughly the ________________ amounts of these nutrients as your ________________.
Energy Yielding Nutrients
5. Carbohydrates, fats, and protein are ________________ yielding nutrients.
6. These three nutrients contain ________________.
7. If your body does not ________________ the energy made by these nutrients then your
body ________________ the energy as ________________ for later use.
8. Your diet should consist of about ________________ carbohydrates, 12%
________________ and 30% ________________.
9. ________________ also contains calories, but it is not considered energy yielding
because it does not contribute to overall ________________.
Non-Energy Yielding Nutrients
10.Vitamins, ________________, and water do not supply ________________ and are
referred to ________________ yielding.
11.Vitamins are ________________ compounds (they contain ________________) that
help regulate the ________________ of energy and other aspects of
12.Vitamins are divided into ________________ classes: ________________ soluble (the B
vitamins and vitamin C) and ________________ soluble (vitamins A, D, E & K).
13.Minerals are ________________ compounds (do not contain carbon) that make up
parts of your _______________ (like bones and ________________) and perform
various body ________________.
14.________________ carries materials to and from ________________. It provides the
warm, ________________ rich bath that cells need to thrive.
15.Vitamins and minerals are found in ________________ (very small) amounts in foods.
Food can contain very little water (5% in ________________) to almost all water (96% in
My Plate & Nutrients
16.Most foods contain a ________________ of all the nutrients, however some areas of
the plate provide ________________ of certain nutrients than others.
17.Grains: good source of ________________.
18.Vegetables: good source of ________________, carbohydrates and ________________.
19.________________: good source of vitamins, ________________ and water.
20.Meat and beans: good source of ________________, minerals, and ________________.
21.________________: good source of protein, ________________, and fat.
22.Oils: good source of ________________.