NAME_______________________________ BIOLOGY 2402 DATE________________________________ NERVOUS TISSUE QUIZ FALL 2011 A 1. Match the correct answer with the appropriate description or function. be used more than once. (40 pts). a. Microglia b. ganglia Some answers may c. Nissl bodies d. Na+ e. ependymal f. Schwann cell g. nucleus h. K+ i. tract j. oligodendrocyte k. nerve l. Ca2+ m. saltatory conduction n. axon o. satellite cell p. Cl- q. continuous conduction r. afferent neuron s. somatic nervous system t. enteric nervous system u. efferent neuron v. autonomic nervous system w. association neuron x. ligand gates y. phosphates z. protein anions aa. voltage gates ab. mechanical gates ac. Dendrite ad. Astrocyte _____ These gates respond to chemical stimuli such as neurotransmitters. _____ These glial cells are macrophages and clean up debri in the CNS. _____ This glial cell forms the myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system. _____ This structure of the neuron conducts information away from the cell body. _____ This neuron type conducts information toward the CNS. _____ This is the main extracellular cation. _____ This is the name for a bundle of axons in the central nervous system. _____ This division of the peripheral nervous system includes the neurons found along the G I tract. _____ This portion of the peripheral nervous system is involved with skeletal muscle. _____ This glial cell is important in forming the blood-brain barrier. _____ This ion moves across the neuron membrane during depolarization. _____, _____ These ions are cross the neuron cell membrane during a hyperpolarization. _____ This ion moves into the synaptic knob to bring about the release of neurotransmitter. _____ , _____ These gates are found on the dendrites and cell body of neurons. _____ This conduction type is faster and more energy efficient and involves myelinated neurons. _____, _____ These are the main intracellular anions. _____ This is the name for a group of neuron cell bodies in the PNS. 2. In an inhibitory postsynaptic potential the ____ gates and the _____ gates open resulting in hyperpolarization and a more positive/negative intracellular fluid. This stimulates/inhibits an action potential. In an excitatory postsynaptic potential the _____ gates open resulting in depolarization and a more positive/negative intracellular fluid. This brings the cell closer to/farther away from threshold. 3. The plasma membrane is most permeable to Na+/K+/Cl-/protein anions by way of ion (leakage) channels. During an action potential the Na+/K+ gates open during depolarization and the Na+/K+ gates open during repolarization. Na+ and K+ are returned to their normal positions along the neuron cell membrane after an action potential by the ________________. 4. Diagram a chemical synapse and label the presynaptic neuron, post synaptic neuron, synaptic cleft, ligand gated channels, and calcium voltage gates. 5. List three factors that help produce the resting membrane potential in neurons. 6. List three factors that stop synaptic transmission. 7. There are ____ pairs of cranial nerves and ____ pairs of spinal nerves. The abundant and highly organized regions of rough endoplasmic reticulum in the neuron cell body are known as __________________. 8. Are the below characteristics or functions of neurons or glial cells? Write N or G. a. Excitability b. forms the myelin sheath d. conductivity e. conducts action potentials Bonus. c. mitotic Diagram a neuromuscular junction and show the effects of acetylcholine release and the electrical activity of the skeletal muscle.