AP Psychology Outline: Neuroscience & Behavior

AP Psychology Outline
Chapter 2: Neuroscience and Behavior
I. History
a. Plato did what correctly?
b. Aristotle believed the mind was what?
c. What did Franz Gall invent? What did this mean/study?
d. What are biological psychologists?
II. Neural Communication
a. What does it mean when we say we are bio-psychosocial systems?
b. What is a neuron?
i. What makes up a neuron? Their jobs/purposes?
ii. What travels through the neuron? Where is it going? What does it do?
iii. What is the action potential? The threshold?
iv. The neuron's reaction is an all or _____________ response
c. Neuron Communication
i. Messages go between neurons by going over what?
d. How Neurotransmitters Influence Us
i. What does Acetylcholine do? What happens if it is blocked?
ii. What did C. Pert and S. Snyder find? What does this neurotransmitter do?
iii. What are our natural opiates?
iv. What problem can occur if we pump our brain with synthetic drugs?
v. What is an agonist? An example?
vi. What is an antagonist? An example?
III. The Nervous System
a. What is the nervous system
b. Create a map and fill in like this one
c. What is the central nervous system made up of?
d. What is the peripheral nervous system?
e. Information travels up through? Down through?
Communicate through?
f. Example of the autonomic system? Examples of the
sympathetic system? Examples of the parasympathetic
g. How do reflexes work?
h. What are neuron clusters called? Why do they operate this way?
IV. Endocrine System
a. What are the messangers in this system? What do they travel through? Give me
one example.
b. Is this system faster or slower than the nervous system?
c. What are glands? What does the adrenal gland do? The pituitary gland? Epinephrine
and Norepinephrine are also known as what?
d. How does feedback work in this system?
V. The Brain
a. Tools of Discovery
i. Which is the oldest method for studying the brain?
ii. How is electrical activity recorded?
iii. How does a PET work?
iv. What is the difference between an MRI and an fMRI?
b. Older Brain Structures
i. What fraction of body weight does the brain take up in humans?
ii. What is the brainstem?
iii. What structure controls heartbeat and breathing?
iv. What did the experiment by Moruzzi and Magoun show?
c. The Thalamus
What do I do?
d. The Cerebellum
i. This means what? Why? What is it?
e. Limbic System
i. What goes on in here? What parts are in here?
ii. What is the hypothalamus/why is it important?
iii. What did they find with the rats?
f. Cerebral Cortex
i. What is this? What is it made up of?
ii. What are the four lobes?
iii. What do the motor and sensory cortex's do?
iv. Where are association areas found?
v. An impaired use of language is known as____________
vi. What areas in the brain deal with language?
vii. When the brain is damaged and parts take over what is this called?
g. Divided Brain
i. The brain is split into two what? What is each side known for? The left
controls which side of the body? What about the right?
ii. What has happened to some people with split-brain surgery? One side not
working, other one does?
iii. Is handedness inherited?