Notable Geographers and their Models/Contributions In pairs or small groups, you will create a poster for one of the notable geographers listed below. On your poster you must have the following: Geographers name, Name of their model/theory/or ideas, The year their model was created, The specific geography unit/s their model is used in (Cultural, Economic, etc), A visual of their model or theory, What their model is supposed to explain > Premise/what model-theory explains, Strengths, Weaknesses, Effectiveness in field (past/present) The posters will be hung up in the classroom and students will complete a Geography Model Worksheet for each person. Complete the Strength, Weaknesses and Effectiveness portion of the worksheet. Geographers 1. AGRICULTURE/J. Von Thunen 2. 3. 4. 5. CLIMATE/Wladimir Koppen CULTURE + POSSIBLISM/Carl Sauer CULTURE/Colin Renfrew CULTURE/Gimbutas 6. 7. 8. 9. INDUSTRY/Alfred Weber INDUSTRY/August Losch INDUSTRY/Harold Hotelling INDUSTRY/P.J. Taylor /R.E. Lang 10. INDUSTRY-DEVELOPMENT/Immanuel Wallerstein 11. INDUSTRY-DEVELOPMENT/Walter Rostow 12. POLITICAL/Alfred Mahan 13. POLITICAL/Halford Mackinder 14. POLITICAL/Nicholas Spkyman 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. POPULATION//Warren Thompson POPULATION/Ernst Ravenstein POPULATION/Ester Boserup POPULATION/Norman Borlaug POPULATION/Thomas Malthus POPULATION/Wilber Zelinsky POPULATION-MIGRATION + ENV. DET/Ratzel 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. URBAN/ P.O. Mueller and Harshorn URBAN/C. Harris and E. Ullman URBAN/Homer Hoyt URBAN/Joel Garreau URBAN/John Borchert URBAN/Ernst Burgess URBAN-SERVICES/Walter Christaller